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precision farming

Precision farming market set to reach $4 billion in 2018

New insight predicts precision farming, blockchain and sensor technology will revolutionise agriculture
importance of soil

Soil: How much do we value this critical resource?

The importance of soil is placed under the spotlight in this in-depth analysis by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC)
space agency

£11m of UK Space Agency funds to tackle Southeast Asian challenges

The UK Space Agency’s International Partnership Programme has announced plans to solve real world issues such as forest fires, dengue outbreak and illegal fishing across Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines The UK Space Agency will be collaborating with organisations and companies such as Inmarsat, CGI and Earth-i to create...
Kuben Management

Zero Emission Methodology for Active House City Areas of the future

Peder Vejsig Pedersen of Kuben Management A/S discusses Active House and the implementation of 100% zero energy building standards How is it possible to obtain a common standard for energy efficient building, which aims high for  new buildings, while also being utilised for existing buildings? The best starting point for this discussion is...

EUFAR – Looking to the future of airborne environmental research in Europe

Philip R.A. Brown from EUFAR AISBL at the UK’s Met Office takes us on a journey to explore the exciting future of airborne environmental research in Europe today Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to observe the atmosphere and land and ocean surfaces in support of a...

Swedish West Coast’s Creative Hot Spot

Creativity, innovation and a strong focus on social and cultural aspects of sustainability are at the very heart of developing the Municipality of Varberg
Air Quality

Breathing space – EU efforts to clean up Europe’s air quality

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries lifts the lid on EU efforts to clean up Europe’s air quality
Marine Technology

Aalto University Arctic marine technology and vessel safety

Pentti Kujala from Aalto University provides a fascinating glimpse into the institution’s work on improving the safety of vessels present in harsh sea ice environments The research group on Arctic marine technology and safety at Aalto University School of Engineering works towards improving the safety of vessels navigating in harsh...
Swedish energy policy

A continued focus on improving Swedish energy policy

Sweden’s Minister for Policy Coordination and Energy, Ibrahim Baylan speaks to us about the importance of a sustainable Swedish energy policy The goal of Swedish energy policy is: “to ensure, with as little environmental impact as possible, secure electricity supply for companies and households at competitive prices.” (1) We were...
deregulation and innovation

Deregulation and innovation: evidence from the electricity industry

Giacomo Valletta from EDHEC Business School sheds light on the key issues concerning deregulation and innovation in the European electricity industry Over the last three decades, the electric industry has changed enormously in terms of deregulation and innovation. Many western Governments have undertaken reforms to break apart and privatize monopoly...
polar fishes

The role of antifreeze proteins in freezing avoidance of polar fishes

Arthur L. DeVries at the Department of Animal Biology, University of Illinois provides an expert insight into antifreeze proteins in polar fishes
Indigenous affairs

A renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples and Indigenous affairs

In this article, Minister Carolyn Bennett details her key priorities concerning the advancement of Indigenous Affairs in Canada
ARM chips

Mont-Blanc project: preparing for next generation supercomputing through ARM chips

Low-power ARM chips dominate the mobile world of smartphones, tablets, and embedded IoT devices, here, Mont-blanc investigates how they could power supercomputers

Let’s be honest: gas and oil are not going anywhere, anytime soon

Danny Pay, Director of Maximus Green outlines energy efficiency towards gas and oil is a realistic approach to going ‘green’ for all applications
funding research and development

UK set to improve in funding research and development

Warwick Business School’s Professor Stephen Roper reveals the UK Government’s exciting plans for funding research and development in business
future of chemistry

Looking forward to the future of chemistry

Angela K. Wilson and Carol A. Bessel from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) at the National NSF provide a fascinating insight into the future of chemistry
consumption and production

Linking consumption and production

James Lomax from the Economy Division at UN Environment offers his thoughts on the policy priorities for global food systems
polar regions

Innovative research in the polar regions

Open Access Government provides an insight into the work of The National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programmes’ research about the Polar Regions

The role of algae in sustaining our planet – past, present and future

Dr. Jaime L. Toney from the University of Glasgow highlights the vital role of algae in human existence, in both shaping and understanding the planet
international collaboration

Maintaining international collaboration: Chemistry has no nationality

Royal Society of Chemistry President Professor Sir John Holman reflects on the importance of maintaining international collaboration following Brexit

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