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Research suggests planting trees can reduce flooding

A new study funded by the Environment Agency has revealed planting trees around a feeder stream can reduce the damage caused by flooding… Planting trees by rivers could reduce the amount of flooding seen in major towns and cities. A new report, published by the Environment Agency and carried out...

Farming ministers disagree over EU referendum

The UK’s top environmental ministers are at loggerheads over whether leaving or staying in the EU would be better for farmers… Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Liz Truss, and her colleague Farming Minister George Eustice admitted they remain divided on Brexit. The food and...
global climate

Staking a Carbon Claim

Carbon sequestration is a concept that has been pervasive in discussions of climate change research and policy. The idea is simple enough. Any process, for example photosynthesis, that extracts CO2 from the atmosphere and stores it somewhere else will reduce the greenhouse effect and therefore should be encouraged. One...

The circular economy opportunity

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation sheds light on the circular economy and why it is an opportunity not to be missed…  Today’s linear economy – in which resources are extracted, made into products, sold and ultimately thrown away – arguably faces its biggest challenges, on a number of fronts. A range...

The Importance of Soils

Matt Aitkenhead, a Member at the British Society of Soil Science sheds light on soils and their role in society and economic development…  The importance of soil to people who work the land or study it is obvious, but this importance often remains hidden in political and economic debates. Partly...

Climate Change: Ignore the ocean at your peril

Niall McDonough, Executive Secretary at the European Marine Board outlines why the ocean should be part of the climate change discussion The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP21 meeting in Paris in December delivered an ambitious agreement on mitigating the effects of climate change. Before Paris, many commentators...

The circular economy opportunity

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation sheds light on the circular economy and why it is an opportunity not to be missed Today’s linear economy – in which resources are extracted, made into products, sold and ultimately thrown away – arguably faces its biggest challenges, on a number of fronts. A range...

Probiotics on poultry gut health research

The chicken industry has become one of the fastest growing livestock industries around the world due to the demand for high-quality protein by consumers. Today, modern-day broiler chickens can reach a body weight of 2 kilograms by 35 days, which represents an increase of an astonishing 5000% of their...
soil management

Soil information for European environmental policy

The recent announcement “4 pour 1000” by the French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, communicating a new concept for mitigating climate change through the reduction of CO2 by an annual increase in soil organic carbon in agricultural soils by 0.4%, has demonstrated a new dimension of environmental politics....

Investing in a greener future

EU Commissioner for the Environment Karmenu Vella explains how the EU’s LIFE programme can contribute to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and sustainable future Natural resources underpin our economy and our quality of life. But the world’s population is rising sharply, and coupled with the impacts of climate change, ever greater demands are...

Implementing Bioeconomy with Electrobiorefinery

Food, chemical and industrial sectors are challenged with the growing population, increasing longevity and quality of life. In consequence, the demand for fossils energy sources, agricultural land and drinking water what will lead to irreversible changes in climate with unpredictable consequences. A recent declaration of G7 leaders that in...
climate change

The gender dimensions of climate change and mental health

Recent participatory research from the Canadian North adds nuance to global literature on gender, climate change, and mental wellbeing Climate change has been identified as the greatest threat to human health this century. Global Climate Change & Health Impacts It is anticipated that the impacts will have wide-ranging consequences globally, including increased risk,...

Reducing the obesity burden

Dr João Breda and Jo Jewell from the WHO Regional Office for Europe highlight the latest projections in regards to obesity throughout Europe and how WHO works with countries to reduce the burden Of the 6 WHO regions, the European Region is the most severely affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs):...

Translating basic immunology to innovative and sustainable solutions for animal health and welfare

Infectious diseases are a major cause for animal suffering and production losses in livestock and at the same time, often being zoonotic, represent a serious hazard for food safety. Combating infectious diseases of livestock is, therefore, a top priority on the veterinary and public health agenda. Mass use of...

Understanding the links between chemistry and climate change

Santiago V. Luis, Chair of the Chemistry and Environment Network at EuCheMS outlines how chemistry can play a vital role in tackling climate change
sugar tax

20 per cent sugar tax in hospital cafes

NHS England has said it will impose a sugar tax in hospitals and health centres across England to tackle obesity… A 20 per cent tax on sugary food and drinks could be imposed in NHS cafes from 2020. NHS head Simon Stevens said the 1.3 million staff working in the...

Migrant crisis: inside Dunkirk’s refugee camp

Two friends tell Editor Amy Caddick about their journey to a migrant camp near Dunkirk, France, and explain the terrible conditions facing refugees bedding down there for the winter… It is easy to think of the migrant crisis as a political situation, with political agendas and political outcomes, but at the heart...

Reducing the obesity burden

Dr João Breda and Jo Jewell from WHO Regional Office for Europe highlight the latest projections in regards to obesity throughout Europe and how WHO work with countries to reduce the burden Of the six WHO regions, the European Region is the most severely affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs): collectively, cardiovascular disease,...

Wates cooks up 1,000th Wrexham kitchen revamp

Affordable housing provider, Wates Living Space, is celebrating the completion of its 1,000th kitchen refurbishment for Wrexham County Borough Council’s Housing Service, marking a key milestone in a programme of property improvements across the district... Wates commenced delivery of the £9.8m project in January this year, which is seeing residents...

Make tackling childhood obesity your new year’s resolution urges royal college

A year on from their last article in AG, Prof Russell Viner, Officer for Health Promotion at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, looks at how childhood obesity has developed in the months that have past... As we move into 2016 millions of children, young people and their...

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