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Antimicrobial resistance

Tackling the threat of antimicrobial resistance in Canada

As antibiotics become less effective against infection, Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, outlines the response to antimicrobial resistance in Canada.

Delivering flexible and secure energy solutions

Dom Barton, of Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited explores the national challenge to deliver sustainable, affordable and secure energy solutions

Hepatitis B vaccine rationed in UK due to global shortage

A temporary limit on who can have a hepatitis B vaccination has been implemented by health officials in the UK

How can technology safeguard quality of care?

DiaGraphIT’s Managing Director, Tone Birkenes, explains how technology can revolutionise the quality of care delivered in healthcare settings

Understanding speech and language disorders

Open Access Governments Editor Laura Evans talks to NIDCD’s Deputy Director Dr Judith Cooper about the research strides being made in speech and language disorders The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), reports that nearly 1 in 12 children...
implications for education

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report and its implications for education

Sandra Styres, Adjunct Professor and Dawn Zinga, Associate Professor and Chair at Brock University, highlight the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report and outlines implications for education.

Ambitious plan to reduce smoking rates in England published

The government has announced their plans to cut smoking rates in England among adults from 15.5% to no more than 12% by 2022

Poverty and its impact on the health of children

One of the main risks to children’s health is living in poverty, says Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s Professor Russell Viner

Budget Commissioner warns Brexit will led to “small cuts”

The EU’s budget will have to be scaled back after Brexit, says European Commission Budget Chief Günther Oettinger

Childhood cancer trends: how to interpret new findings

Dr Eva Steliarova, Scientist at IARC’s Section of Cancer Surveillance explains how research results can be used to reduce the burden of cancer in children

Huntington’s disease: Understanding the impact

Jennifer Simpson of the Huntington’s disease Society of America highlights the disease and how there is still a long way to go before it can be truly understood

Settled status for EU citizens is a ‘damp squib’

Theresa May’s offer of settled status for EU citizens does not come close to what should be on the table for EU residents, say EU politicians

What’s new in Parkinson’s rating scales?

Parkinson’s rating scales are a vital assessment tool, but have their limitations. Jennifer Stratten explains how and why the EPDA developed a new one

Hand hygiene and beyond: its influence on infection control

Hygiena International highlights how effective hand hygiene and cleanliness in a healthcare environment is only one simple test away
protecting nature

Protecting nature: an ambitious action plan

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries details how protecting nature, people and the economy is a priority in Europe

Electronics and photonics: Key enabling technologies

Slovak University of Technology’s Professor Daniel Donoval highlights the scope as well as the influence of electronics and photonics in the modern world

Identifying pancreatic cysts that might turn into cancer

There are many challenges associated with identifying potentially cancerous pancreatic cysts. Here, Dr. Annabelle L. Fonseca et al explain

CATCH-IT: helping to prevent depression and mental illness

University of Illinois’ Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees explains how the CATCH-IT intervention is fighting against depression using a behavioural vaccine approach

Reducing the prevalence of childhood obesity in Finland

Childhood obesity can cause major health problems in later life. Open Access Government highlights how Finland is tackling the growing health challenge

Government digitalisation: how to make it a vibrant reality

David Downing of SAS UK and Ireland looks at whether the government’s digitalisation strategy could go further to become more responsive and agile

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