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atmospheric and geospace sciences

A look at Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

Open Access Government places the spotlight on Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences from the perspective of the U.S. National Science Foundation.
ACTRIS, atmosphere science

ACTRIS: Atmospheric observations for excellence in Earth science

Giulia Saponaro, ACTRIS Communication Officer, charts atmospheric observations to achieve excellence in Earth science.
smart building technology

Energy-saving technology in smart buildings & cities

Nick Sacke, Head of IoT Solutions, Comms365, outlines the numerous benefits that can be unlocked from smart building technology & the smart cities they are located within.
Sarah MacFadyen

Sarah MacFadyen – Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation

Sarah is Head of Policy and External Affairs at the British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK, following the merger of the two charities in January 2020, and vice-chair of the Taskforce for Lung Health.
Arctic environmental data

Hack the Arctic: Transforming data into solutions as a community

Stephany Mazon from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research at the University of Helsinki, discusses how the ‘Hack the Arctic’ hackathon is making use of Arctic environmental data.
mild covid-19 infection

1 in 10 suffer long-term effects 8 months after mild COVID-19 infection

According to a new study, by researchers at Danderyd Hospital and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, 1 in 10 people still experience symptoms of COVID-19 8 months after infection.
COVID ventilation

How to control the cost of COVID ventilation

Julian Grant, of Chauvin Arnoux, shares some helpful suggestions on how to control heat loss and higher energy bills as a result of increased COVID ventilation.
building technology

What’s the ‘next normal’ for our building technology?

Siemens provides a perspective on being smarter, safer and more connected when it comes to what’s the ‘next normal’ for our building technology, including comment on energy consumption.
saving energy

Innovative ideas for saving energy

The internet is awash with articles about saving energy, but here, Julian Grant, General Manager of Chauvin Arnoux UK, puts forward some ideas that are rather less well known, but which can nevertheless deliver the biggest savings.
priority group for COVID, people with asthma

People with asthma are not a priority group for COVID vaccination

The UK removed people with moderate forms of asthma from the high-priority group for vaccination, which pushes their vaccination date past April.
social sciences

Sustainable communities, ecosystem services and human well‐being

Michael Slimak Ph.D., retired National Program Director for the Sustainable & Healthy Communities Research Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), explores the most pressing challenges today that reflect the need to understand interdependencies between the natural and social sciences.
school safety

Back to school: Making school safety a priority with smart technology

Smarter Technologies examine how smart technology can assist facilities managers and headteachers in making school environments as safe as possible.
noise from transport

Reducing emissions and noise from transport

Here, we learn about LIFE GySTRA and NEMO projects, which aim to create innovative solutions based on remote sensing to reduce emissions and noise from transport.
global dust emissions

Climate change and the dust environmental impact in the Middle East and North Africa

Professor Georgiy Stenchikov, Chair of Earth Sciences and Engineering Program at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), explains how MENA accounts for more than half of global dust emissions, and the immense strain on the environment dust can cause.

What Works Centre: A new network for sharing environmental evidence

Eunomia is calling on the UK government to consider a What Works Centre for the environment to share evidence on what works best when it comes to environmental policymaking – Consultant Alexa Cancio and Head of Evaluation Joe Hudson explains why.
electric vehicle chargepoints

UK Government invests £20 million into electric vehicle chargepoints

The UK Transport Secretary, Grant Shapps, has announced that the government will be investing £20 million into electric vehicle chargepoints.
all-electric bus

Coventry and Oxford set to be first all-electric bus cities in the UK

Proposals to see Coventry and Oxford as the UK's first all-electric bus cities are currently underway, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has announced.
climate calculation, zhao

Cities contain 50% of the world’s population but are left out of climate calculations

While cities only occupy around 3% of the Earth, they are where 50% of the world's population live - but they are not usually included in global climate calculations, meaning that urban environmental problems can slip under the radar.
non-food biomass, food

Creating innovative value chains from non-food biomass feedstock

AFTER-BIOCHEM project aims at creating innovative and more sustainable value chains from renewable raw materials to multiple high added-value products at industrial scale.
wellness in the workplace

Wellness in the workplace: Why it needs to involve everyone

Paul Wells, CEO of intelligent building solutions provider, IM&M, explores the importance of addressing wellness in the workplace.

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