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Research reveals adolescents should go to the gym to reduce the risk of disability

A new study has revealed that muscular weakness is directly linked with disability later on in life, but exercise could help reduce the risk 
lone worker risk

Understanding and managing lone worker risk

Javier Colado, SVP of International Sales at Everbridge shares his views on understanding and managing lone worker risk, with a focus on helping to keep people safe and businesses running.
digital transformation

Public sector digital transformation is critical in light of cyber-attack threat

When introduced efficiently, digital transformation undoubtedly has a positive impact on the quality and accessibility of public services in the UK, with investment in digital tools becoming a key element of the government’s future planning strategies
cancer in Africa

High-level regional event held to promote awareness and combat spread of cancer in Africa

World’s second largest inter-governmental body and First Ladies from 16 African Nations deliver Africa cancer awareness event with and agree measures to combat the spread of cancer in Africa
research and development

Publication highlights record investment in research and development programmes

Science Minister Sam Gyimah launches new publication which highlights our ambitions for public and private sector investment in R&D to reach 2.4% of GDP by 2027

Previse announces G-Cloud 10 listing

Previse, the global instant supplier payments decisions company, has today announced it has been accepted onto the UK Government’s G-Cloud 10 framework
Inclusive Transport Strategy

New government strategy to improve all travel for people with disabilities

The Department for Transport has set out its Inclusive Transport Strategy, which will improve accessibility across all types of travel for those with both visible and less visible disabilities.
digitisation fund

New health secretary pledges ÂŁ475 million digitisation fund in first speech

Matt Hancock, the new health secretary, has unveiled a ÂŁ475 million digitisation fund to help the NHS invest in technology
global epidemic

Diabetes: A global epidemic, A local problem

Dr Eleanor D Kennedy, Research Manager at the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation explains why diabetes is a global epidemic and at the same time, a local problem

The role of research in Canada for the future of ageing

Dr Yves Joanette, Scientific Director at the CIHR Institute of Aging explores how Canada’s researchers are meeting the needs of an ageing population, now and in the future
Public sector digital transformation

Public sector digital transformation needs financial leadership to succeed

According to a new report by CIPFA and Eduserv, developments in technology are changing the way public bodies operate and deliver services, but digital preparedness presents challenges for financial teams and requires effective leadership, organisational engagement and insightful risk management
tackling preventable diseases

Modernising health policy, building up knowledge and tackling preventable diseases

The work of Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health & Food Safety, with responsibility for modernising health policy, building up knowledge and tackling preventable diseases
dementia research

Greater research investment is needed for a dementia breakthrough

Dr Doug Brown, Chief Policy and Research Officer at Alzheimer’s Society, discusses why more investment is needed in dementia research

Prevention, early detection and effective therapy in melanoma

Dr Bettina Ryll from the Melanoma Patient Network Europe gives a patient advocacy perspective
digital solutions

How digital solutions are having an impact on the self-management of Type 2 diabetes

Yinka Makinde, Programme Director at DigitalHealth.London tells us exactly how digital solutions are having an impact on the self-management of Type 2 diabetes across London in the UK.
Anti-microbial resistance

Fighting antimicrobial resistance: Exploring new tools to beat bad bugs

Based on fundamental research, young scientists at the IBPC explore new approaches to fight against the global threat of antimicrobial resistance, according to two seasoned experts from Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique – CNRS
international research, education and innovation

Diabetes: A commitment to growing international research, education and innovation

Janet Jarvis from Leicester Diabetes Centre tells us about their international research, education and innovation in the field of diabetes
Diabetes Prevention

Digitally enabled pathway personalisation: Journey to Diabetes Prevention 3.0

From Diabetes Prevention 1.0 to Prevention 3.0, Hitachi Consulting explains a digitally enabled pathway personalisation when it comes to diabetes
mobility issues

Disability and public spaces

The UK’s population is living longer, meaning that more of us will experience mobility issues in our lifetime. Although this is the case, there is still an issue when it comes to the accessibility of our homes, buildings and public spaces

Pesticides: A contributing factor to the increase in asthma?

Pamela J. Lein at the University of California, Davis discusses the evidence suggesting that pesticides are risk factors for asthma

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