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Wales will fail to meet broadband target

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering, highlights the plight of Wales to meet targets to install broadband across the nation... Despite the large amounts of investments from all sectors to enable more welsh citizens an increased level of, or in fact any level of broadband. As a utility...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

A new Sustainable Development Strategy for Switzerland

Daniel Dubas, Head of the Sustainable Development Section at the Federal Office for Spatial Development outlines the Federal Council’s Sustainable Development Strategy and its aims… In Switzerland, sustainable development is a constitutional obligation. To ensure that the country continuously meets this obligation, the Swiss Federal Council (government) recently renewed its...

MP changes side in EU referendum campaign

An MP has quit the Leave campaign suggesting their claims about NHS funding “simply isn’t true”… Tory MP Sarah Wollaston, chair of the health select committee has announced she is now backing the Remain site instead. She told the BBC that she did not feel comfortable being part of the Leave...

New bowel cancer home testing kit available

A new bowel cancer home testing kit that can detect early signs of the disease is being rolled out across England… The Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) which tests for hidden blood in stool samples, will now be offered to all men and women aged 60 to 74 every two years. The...

UK university raises female wages to close pay gap

The University of Essex is to give its female professors a one-off salary hike to close the gender pay gap with their male colleagues The university wants to wipe out the gender pay gap and bring female professor salaries level with their male counterparts. Vice-chancellor Anthony Forster said other steps dedicated to...

Switzerland opens the world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel

After nearly two decades of construction the world’s longest and deepest rail tunnel has been officially opened in Switzerland… A 57km (35 mile) tunnel, boasting the title of the longest and deepest in the world, has been opened in Switzerland. The twin-bore Gotthard base tunnel took nearly two decades to complete...

Organisations mark European Week Against Cancer

Organisations are working to raise awareness of cancer as European Week Against Cancer gets underway… Cancer is undoubtedly one of the greatest health challenges of our generation, and kills more than 8.2 million people globally each year. According to the World Health Organisation, a 70 per cent increase in the...

Transport experts warn HS2 rail link is over-priced and will fail

Controversial HS2 will fail to achieve its objectives and is overpriced, warn transport experts… A group of transport experts have warned plans to create a high speed rail link between London and the cities of Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds is over-priced. HS2, as the link is known, has been a flagship...
digital health

Our daily digital health – is everyone ready?

Marc Lange, Secretary-General and Diane Whitehouse, Member of the Secretariat at European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) outlines how digital technologies are helping to transform health service delivery… Our daily life is becoming increasingly digital, and people are considering this move as the way to go for more and more activities. Digital...

Tom Brake: why remaining in the EU is the right choice

Tom Brake MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs tells AG why he thinks the UK should stay in the EU... The request by AG to write a short commentary on why I think we are better off in the EU was more challenging than you might think. It's nearly impossible...
farm tractor

Farm subsidy IT failure could cost Scottish government £125m

The mismanagement of the IT system for farm subsidy payments could see the Scottish government incur penalties totalling up to £125m… IT failures relating to farm subsidies could cost the Scottish government a significant amount in fines, it has emerged. Audit Scotland said mismanagement of the IT system means tens of...

Pay claims launched against Glasgow City Council

Union GMB Scotland has launched a series of equal pay claims against Glasgow City Council… A total of 1,200 claims are being launched against Glasgow City Council relating to equal pay. Union GMB Scotland has registered a collective grievance against the local authority’s care company Cordia. The claim relates to overtime...

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

EU Referendum: the economy still remains a key battleground

Chancellor George Osborne admitted he is undertaking a “significant” amount of planning to protect the economy in the event of a Brexit vote. The revelation comes after Downing Street denied they were making these types of preparations earlier this week. Speaking to the Commons treasury select committee on EU membership,...
Cognitive brain health and women

Cognitive brain health in aging: Why is it so important for women?

Yves Joanette from the Institute of Aging, and Cara Tannenbaum from the Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, detail why cognitive brain health it is so important as we age, specifically for women. Remaining cognitively healthy as we age is something we all desire....

Sunderland Council could raise £500,000 selling off libraries

Sunderland City Council considers selling local libraries in a bid to raise £500,000. Facing tough budget cuts, Sunderland City Council has said selling libraries could raise much needed cash for the city. The council has been selling off a number of its assets in an attempt to save £100m after government...

The lifelong impact of air pollution

Professor Jonathan Grigg, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) writes about the risks air pollution poses to our country’s children… This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Clean Air Act, the first air pollution law of its kind. The Act was in response to London’s ‘Great...

Providing data to manage soils sustainably

Dr Andrew Tye, Soil Scientist & Process Geochemist at the British Geological Survey looks at soil management and how it can help ensure sustainability for future generations. Society in the past has generally payed scant regard to its soils. However, as global population increases, pressures on the land we use...

Shock step down for Iain Duncan Smith

Just 48 hours after delivering the Budget, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith resigned from his post due to cuts to disability benefits… The Prime Minister suffered a major blow over the weekend, as one of his top ministers tendered his resignation. Iain Duncan Smith, who had been the Work...

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