North America Analysis
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AG North America Analysis Cover

AG: North America Analysis

Welcome to the AG – North America Analysis. In this special edition we highlight a number of key features regarding North American countries Shining light on areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and research, the publication features a number of contributors specifically from Canada and the US. Focusing on a number of...
Kylie Vincent Holly Reeve make greener chemicals

A collaborative journey to greener chemicals

Kylie Vincent, Holly Reeve and colleagues at Oxford University are working on ways to make greener chemicals, which with government funding could soon be used in industry We are working on greener ways to make chemicals that are used in medicines, food and cosmetics by using enzymes that are found...
Flood management fails in Workington, Cumbria

Flood management needs new governance model, say MPs

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee are demanding an overhaul of flood management in England in a report published today MPs from the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee are calling for a radical shake-up of England’s flood management system to tackle the rising risk to communities from climate...

Sweden’s fightback against AMR

Gabriel Wikström, Swedish Minister of Healthcare, Public Health and Sports, discusses the need for leadership and action in the global fightback against AMR For the first time, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is being actively discussed on a much wider stage than just by health experts and scientists. A high-level meeting on...
humanitarian aid

A new comprehensive approach to humanitarian aid

M F Warrender at AG, highlights the work of the European Commission, in particular EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides, to provide safety and support to those in need… August 19 this year marked World Humanitarian Day, reminding the world of the 22 humanitarian workers who...

Transforming healthcare through digitalisation

Dr. Mahiben Maruthappu, Senior Fellow to the CEO at NHS England, outlines how digitalisation will transform healthcare… Digital has transformed almost every aspect of our society, from how we order a taxi, to renting accommodation, to ordering food. It has improved the efficiency of banking transactions 100-fold and saves the...

Support for Europe’s farmers

AG highlights how the European Commission is continually supporting farmers and rural communities. The agriculture sector is integral to economic development throughout Europe, and even worldwide. As around half of the land within the EU is farmed, this places farming as an integral part of the EU’s natural environment. The...

The overuse of antimicrobial agents in agriculture

Raymond J. Turner, PhD, and Natalie Gugala, PhD Graduate student, University of Calgary discuss the increasing use of metal antimicrobials and the importance of research into mechanisms of resistance and toxicity... The overuse of antimicrobial agents in agriculture is considered one of the key contributors to antimicrobial resistance worldwide. A number of strategies...

Encouraging research excellence in Canada

AG highlights how Canada is making strides to become a world-leader in research and innovation… The government of Canada understands the importance of science and research in order to tackle some major global challenges. As a nation of innovators, Canada understands the role science can play in the economy and...

Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March 2017

After months of speculating, the UK now has a timeframe for when Article 50 will be triggered and the process of exiting the EU will begin The UK will start the formal process of withdrawing from the EU at the end of March next year. Theresa May made the announcement...
Assays for testing antibiotic resistance

Monitoring antibiotic resistance in the UK

Antibiotic resistance is becoming a global problem and here in part 2 of an interview with AG, Professor Alan Johnson, Head of the Department of Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Public Health England, details how it is monitored in the UK and the challenges it can cause in...

PM pledges UK support to help tackle migration crisis

The Prime Minister has demonstrated at President Obama’s Refugee Summit in New York, how the UK is leading the international response to mass migration crises around the world… Announcing a series of commitments, the Prime Minister how the UK is tackling some of the drivers of mass migration, including: Increasing UK...

Pioneering agriculture projects win £17.8m of funding

Ground-breaking projects to improve agriculture and food production have been awarded funding of £17.8m under the Government’s Agri-Tech Catalyst… Projects that include lobster farming, scallop cultivation and whisky distillation are among the 21 successful bids to be awarded funding under the latest round of the innovative scheme. The Agri-Tech Catalyst offers...

Soil biodiversity: keeping the Earth alive

Arwyn Jones and Alberto Orgiazzi, European Commission Joint Research Centre Sustainable Resources Directorate - Land Resources Unit, discuss the importance of soil biodiversity... Soil condition underpins food security, green growth, bio-economies and aboveground biodiversity; it regulates climate, the hydrological and nutrient cycles, while mitigating climate change. Soils provide resilience against floods and...

Anatomy and cell biology

Dr. Troy Harkness’ lab at the University of Saskatchewan, in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, has used funds provided by the CIHR Institute of Aging to advance our knowledge of how cells age using budding yeast as a model… The Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) provides funding...

The value of research into endocrine disrupting chemicals

Alberto Mantovani, Research Director, Istituto Superiore di Sanità discusses if conducting research into endocrine disrupting chemicals is still worthwhile... Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) are chemical substances that can damage our health and/or the health of environmental organisms by altering the hormone function. Thus, EDC -like mutagenic or carcinogenic substances- are a group...

Towards cleaner and smarter mobility

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director at the European Environment Agency explains how cleaner and smarter transport can meet Europe’s need for mobility… Transport connects people, cultures, cities, countries and continents. It is one of the main pillars of the modern society and economy, allowing producers to sell their products across the...

$900m funding to help Canada lead research

The Minister of Science in Canada has revealed $900m funding to help universities become world-leaders… Canadian Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan has unveiled investment of $900m to support research in the country. The funding will be used to help 13 postsecondary institutions across Canada to strengthen their research centres. The Canada First...

The hidden cost of air pollution

Urgent action is needed on air pollution, says OECD Environment Director Simon Upton, particularly in coal-reliant economies like China and India… Air pollution takes years off people’s lives. It causes pain and suffering through lung and heart diseases. It harms food crops and suppresses agricultural output in a world with...

Linking Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and nutrition

Ai-Ling Lin, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, University of Kentucky discusses Alzheimer's disease and the link to diabetes and nutrition... Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in those over the age of 65, and currently ranked as the sixth leading cause of death in the United...

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