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Promoting fair and sustainable growth

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year The overall aim of the new European Commission, in office since November 2014, is to help improve the everyday lives of people across the continent. Creating and investing...
Concerns raised about voting age in Scotland

Concerns raised about voting age in Scotland

A House of Lords Committee has raised concerns about plans to transfer power from Westminster to Holyrood in a bid to give 16- and 17-year-olds the vote... The proposal to give 16- and 17-year-olds the vote in Scotland was met with concern by the House of Lords Constitution Committee, despite...
Integrated farming delivers sustainable farming

Integrated farming delivers sustainability

Patrick Wrixon, President of the European Initiative for Sustainable Development in Agriculture (EISA) gives thought to integrated farming and its positive impact on the environment With global population growth, increased focus on addressing food security and concerns about environmental impact and biodiversity loss, it is essential that farming systems are...
European Environment Agency discusses air quality

EEA: Air quality in Europe

Air pollution impacts all living species and can have a detrimental impact. Dr Valentin Foltescu EEA Project manager – Air quality reporting and assessment at the European Environment Agency (EEA) explains more… Europe is still far from achieving levels of air quality that do not pose unacceptable risks to humans...

Electronic devices from organic semiconductors containing heterocyclic compounds

So far these notes on heterocyclic chemistry have dealt mostly with applications in medicinal chemistry. However one of the key things about heterocyclic chemistry is the range of applications that it supports. I was once involved in a project involving conducting polymers as biosensors with a former colleague at...
Exposure to air pollution linked to autism

Exposure to air pollution linked to autism

Scientists have suggested exposure to air pollution during pregnancy could be linked to children developing autism. A study of 1,767 children has revealed that high levels of pollution may cause autism. A team from the Harvard School of Public Health found that tiny particulate matter, which can pass from the...
The quality of Scottish university research praised

The quality of Scottish university research praised

A new survey has praised the range and quality of research conducted at universities in Scotland. A new survey produced by Research Fortnight analysed results from the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014), looking at the quality of investigation in different subjects at universities across the UK. A panel of experts...

Gut bacteria can fight against malaria

Researchers have discovered that friendly bacteria that lives in the human gut can trigger a natural immune response to fight against malaria. Sugary proteins that live on the surface of some healthy gut bacteria have been found to trigger an immune response against the malaria parasite. The research, which was published...

Investing in sustainable transport in Ireland

The Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport in the Republic of Ireland, Paschal Donohoe explains how investment in transport is essential to the economy. A well-functioning transport system is essential to a well-functioning economy. If we fail to invest in, and facilitate, efficient transport, we impose a range of costs...
Renewable energy is Scotland's main source of power

Renewable energy is Scotland’s main source of power

New figures have revealed that renewable energy has become the main source of power in Scotland. Records show that for the first half of 2014 renewable energy sources generated 32 per cent more electricity than any other power format in Scotland. In total, renewable power sources generated 10.3 terrawatt-hours (TWh). This...
global soil

A global approach to sustainable soil management

Effective action is required to tackle soil degradation for our food security and sustainable development. Moujahed Achouri, Director of FAO Land and Water Division hosting the Global Soil Partnership sheds light on the efforts being made on an international scale on addressing sustainable soil management. Soils constitute the foundation for...
East Coast franchise rail awarded

East Coast franchise rail awarded

The government has announced a consortium consisting of transport companies Stagecoach and Virgin have won the East Coast rail franchise. The East Coast mainline rail route is to be run by Stagecoach and Virgin, it has been announced. The route, which runs between London and Edinburgh, has been publicly-owned since...

Agriculture and biodiversity –the importance of sustainable productivity

Gavin Whitmore, Biodiversity Manager at European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) sheds light on the global challenges that face the agriculture sector. Farmers and an impressive array of agri food-chain actors provide us with a plentiful supply of safe, healthy and affordable food. European consumers, who are accustomed to this ready...

Fire Extinguisher Training

How to ensure your employees are prepared to deal with emergencies in the workplace? The most important thing is having an fire extinguisher training program in your actual workplace. Focus your training on the type of emergencies employees may really face. When it comes to extinguisher training, nothing compares to actual...
£20bn Crossrail 2 route unveiled

£20bn Crossrail 2 route unveiled

Mayor of London Boris Johnson has unveiled preferred plans for the £20bn Crossrail 2 scheme, which will run north to south through London. Proposals for the Crossrail 2 segment of the project will be examined by the transport department before undertaking a public consultation of more detailed plans. Work could begin...

ABBS Joins Forces with Drehtainer to Beat IED’s

Zero Shock + VGAM = 100% Protection From Mine Blast Effects   Mines and IED’s have become the weapon of choice for any terrorist or insurgent organization worldwide, and over 70 countries currently suffer from the problem, with vehicles regularly being destroyed and people killed and injured. To counter those threats ABBS...
A renaissance of cities – sustainable Germany

A renaissance of cities – sustainable Germany

Dr Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building & Nuclear Safety in Germany gives an overview of how her country is making ‘cities of the future’. Compared to Tokyo, the world’s largest metropolis with 36 million inhabitants, Germany’s largest city Berlin, with a population of 3.5 million, seems downright...
Sustainable cities

Denmark focuses on sustainable cities

Sustainable cities are a key focus for Denmark, says Danish Minister for the Environment Kirsten Brosbøl The world is changing and we have to change along with it. Cities need to be sustainable and adapted to a future with scarce resources. We have to change the way we live, the way we...

Alain Chiaradia

AG (May 2014) "Dear Laura Thank you for the invitation to publish with AG. You and your team made the publication making process very easy. It was our pleasure to work with you.  Many thanks again and I look forward to working with you again in the future." Alain Chiaradia, Cardiff University
economic growth

Challenges remain for local economic growth

Aileen Murphie, Director at the National Audit Office examines the government’s latest local economic growth initiatives and how they are performing. The government’s plan for local economic growth was set out in the 2010 White Paper Local growth: realising every place’s potential. Its core objective was “to achieve strong, sustainable...

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