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Can blueberries help to tackle many global health problems?

Mark Villata, Executive Director, U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council highlights many health benefits associated with blueberries

Progressing health research in the North of Canada

Health Sciences North Research Institute shares the progress it has made in health research in Northern Canada, highlighting some of its major focus areas

Assessing climate change in the Arctic

Norwegian Polar Institute’s Director Jan-Gunnar Winther highlights the challenges associated with climate change in the Arctic and its global impact

The PEGASO – Fit for Future project

Giuseppe Andreoni and Maria Renata Guarneri discuss how the PEGASO project is promoting sustainable behaviours geared towards achieving healthy lifestyles

Supporting healthy forests across America

Open Access Government highlights the role of forests within biodiversity and how the USDA supports agroforestry in America

Internationalisation of education, science and research in Germany

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research details how their Internationalisation Strategy aims to help meet global challenges by working together

Recognising the important role of biodiversity

Pamela S. Soltis, Director, University of Florida Biodiversity Institute, reveals the key work being done in the US to respond to the ‘biodiversity crisis’
Christian Schmidt ©Michael Gottschalkphotothek.netBMEL

Christian Schmidt

German Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture
health research

Health research, from molecules to patients, at DCU

Director of Research Support Dr Ana M Terres notes the importance of health research and the strides being achieved by researchers at Dublin City University

New plans to reduce childhood obesity in the UK unveiled

An investment of £5 million has been announced by the Department of Health for a new childhood obesity policy research unit The new unit at University College London will look at the causes of childhood obesity and support the delivery of the childhood obesity plan. The National Institute for Health Research...
precision livestock farming

Solving challenges through precision livestock farming

Daniel Berckmans, Catholic University of Leuven asks if precision livestock farming could help to monitor health and environmental impacts of farming

Gluten friendly technology fixes proteins in wheat kernels

Professor Carmen Lamacchia is the inventor of a new gluten friendly technology that promises to make bread and pasta safe for people with coeliac disease

Investigating the application of biocatalysis for industry

Cristina Otero from the Biocatalysis and Bioenergy Group outlines how the laboratory is applying the biocatalysis for food, cosmetics, and renewable energy
transferability of health information on laptop

Has austerity made healthcare a political football?

There are recent examples where healthcare has been used to win over voters, says Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb, Secretary General, European Health Forum Gastein Health has become a highly politicised issue. Whether we’re talking about President Macron and the French dentist fees, the relocation of the European Medicines Agency or Farage’s claim...

Environmental health science: reducing the risk

Virginia Guidry and Kimberly Gray from the NIEHS outline how environmental health science can help to identify potential hazards in a child’s environment

Precision phenotyping for efficient animal agriculture

MoSAR, INRA’s Research Director, Nicolas Friggens, explores the role of precision phenotyping in agriculture and explains how it is driving animal research

Are m-CHP systems the answer to reducing emissions?

José Luis Viviente from TECNALIA explains how micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems can help to reduce CO2 emissions in rural communities
Antimicrobial resistance

Tackling the threat of antimicrobial resistance in Canada

As antibiotics become less effective against infection, Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, outlines the response to antimicrobial resistance in Canada.

The DIDO Project: autoimmune disease therapies research

University of Perugia’s Ursula Grohmann and Antonio Macchiarulo share the work of the DIDO project in understanding cancer and autoimmune disease therapies

Nutrition research is vital for healthy outcomes

Dr Christopher Lynch, Director of the Office of Nutrition Research explores the links between diet and health in an interview with Editor Laura Evans

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