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UK government welfare cuts, food poverty

UK government welfare cuts increase food poverty

UK government welfare cuts over the past decade have left families in England without enough food to eat, in a breach of the government’s duty to ensure adequate food.
strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement on economic development, regional security, health, education and inclusion.
bangladesh arrests, social media posts

Bangladesh arrests critics over social media posts

Bangladesh arrests multiple anti-government critics over social media in their crackdown on the right to free speech, Human Rights Watch said today.
offensive weapons act, sajid javid

Offensive Weapons Act: Banning acid sales and automatic weaponry

The Offensive Weapons Act is here, which Home Secretary Sajid Javid says will give the police "extra powers" to tackle knife crime.
online terror, christchurch call to action

UK PM joins ‘Christchurch Call to Action’ on online terror

PM Theresa May joins world leaders and internet companies for a Summit on tackling terrorist use of the internet and online terror consequences.
trans people in china, hormone treatments

Trans people in China risk lives with dangerous self-surgery

Trans people in China are performing highly dangerous surgery on themselves and buying unsafe hormone treatments on the black market.
biodiversity in UK, UK overseas territories

Supporting biodiversity in UK Overseas Territories

A 10 week Call for Evidence has been launched by the UK Government today (Friday, 10 May) to gather knowledge on safeguarding biodiversity in the UK Overseas Territories.
fda approval, new drug

How can you improve your chances of FDA approval?

Here Dr. Harneet Arora, freelance neurologist, and FDA regulations expert, shares her advice on how to submit an application with FDA approval.
risk of exploitation, programme to protect children

UK programme to protect children at risk of exploitation

National programme will provide specialist support and boost protection for children most at risk of criminal or sexual exploitation.
play-based learning

Play-based learning to develop 21st Century Skills

Aaditya Tangri, Co-Founder & CEO of Kalebr Americas and Founder of STEAMathalon shares his thoughts on why play-based learning today is important for a brighter future tomorrow.
value of data

The value of data and controlling its use

Lesley Holmes, Data Protection Officer at MHR, highlights data as a valuable commodity and why we need to exercise control over its use.
evasive Prime minister, theresa may

Theresa May: The most evasive Prime Minister?

Research at the University of York has shown that British Prime Minister, Theresa May, is the most evasive when responding to questions compared to the last four Conservative Prime Ministers.
hobby farms

Why are hobby farms growing in popularity?

Here, we highlight some of the most common reasons people start hobby farms and why you may want to consider starting one of your own.
social housing sector, customer experience

How can the social housing sector improve its customer experience?

The social housing sector must see tenants in the wider context and improve its customer experience, Chris Proctor, CEO at Oneserve discusses here.
modern working world

How valuable are exams to employers?

With 81% of students admitting to feeling pressure to finding a job within six months of graduating, Fresh Student Living has looked at how valuable exams are to employers in the modern working world.
HR and recruitment

How can artificial intelligence help in HR and recruitment?

Sam Davies, CEO and co-founder of RealLinks.IO discusses how artificial intelligence and technology can support many business functions, such as HR and recruitment in the digital age.
importance of STEM skills

The importance of STEM skills and closing the gap

Mark Brownridge, Director General of the Enterprise Investment Scheme Association (EISA) highlights the importance of STEM skills for the future of the private sector and how to close the current gap, here.
old drivers

Should older drivers be banned from the roads?

A and YouGov survey has revealed that 49% of Brits want older drivers banned from the roads completely.
cloud innovation

How can people-powered health drive cloud innovation?

Cleveland Henry, Director of Cloud at UKCloud discusses the topic of properly handling and storing patient data using cloud innovation, here.
early years

Open Study College launches flexible early years educator qualification course

Aspiring nursery professionals can now become qualified to enter the nursery sector through the flexible Diploma for the Early Years Workforce; provided by leading distance learning provider, Open Study College.

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