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UK-France Data Innovation Taskforce explores innovative use of data

A number of recommendations have been published outlining how the UK and France can work together to use data for the good of society… The UK-France Data Innovation Taskforce has published a report on how data can stimulate economic growth while improving society. The recommendations, which outline how both nations can...

Organic sector in need of improvements for animal health

Prof. Dr. Albert Sundrum, Head of Department Animal Health and Animal Nutrition at the University of Kassel highlights progress made by the organic dairy sector… The organic dairy sector has been developing rapidly over the last decade. The existence of a premium price reflects (in part), the consumer expectation that...

Creating climate solutions for agriculture and forestry

AG Editor, Laura Evans speaks to Rachel Steele, National Climate Hub Coordinator at the U.S Department of Agriculture about how they are helping to reduce the impacts of climate change for farmers and foresters… Agriculture plays a key role in society worldwide. Seen as the backbone of the economic systems...

European Commission launches two financial instruments

The European Commission has launched two new financial instruments for ESI Funds investments to help young businesses and sustainable urban development… The European Commission has announced two new financial instruments for young businesses and urban development promoters. The “off-the-shelf, ready-to-use” instruments will help member states to double their European Structural and...

SAFEPOST Project Pilots

Dr Antonino Scribellito, European Affairs –Senior Project Manager at PostEurop highlights how SAFEPOST has enhanced security in postal systems across Europe… SAFEPOST enhanced the security and safety of approximately 1.6 million postal employees in the EU, by mitigating the risk of explosives, radioactive materials, biological weapons, and dangerous chemical substances,...

Using semantic technologies for GRC in the financial industry

Peter G Cowap and Professor Tom Butler from the GRC Technology Centre talk about how semantic technologies can be employed to solve the problems of regulatory compliance and risk management in the financial industry... Much has changed in the financial industry since 2008. In 2016, the industry faces higher levels...

Development of multiple drug resistance (MDR)

Terra G. Arnason and Troy A.A. Harkness from the Departments of Medicine, and Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Saskatchewan detail current strategies to prevent or reverse multiple drug resistant malignancy… Multiple drug resistance (MDR) can be present from the outset (inherent) or develop (acquired) in response to...

Mobile access to council websites lag behind desktop

A new survey has revealed many council websites are difficult to use on mobiles when compared to desktops… A new survey from Socitm has revealed not all council websites are mobile friendly, although the number of sites rated good or very good has risen since last year. The Better Connected survey...
doctor with tablet

PATHway leading the way: ERS paving the way

René Schippers, Director, Electronic Record Services B.V. discusses the PATHway project and its role in cardiac rehabilitation...  PATHway vision Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of premature death (30% of all deaths) and disability in Europe and worldwide (WHO), costing the EU economy almost EUR 196 billion a year. With changing demographics and...

8 ways the referendum vote could affect your business costs

Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings outlines what impact the EU referendum vote could have on businesses... British history is about to be made, and despite the 23rd June Referendum being on the horizon, we have no clue as to which way the public will be voting. This uncertainty extends...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

Why we need to invest in adolescent mental health care

Ophélie Martin, Communications Officer at Mental Health Europe outlines the importance of early intervention and care for young people who may develop mental health issues… Adolescence can be a turbulent and challenging period. It is a time when young people are building their identity against a backdrop of physical and...

A rare opportunity to ‘turn the tide’

Oliver Johnson, Policy Executive at Environmental Industries Commission outlines the challenges caused by flooding and highlights details from the Turning the Tide report... Previously occasional, major flooding in the UK is an increasingly dependable disaster. Every year, western and northern parts of the country are battered by ‘unprecedented’ rainfall. Meteorologists...

Brexit would be bad for small businesses

Business Secretary Sajid Javid has warned leaving the EU would be bad for small businesses… Pro-EU Minister Sajid Javid has said leaving the EU would impact the 1.2 million small and medium firms that are involved in exporting. He warned these businesses would be “on the front line” if the UK...

IAPD: Beyond the violence of being a brick in the wall

Dr Kevin Flint from the IAPD discusses modern education. In my last paper presented to this website I was concerned about the style of educational practices in the context of moving into a space for education that may be found in the plus ultra, beyond our current practices. In the...

Transport experts warn HS2 rail link is over-priced and will fail

Controversial HS2 will fail to achieve its objectives and is overpriced, warn transport experts… A group of transport experts have warned plans to create a high speed rail link between London and the cities of Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds is over-priced. HS2, as the link is known, has been a flagship...

Small construction firms will vote on EU based on personal beliefs

A new poll has revealed that more than 80 per cent of small construction firm bosses will base their vote in the referendum on their own beliefs, rather than business interests… A new poll carried out by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has revealed more than 80 per cent...

Soil organic carbon – the most precious substance on the planet

Arwyn Jones and Emanuele Lugato, European Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, outline the importance of soil... When the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei wrote 400 years ago, “What greater stupidity can be imagined than that of calling jewels, silver, and gold 'precious,' and earth and soil 'base'?”, he was highlighting the undervalued...

New head of ICT appointed at Norfolk County Council

A new director of ICT will start at Norfolk County Council in early August, it has emerged… Socitm president Geoff Connell has been appointed as the head of ICT and information management at Norfolk County Council. The recruitment process, which started in February, will see Connell step into the £115,000 position....

Helping ALS patients is not only a medical need, but also a moral obligation

Hande Ozdinler, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurology, Northwestern University discusses ALS and outlines the strides made in this area... Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is one of the most complex diseases of the nervous system, and one that is very special for humankind.   There exists a long-term debate about what makes us...

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