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migrants mental health refugees beach

Europe needs a plan to address refugees’ and migrants’ mental health

Refugees' and migrants' mental health care needs must be addressed, and a coordinated response is essential, stresses Ophélie Martin at Mental Health Europe More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015 and 2016, with more expected to arrive in 2017. Many of them have endured physical...
smart private hospitals of the future

Planning the smart private hospitals of the future

UEHP President Dr Paul Garassus writes on the importance of investing in smart private hospitals for sustainable healthcare In an historical moment in which uncertainty is becoming a regular in our agenda, with recent elections and political changes worldwide, social policies and healthcare systems could be shocked by new constraints...
DCU research centres enterprise engagement student

DCU’s new research centres reflect its enterprise engagement drive

Dublin City University established 10 new emerging research centres in 2016, all valuable vehicles for research and enterprise engagement Dublin City University (DCU) is a young and dynamic university which aims to have an impact on Irish society, not only by placing education, research and innovation at the heart of...
HIV transmission testing kit gloved hands

How do we reduce HIV transmission in Southern and Eastern Africa?

Better understanding of the factors at play will enable efforts to reduce HIV transmission in Southern and Eastern Africa, where incidence rates are highest The global HIV epidemic peaked at 3 million new infections in the year 2000. However, since 2010 the decline has stalled at 2 million new infections...
biomedical engineering imperial college london

Biomedical engineering and social sciences receive £52m boost

Imperial College London and the London School of Economics will receive a share of £52m to lead research in biomedical engineering and social sciences As the first projects to be funded in the fifth round of the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF), Imperial College London and the London School...

Making science popular in Italy

Marco Ferrazzoli, Head of the Press Office of Italian National Research Council, and professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata, highlights their aim to make science popular for young people in the country 'Quo Vado?' of Checco Zalone, the film that has broken all Italian records at the box office,...

The importance of Open Science for Europe’s universities

The European University Association (EUA) and its Expert Group on ‘Science 2.0/Open Science’ are supporting universities in Europe in the transition to Open Science. Here, Lidia Borrell-Damián, Director of Research and Innovation explains to AG how. Open Science is critically changing the way scientific research is being conducted, accessed and utilised...

The global electronic health record debacle

Jean Michel LeTennier, CEO, Atomic Information Systems Corp talks about global electronic health records and explains the challenges of these systems... What has become painfully clear to every Patient, Doctor, Manager, Insurance company and government official around the world, is that the EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems in use today are basically...

Look to the Arctic

Gunn Sissel Jaklin, Communications director at the Norwegian Polar Institute talks about the Arctic and global warming... The Arctic is a hotspot – literally, as it is more affected by global warming than the rest of the world, but also in the sense that several nations are directing their political...

Digital economy: Why a brighter future could be in our pocket

The digital economy is here, and growing every day, sometimes in surprising ways. As ministers gather for major meetings in Paris and Cancun, Andy Wyckoff, Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation at OECD outlines how government leaders should be in no doubt about the key role...

Delivering a sustainable and low carbon economy

At the 7th Summit of the Regions and Cities in Bratislava last month – of which AG was in attendance – Vice-President of the European Commission with the responsibility of the Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič spoke about the role of cities and regions in the transition towards a sustainable,...
radiator thermostat

Space heating – the blind spot of the EU energy and climate policy

Pertti Salminen, Director, EU Affairs and Antti Kohopää, Adviser of District heating at Finnish Energy highlights the benefits of district heating… Heat consumption of residential, commercial and public buildings is about 30% of all energy use in the EU. Heat demand is mainly satisfied by individual fossil gas, oil and...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

Making Europe safe for all

AG highlights comments from the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos from a speech in 2015 regarding the European Agenda on Security, In today’s world, what does security mean? Feeling safe in your own home, your own town or even your own country. In the last few months, Europe...

Climate Change: Ignore the ocean at your peril

Niall McDonough, Executive Secretary at the European Marine Board outlines why the ocean should be part of the climate change discussion The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP21 meeting in Paris in December delivered an ambitious agreement on mitigating the effects of climate change. Before Paris, many commentators...
mark britnell

Are we prepared for an ageing society?

Dr Mark Britnell, Chairman and Partner of the Global Health Practice at KPMG answers AG’s questions about the impact of an ageing society on the economy and NHS services…  As populations grow and get older and more complex, there is an ever growing pressure on healthcare budgets and services. In the...

Transforming Europe’s energy system

Research and innovation could accelerate Europe’s energy transformation, as outlined by EU Commissioner for Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete in a speech at the SET-Plan Conference A rapidly changing energy and climate landscape require a realignment in the way we work. That is why the vision we have for the SET-Plan...

Philosophy within social/ educational research

In the everyday and customary repetitions/reiterations of embodied practices it would be very easy to begin this brief paper concerned with opening space for philosophical discourse in mainstream educational/ social research with expressions of what has been done by a small groups of colleagues in the UK and Australia...
mental health

Connecting the dots between physical and mental health

Ophelie Martin, Communications Officer at Mental Health Europe shares insights on the link between physical and mental health, illustrating facts with her own personal story. According to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or...

Advanced Knowledge Management in Smart Cities

New ways to deal with the complexity and dynamics of change in our cities On-going urbanisation makes cities focal points for economies and societies. As its share of resource consumption and emissions grows, economies become knowledge intensive. City life accelerates, its complexity grows exponentially along with various instabilities, challenges, uncertainties...

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