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Spring Budget

How will this years Spring Budget impact EV consumers and businesses?

Tanya Sinclair, Policy Director UK & Ireland at ChargePoint, discusses what the 2021 budget announcement means for consumers and businesses regarding EVs, and how to apply and gain access to the subsidies from a business and personal perspective.
net zero targets, energy

The role of energy efficiency in achieving net zero targets

Reaching the net zero targets announced by countries around the world isn't just about generating cleaner energy: it will also require significant improvements in making our energy use more efficient.
the energy sector

Europe’s clear direction towards clean energy transition

Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, explores how Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy is firmly set on achieving Europe’s ambitious targets for transforming the energy sector.
greener future for transport

Using hydrogen to fuel a greener future for transport

The UK is embracing trailblazing hydrogen transport. Here, Open Access Government discusses some recent initiatives led by The Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport.
green steel

How the pull of green steel can make green hydrogen competitive

Jacob Ruiter, CEO for EIT InnoEnergy Benelux, discusses how changing the way the business case for green hydrogen is considered has been vital for building momentum in Europe’s green hydrogen value chain.
household carbon footprint, household

Digital solutions to reduce household carbon footprint

Gavin Ellis, Director and Co-Founder of Hubbub, discusses how digital solutions can be used to help households reduce their carbon footprint and save money.
US transportation

What challenges lie ahead for Biden’s aim to decarbonise US transportation?

Dr Gavin Bailey and Sydnee Grushack from Eunomia explore the challenges that the Biden administration faces as it looks to make the US transportation system more sustainable.
lead batteries

Accelerating innovation: Lead batteries look to the future

Dr Alistair Davidson, Director, Consortium for Battery Innovation, describes accelerating innovation when it comes to the use of lead batteries in the future.
the green economy

The green economy & green investments

Gavriel Landau, Founder and CEO of Charm Impact, speaks to Open Access Government about the green economy, including the enabling of green investments.
energy independence, energy

Are revolutionary inventions being suppressed because they provide energy independence?

Hydrogen is a known game-changer for the future of renewable, clean energy - but is the concept of energy independence part of the reason why some revolutionary inventions are being suppressed?
climate change and decarbonisation

Hydrogen, climate change and decarbonisation

Dr Gareth Hinds, Science Area Leader in Electrochemistry at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), tells us what we need to know about hydrogen in the UK, including broader comment on climate change and decarbonisation.

How are car manufacturers adapting to a more eco-conscious climate?

Emily Hanson, Content Manager at Lease Fetcher, outlines how car manufacturers are catering to the demand for greener, more ethical vehicle choices.
low carbon automotive projects

Government awards £49 million to low carbon automotive projects

The Government has awarded £49 million to low carbon automotive projects across the UK to support the automotive sector’s journey to go green and create thousands of new jobs.
sustainability actions

Don’t let COVID-19 derail sustainability: Five sustainability actions to take now

Anthony Ainsworth, COO, Industrial & Commercial, npower Business Solutions, highlights the top five sustainability actions local governments can take now to plan their road to net zero.
citizen engagement

Five principles for citizen engagement

Here, Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of Eurocities discusses five principles for citizen engagement.
supply chain emissions, CDP

What is being done to reduce supply chain emissions?   

Increased demand for renewables increases carbon exhaustive mining, so how can supply chain emissions be reduced?
critical raw materials, sustainable Europe

Plans for Europe’s raw materials supply to be more secure and sustainable

The European Commission is introducing an Action Plan on critical raw materials to aid the transition to a more secure and sustainable supply chain.
Energy supplies

Energy policy: Reliable, affordable, and clean

Open Access Government explores the priorities of the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy for ensuring that the UK has secure energy supplies that are reliable, affordable, and clean.
effects of COVID-19, health

The long-term effects of COVID-19

Whilst the direct consequences of COVID-19 on health are painfully apparent, could the long term effects be even worse?
cleaner transport

Building momentum for cleaner transport

Amy Adams, VP Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technologies at Cummins, discusses how we can build momentum for cleaner transport to make way for more resilient, healthier, and more sustainable cities.

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