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Giants on the atomic landscape

Giants on the atomic landscape

Dr F. Barry Dunning, Sam and Helen Worden Professor of Physics at Rice University in Houston, explains some key discoveries about the structure of atoms.
Nuclear medicine scanning of patient with prostate cancer metastasis in areas of pelvis and spine in different colours

Betamethasone may improve prostate cancer radiation therapy

Common steroid betamethasone could be used to reduce unwanted side effects of radiation treatments for prostate cancer.
Group of business people gathered round table discussing innovation and strategy

Why are UK innovators not filing enough patents?

Businesses have long been criticised for not filing enough patents, which could be preventing them from realising their commercial potential.
Wind turbines in the UK for net zero emissions and renewable energy

Which countries are the most prepared to reach net zero emissions?

Despite being among the top 20 biggest polluters of 2020, the UK is the second most prepared country to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
fumes escaping from industrial chimneys

Carbon pricing: incentivising outcomes for net zero

Carbon pricing enables a monetary cost to be allocated to each tonne of CO₂, and equivalent greenhouse gases, emitted into the atmosphere.
aviation plane in the background with jet fuel in the foreground

Solar-powered tower for carbon neutral jet fuel production

Researchers have developed a carbon neutral solar-powered aviation fuel production system that uses water, CO2 and sunlight.
Airplane under repair in the aerospace hangar in the background of the gate and bright sunlight

Low-carbon aerospace technology backed by £273 million government innovation fund

The UK government has backed an innovation fund for low-carbon aerospace technology to help job opportunities for the global green flight revolution.
Image of a solar panel reflecting the image of some clouds on a sunny day

Clean tech projects get a €1.8 billion boost through the EU Innovation Fund

In an effort to help bring breakthrough technologies to the market, the EU has chosen to invest €1.8 billion in 16 large-scale innovative clean-tech projects under the third round of awards under the Innovation Fund.
North America Analysis July 2022

North America Analysis July 2022

We embrace Summer 2022 with our special July volume of North America Analysis, crammed with excellent editorial and prolific profile content.

Enhancing waste valorisation for a sustainable industry

The development of more sustainable technologies for energy-intensive industry is imperative to meet ambitious targets by 2050.

Valorisation of industrial CO2 side streams and BIOCON-CO2 H2020

Montse Bosch, Area Manager at Leitat Technological Center, discusses the BIOCON-CO2 H2020 project and its transformation of raw CO2 waste into everyday products.
corrosion, geothermal energy

Increasing efficiency: High-temperature corrosion & materials research

The University of Iceland charts the opportunities & challenges concerning the utilisation of geothermal energy, understanding high-temperature corrosion.
fragrance rice

A decade after the most important gene of fragrance rice uncovered

Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center, reflects on the decade since the most important gene of fragrance rice was uncovered.
germany's future

Education, science & research for Germany’s future

Promoting the policy areas of education, science and research are crucial for Germany’s future prosperity according to the BMBF.
Advanced air mobility, rural communities

Advanced air mobility can connect rural communities and regions

Taking lessons from advanced air mobility in urban spaces and applying it to rural and regional communities in the levelling-up agenda.
catalyst for the energy transition, energy crisis

The energy crisis as a catalyst for the energy transition

Thomas Kattnig, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, argues that the energy crisis is a catalyst for the energy transition.
environmental pressures, The Brenner Motorway

The Brenner Motorway looks to the future in attempt to reduce environmental pressures

Carlo Costa, General Technical Manager explores what the future has in store for Autostrada del Brennero SpA and their environmental focus.

Breakthrough in the tracking and understanding of massive black holes

Searching in a dwarf galaxy, scientists have found a previously overlooked cache of massive black holes which may prove influential for future space research.
research salaries, european innovation agenda

Leaked EU document says research salaries higher in US and Japan

The leaked draft of the European Innovation Agenda finds that research salaries are generally higher in the US and Japan, while currently 85% of start-up funding goes to all-male teams.
renewable energy production, Ireland

Ireland could become European leader in renewable energy production

Ian O’Hora, Head of Green Economy at IDA Ireland, discusses renewable energy production and exports, and how Ireland is gradually excelling in its climate action strategies.

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