North America Analysis
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Membranous nephropathy

Membranous nephropathy and how can it be identified and treated

The National Kidney Foundation analyses the causes of membranous nephropathy and the science available to identify and treat it
atp cleaning verification system for hospital theatre

The unrealised benefits of an ATP cleaning verification system

An ATP cleaning verification system can help ensure cleaning is thorough and effective, saving money and lives in healthcare settings The financial impact of poor cleaning is huge, yet the delivery of this vital underpinning service is not measured at all. By contrast, in almost all other aspects of healthcare,...
organic battery

Scientists design organic battery to power medical implants

Scientists in Belfast have designed a flexible organic battery which could revolutionise how medical implants are powered and remove patient discomfort Devices like pacemakers could be powered by the new organic battery, which is flexible and lasts three times longer than current medical batteries as well as being made of...

How HSCN can improve the NHS digital strategy

Michael Bowyer of Innopsis highlights the need for improved connectivity to boost the government's NHS digital strategy and improve integration
hospitals in England

New winter emergency care funding for hospitals in England

The government has announced extra funding to help a number of hospitals in England with emergency care over the winter months

Can a new light-based therapy help with Alzheimer’s disease?

Prof Michael R Hamblin of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital discusses a new light-based therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

Biomedical research: crossing discipline borders

Biomedical research crosses borders of disciplines to help shape new imaging approaches, as scientists from Technical University of Munich explain

Environmental chemicals: factors for neurodevelopmental disorders?

Pamela Lein, University of California, looks at whether environmental chemicals influence individual risk for the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders

Exploring pathways for wellbeing among Inuit

Alexandra Sawatzky, Ashlee Cunsolo, and Sherilee Harper highlight the need for regional perspectives on Inuit-specific pathways for wellbeing.

Progressing health research in the North of Canada

Health Sciences North Research Institute shares the progress it has made in health research in Northern Canada, highlighting some of its major focus areas

North America Analysis August 2017

Welcome to the North America Analysis August 2017 edition where we look at a number of key areas within Canada and the US such as healthcare, the environment, and science

The burden of non-communicable diseases

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health shares the strategies in place for non-communicable diseases and the importance evidence-based prevention policy

The PEGASO – Fit for Future project

Giuseppe Andreoni and Maria Renata Guarneri discuss how the PEGASO project is promoting sustainable behaviours geared towards achieving healthy lifestyles

All My Relations: advancing Indigenous family health

Dr Rod McCormick shares details on the All My Relations Network, a national Indigenous family and community wellness research centre for health and healing
health research

Health research, from molecules to patients, at DCU

Director of Research Support Dr Ana M Terres notes the importance of health research and the strides being achieved by researchers at Dublin City University

Alzheimer’s Disease as a spectrum disorder

When it comes to Alzheimer's Disease one size does not fit all. It should be considered a spectrum disorder, with precision medicine a key part of treatment

Mental health and medication: The importance of perspective

Peter Kinderman, from Mental Health Europe, looks at mental health medication and how we need a new perspective on care
cyber security

Cyber security, GDPR and the public sector

Jayne Goble, public sector security expert at PWC looks at what the General Data Protection Regulation means for cyber security and if we’re prepared

Environmental health science: reducing the risk

Virginia Guidry and Kimberly Gray from the NIEHS outline how environmental health science can help to identify potential hazards in a child’s environment
imec start-up incubation programme diagram

Imec start-up incubation for digital entrepreneurs

For those looking to kick-start their tech business, this imec start-up incubation programme offers support with coaching, facilities and funding Imec.istart is an imec business incubation programme that supports tech start-ups with coaching, facilities and funding. The programme has been recognised by UBI Global as one of the world’s best...

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