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digital skills gap

How COVID has expedited Government’s response to the digital skills gap

Justin Cooke, Chief Content and Partnerships Officer at FutureLearn, discusses how COVID has expedited the Government’s response to upskilling and reskilling the workforce to tackle the digital skills gap.
restore consumer confidence

Could tech restore consumer confidence and help rebuild the economy?

Steve Ainsworth, director of operational safety at Northgate Public Services, explores how technology created for tasks such as policing and crowd management could be used to re-build consumer confidence.
Brexit rollercoaster

How entrepreneurs can stay visible during the Brexit rollercoaster

Lauran Bush, Consultant at EP Business in Hospitality, advises how entrepreneurs can stay visible during the Brexit rollercoaster.
plastic waste

How can consumers cut down on unnecessary plastic waste?

Here, we talk to James Dutton, CEO and founder of PATCH, to find out why reducing unnecessary plastic waste is so important, and how consumers can get started on their plastic-free journey this July.
prevent data breaches

5 ways to prevent data breaches and cyber attacks

The British Assessment Bureau has compiled a list of 5 preventative measures for organisations to avoid data breaches and cyber attacks.
contemporary black activism, racism

How is contemporary Black activism reshaping itself?

Dr Monia Dal Checco, specialist in contemporary African American literature, discusses the power of contemporary Black activism via #BlackLivesMatter.
british justice system, US system

A view from the Bar: Race and the British justice system

Paula Rhone-Adrien, leading Family law Barrister, explores the implicit bias of race and the British justice system.
social anxiety sufferers

Video-calling tips for social anxiety sufferers

Steve Dell, Anxiety and hypnotherapy expert, advises what social anxiety sufferers can do to make video-calling easier.
government digital transformation

Accelerating government digital transformation to stand the test of time

Scott Wilson, Director of Service, eFax, explores how government digital transformation will be accelerated even faster, by embracing new digital ways of working.
business practices

How can your business adapt to a post-COVID world?

John Murphy, Senior Vice President, Products, EDB reflects on the impact of COVID-19, including the shift in business practices and the renewed attention to what is really important.
bangladeshi garment workers, covid

How can brands help Bangladeshi garment workers?

Dr Nika Salvetti from Nyenrode Business University explains how Bangladeshi garment workers can be helped by the brands that use their services.
financial anxiety

How to overcome financial anxiety during economic uncertainty

UK adults are suffering from severe anxiety because of their financial circumstances. Here, John Ellmore, Director,, explores how consumers can keep their finances under control through this stressful time.
global methane emissions

Global methane emissions reach record high levels

Global methane emissions have reached the highest levels on record caused by coal mining, oil and natural gas production, cattle and sheep ranching, and landfill.
COVID second wave, european

Combined exit strategy will help Europe stop COVID second-wave

The University of Southampton found that European countries should lift lockdown in synchronisation, to prevent a COVID second wave.
powerful politicians, one young world

Five powerful politicians under the age of 35

One Young World names five of the world's most powerful politicians under the age of 35 as part of a non-partisan award to recognise good political work.
virtual internships, bright network

Scheme provides virtual internships for over 45,000 young people

Bright Network received 100,000 applications for their virtual internships, which attempted to fill an experience gap left by COVID-19.
twitter hack

FBI investigates Twitter attack on high-profile celebrities

The FBI has launched an investigation after a cyberattack on high-profile US figures in an apparent Bitcoin scam.
lockdown reduces air pollution, GCARE

Lockdown reduces air pollution by 54% in 5 Indian cities

The Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) found that lockdown reduced air pollution in Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai.
hospital discharge

The danger of care home placement after hospital discharge

Paul Fever, of Go Access Distribution, explores the  danger of care home placement after hospital discharge and discusses alternatives.
APT29 cyberattack, russia report

Russia behind APT29 cyberattack on UK vaccine trials

Today (16 July) the UK Government confirmed an APT29 cyberattack, on the UK's COVID-19 vaccine trials and previously the 2019 General Election.

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