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Vytenis Andriukaitis

Vytenis Andriukaitis

EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
Viruses and Cancer

Viruses and cancer: Should we be more afraid?

During the past 30 years it has become exceedingly clear that several viruses play significant roles in the development of various cancers in humans
great western railway electrification

Great Western failings cause concern for future rail projects

A report says the government must learn from serious failings in the design, planning and cost-estimating of the Great Western railway modernisation project Significant failings in the management of the Great Western railway’s modernisation raise concerns about the Department for Transport and Network Rail’s ability to manage similar projects in...
sustainability through technology wind farm

Sustainability through technology: The power of N

Popularism and bumper sticker science should not stop us tackling sustainability through technology, argues Ingenuity Lab Director Carlo Montemagno Ingenuity Lab is a unique organisation, designed and created to solve many of the grand challenges facing a modern world. Ingenuity Lab is a research organisation that focuses on the development...
cancer research and training

Cancer research and training take centre stage in NCI’s work

Open Access Government spoke to the National Cancer Institute’s Dr S Percy Ivy about cancer research and training and the importance of clinical trials The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is one of 27 institutes that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NCI is the US federal government’s...
specialist training for interviewers of child victims

Do we need specialist training for interviewers of child victims?

Based on her research, Dr Kim Roberts of Wilfrid Laurier University stresses the need for specialist training for interviewers of child victims of abuse There are many ways to interview alleged victims or suspects of crimes ranging from hostile interrogation tactics to active listening that encourages open, uninterrupted free recall...
immunology, animal health

Immunology offers sustainable solutions for animal health

Artur Summerfield, the University of Bern discusses translating basic immunology to innovative and sustainable solutions for animal health and welfare.

Spontaneous brain plasticity brings hope after stroke

Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, but research into spontaneous brain plasticity could offer hope for recovery Among the main causes of brain injury, ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke burdens the life of hundreds of thousands of people each year. Approximately half of the survivors are susceptible...
Sweidsh agenda to end AIDS Gabriel Wikstrom

The Swedish agenda to end AIDS by 2030

Gabriel Wikström, Minister for Health Care, Public Health and Sport, sets out the Swedish agenda to end AIDS by 2030 to Open Access Government Today we have the knowledge and tools to end AIDS by 2030, but to reach zero AIDS-related deaths, stop the HIV epidemic and prevent discrimination, knowledge...
Public sector pension case Supreme Court ruling

Judges rule long-term partner can claim public sector pension

A Northern Ireland woman has won a Supreme Court legal battle that is likely to improve the rights of unmarried couples over their public sector pension Denise Brewster was refused payments from her long-term partner’s occupational pension when he died suddenly in 2009. Arguing that the case constituted ‘serious discrimination’,...
sustainable healthy lifestyles swimming child

Promoting sustainable healthy lifestyles with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach

The PEGASO project is helping address the global obesity epidemic by promoting change towards sustainable healthy lifestyles, as Renata Guarneri describes The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents reflects a global ‘epidemic’ worldwide. Obesity in younger age groups has been recognised as an alarming key predictor...
sustainable healthcare technology doctor with tablet computer

Sustainable healthcare and the technological revolution

Anssi Pulkkinen, director of wellbeing and health at Finnish funding agency Tekes, on the role of technology in securing sustainable healthcare for all Technological development and innovations have managed to produce wellbeing and prosperity in modern Europe. Today people enjoy longer, happier and healthier lives. Parallel to this positive development, national...
progressive zoos wildlife trafficking golden lion tamarins

Progressive zoos and the fight against wildlife trafficking

As the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria’s David Williams-Mitchell stresses, progressive zoos play a crucial role in halting illegal trade in wildlife The European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) is the largest regional zoo and aquarium association in the world, with nearly 400 members, as well as a...
ai Island tomb 26 reconstruction

Death on the Nile: Burials on Sai Island

Professor Julia Budka considers the potential of funerary archaeology for reconstructing life in New Kingdom Nubia, particularly on Sai Island A well preserved Pharaonic settlement like Sai Island offers rich data of various quality and character to recreate a snapshot of everyday life in the New Kingdom Upper Nubia (c....
HS2 train builders required

Hunt for HS2 train builders begins

Chris Grayling, Transport Secretary, has kicked off the process to award the contract for HS2 train builders, with 60 high-spec trains required The hunt is officially on for a company to design, build and maintain a fleet of high-speed trains for Britain’s HS2 network. Up to 60 high specification trains...
which local parks are under threat

Which local parks are under threat? 38 Degrees launches info gathering campaign

38 Degrees today launches what it calls “a people powered investigation” to find out which local parks are under threat in England The civil society organisation 38 Degrees is coordinating people across the country and asking them to write to their local councils for information on how local parks and...
malaria research anopheles mosquito

Malaria research aims for new milestones

Open Access Government considers progress in malaria research, aiming to eradicate the disease, by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has a longstanding commitment to malaria research and is the lead agency in the US federal government supporting...
local road funding

Local road funding gains £1.2bn government boost

The government has announced £1.2bn local road funding is to be shared between councils to upgrade the network, cut congestion and improve journey times
National Citizen Service

New ombudsman for local council complaints takes office

Communities Secretary Sajid Javid confirms the appointment of Michael King as the Local Government Ombudsman, dealing with local council complaints After being confirmed by Communities Secretary Sajid Javid, Michael King starts his new role as Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) today. He brings a 25-year career in a range of consumer...
banana supply UK

Exeter University tackles banana supply chain threat

The future of the UK’s favourite fruit hangs in the balance, but researchers from Exeter University are tackling the threat to the banana supply chain Researchers at the University of Exeter have been awarded £1.2 million to investigate the resilience of the UK’s banana supply. Bananas are the most popular...

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