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economic development

Time to support ‘non-statutory’ economic development practitioners

The Institute of Economic Development (IED) puts forward the case for supporting economic development practitioners in local government
iceberg A-68

6,000 km iceberg A-68 set to break free

Giant Antarctic iceberg A-68 broke off from the Larsen Ice Shelf in July and is set to fully break free after months of little movement

New images show the worrying reach of microplastics

New images from Thomson EC show how far microplastics have reached into our food chain, affecting organisms on a microscopic scale

Brazilian president gives greenlight to rainforest mining

Brazil has given the go ahead for rainforest mining in a large national reserve in the Amazon ' the size of Denmark', said to be rich in gold The Brazillian government has given up a large area of the rainforest, formerly a national reserve, allowing mining companies to excavate the area...
precision livestock farming

Solving challenges through precision livestock farming

Daniel Berckmans, Catholic University of Leuven asks if precision livestock farming could help to monitor health and environmental impacts of farming

EUFAR promotes airborne research

EUFAR supports and develops airborne research projects to boost earth system understanding and weather prediction innovation in Europe

Stability and instability in the Caucasus: social cohesion

A consortium coordinated by the University of St. Gallen looks at the Caucasus and the importance of social cohesion for stability in the region
Balfour must find Blackpool Airport buyer today

EUFAR – Coordinating airborne environmental sciences

Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to support a range of applications in environmental sciences, says EUFAR

Are m-CHP systems the answer to reducing emissions?

José Luis Viviente from TECNALIA explains how micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems can help to reduce CO2 emissions in rural communities

Highlighting the key Italian research priorities

Open Access Government’s Ciara Ruane details research funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and their key priorities.

Polar vortices and their interactions

What are polar vortices, and how do they influence the rest of the atmosphere and climate system? Johns Hopkins University’s Professor Waugh explains

Focusing on high quality research in Sweden

Open Access Government’s MF Warrender shares how Education Minister Helene Hellmark Knutsson is ensuring high quality research in Sweden occurs

Security dominates the General Election two days before polling

As the UK braces for yet another election it is the issue of security that is dominating both parties’ election campaign trails

Is this the second coming of living labs in Europe?

Here, Seija Kulkki, of Aalto University School of Business discusses participative RDI for inclusive transformations and Europe’s living labs

Blockchain will have the biggest impact on the public sector

John Bertrand, Digital Value Engineer at SAP talks about the value of blockchain and how it can benefit government as well as local authorities Blockchain seems to be everywhere and nowhere all at once. It is based on distributed ledger technology (DLT) – also known as a shared database or...
after-school progams

Effective after-school programs

Michelle Jutzi, M.A. & Prof. Dr. Katharina Maag Merki, University of Zurich discuss the role of after-school programmes in supporting student well-being and learning.

From bright white glaciers to dark and dusty ice

Martin Hoelzle and Kathrin Naegeli, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg share how glaciers are altering in fast-changing landscapes
Horizon 2020: What full association means for Swiss research

Horizon 2020: What full association means for Swiss research

Philipp Langer, head of the EU Framework Programmes section, SERI, highlights Switzerland’s participation in Horizon 2020 now it has full association
issues arctic communities face polar canada

POLAR: Investigating the issues Arctic communities face

Polar Knowledge Canada, a new federal organisation, brings together indigenous and scientific expertise to look at the issues Arctic communities face today Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) is primed to set Canada at the forefront of the search for new knowledge of the Polar Regions. Based in Nunavut, the new federal...
girls on slide adolescent experiences influence adulthood

How adolescent experiences influence adulthood: The LifE Study

The LifE Study is investigating how our adolescent experiences influence adulthood by following the lives of individuals over the course of 30 years The data structure of the LifE Study offers unprecedented insights into an individual’s life-course, from youth to middle adulthood. Sustainable and prospective policy strategies target youth as...

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