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green hydrogen

Norway aims for 1000 hydrogen trucks by 2023

The need for large scale projects to accelerate the transition from fossil to zero emission for heavy duty vehicles is put under the spotlight in this fascinating profile by Vegard Frihammer the visionary leader of Greenstat, a Norwegian company focusing on Green Hydrogen

Blockchain: Potential to help the music industry

We spoke to singer, songwriter, record producer and audio engineer, Imogen Heap about the potential blockchain has to help musicians and the wider industry
wind energy sector

Wind energy sector growth: UK & beyond

From wind turbines to wave power, renewables is a buoyant market. However, it’s wind power that has made the most significant impact on how we generate and use energy — and we’re becoming increasingly reliant on it as an energy source

Water, temperature and crop science productivity research

Prof Robert Aiken, research crop scientist at Northwest Research—Extension Center tells us about his fascinating research into water and temperature, including the extent to which they limit crop productivity.

Transformative research on Cowpea: Innovative trap crop development and deployment

Louis E. N Jackai and Beatrice N. Dingha from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Design at North Carolina A&T State University discuss their transformative research on Cowpea for increased and sustained production and use in the USA

State-of-the-art technology for natural radioactivity removal in groundwater

Anna Goi, Senior Research Scientist at the Tallinn University of Technology turns our thoughts towards state-of-the-art technology for natural radioactivity removal in groundwater.
baltic sea action plan

The update of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) beyond 2021

Susanna Kaasinen, Project Manager at the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) explains the update of the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) beyond 2021
public spending

Deploying technology to bridge the public spending gap

Adrian Fieldhouse, Managing Director for Government at Sopra Steria explores how the deployment of technology can help to bridge the public spending gap
humanitarian assistance

U.S. efforts to promote food security and provide humanitarian assistance

The vital work of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is examined here by Open Access Government, with a focus on their efforts to promote food security and provide humanitarian assistance in other countries, such as Ethiopia
data science

Discovery and health at the intersection of data science and open science

Michael F. Huerta from the National Library of Medicine at the U.S.’s National Institutes of Health explores how discovery and health benefit from the intersection of data science and open science

Surface science: A rich interdisciplinary research field

Julien Scheibert & Alain Le Bot, researchers at CNRS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon detail tribology as a rich interdisciplinary research field, focussing on material contact interfaces
clean energy

UK aid to help 11 million people access clean energy in Africa

UK aid is supporting the growth of innovative solar technology companies which are providing clean energy to off-grid households in Africa
European health

Steering Europe towards a healthy future

Karin Kadenbach MEP (S&D, AT), Vice-President of the European Health Forum Gastein details her priorities to steer Europe towards a healthy future.

Cowpea: A food and animal feed crop grown in West Africa

In this interview with Michael Abberton, Head of the IITA Genetic Resources Centre (or Genebank), he shares his expertise on cowpea, a food and animal feed crop that is grown in the semi-arid tropics particularly Africa, but also Asia, the United States and Central and South America
climate change

Ocean and climate change: Time for a new wave of energy

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries examines ocean and climate change and argues that now is the time for a new wave of energy
indoor nation

Britain becomes indoor nation as average brit spends 53 years of their lives inside

A nationwide report has revealed the extent to which we have become an indoor nation, spending a total of 142 hours indoors a week, including in the office, at the shops, watching TV at home or in the car or public transport
environmental undergraduate research

Environmental undergraduate research: Creating a generation of citizen scientists one local problem at a...

On environmental undergraduate research, Professors Tom Landerholm and Kelly McDonald discuss their plan to focus all of their students on the research needed for a local river to recover 
infrastructural revolution

The infrastructural revolution: Enabling smarter and more liveable cities

Chris Fry, Director, Infrastructure & Regeneration, Ramboll explores how the infrastructural revolution is enabling smarter and more liveable cities.
Food Parks

Food Parks – innovative production of food

SSE-C Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration SLU provides a fascinating insight into the innovative production of food in Sweden, as well as the importance of fostering healthy environments for all people.
health and social care

Blockchain supports nurses in the continuity of health and social care

Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN), Paul De Raeve explains how blockchain technology supports nurses in Europe where the continuity of health and care is concerned Blockchain has the potential to modify the way health and social data are traditionally collected, interpreted and connected, shifting from...

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