North America Analysis
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Delivering flexible and secure energy solutions

Dom Barton, of Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited explores the national challenge to deliver sustainable, affordable and secure energy solutions

North America Analysis May 2017

Welcome to this summer edition of Open Access Government – North America Analysis. In this supplement we highlight several articles from organisations within the U.S and Canada. We focus on topics such as healthcare, the environment and energy, highlighting a couple from each country. The U.S section starts with an interview...

NHS cyber-attack: the biggest in history

In the wake of the NHS cyber-attack, Nigel Hawkins, Managing Director EMEA, Everbridge outlines how organisations can limit the damage of such an attack On Friday 12th May, the NHS experienced a national cyber-attack. Hackers attacked the backbone of the NHS, tapping into computers, telephone lines, MRI scanners, blood-storage refrigerators...

Challenging the conventional packaging methods and materials

Angela Morris, CEO, The Wool Packaging Company Ltd talks about challenging pharmaceutical cold chain packaging convention.

Thousands of family doctors could be lost due to Brexit

GP leaders are warning more than 2,000 family doctors could be lost if the status of EU citizens living in the UK is not protected during negotiations

Health literacy: Developing healthy communities

The University of Applied Sciences in Nordhausen and Pfalzklinikum explain why rural areas have advantages over cities in developing healthy communities

Ensuring health equity for Canadian indigenous populations

Professor Pierre S. Haddad shares the challenges of overcoming health inequality for Canadian indigenous populations and highlights solutions to the issue

Data science: the key to unlocking the UK’s innovation

Sean Owen, Director of Data Science, Cloudera talks about how data science can have a significant impact on innovation in the UK, as well as the economy

imec.istart helps tech entrepreneurs kick-start their business

imec.istart is a business incubation / acceleration program that supports tech start-ups with coaching, facilities and funding. The program has been recognized by UBI Global as one of the world’s best University Business Accelerators. In eight industries, the program is looking for additional partners wishing to engage with some...

Tackling chronic diseases through innovative health

John Bowis, Honorary President of Health First Europe highlights how innovations in health are helping with tackling chronic diseases

Hand hygiene and beyond: Its influence on infection control

Infection control relies on good hand hygiene practices. Martin Easter, General Manager, Hygiena International Ltd explains why it is so important

Advancing genomic epidemiology at FIMM

Director, Jaakko Kaprio shares the work that is being conducted to progress genomic epidemiology research and develop personalised medicine

Helping Indigenous communities become healthier

Carrie Bourassa, Scientific Director, CIHR-IAPH discusses the issue of poor health among Indigenous communities and says research is the key to tackling it

Critical communications and the Internet of Things

Nigel Hawkins, Managing Director EMEA, Everbridge highlights how critical communications can utilise technology developed in the Internet of Things sector

Accessibility for all is not an option – it’s a fundamental right

European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, explains why accessibility is important for all citizens
A growth strategy for Finnish health research

A growth strategy for Finnish health research

Academy of Finland’s Jarmo Wahlfors shares how key players have developed a growth strategy to ensure a coherent approach to Finnish health research
Software solutions data centre servers

Delivering software solutions

Jean-Michel Letennier, President and CEO of Atomic Information Systems (AIS) Corporation, outlines how their software solutions can change how organisations think AIS Corporation is a full service application software development firm with its headquarters in Delaware County, New York. It was founded in 2015 by several industry veterans and is continuing...
therapies for weak muscles woman

Therapies for weak muscles: Re-establishing musculoskeletal function

Professor Martin Flück and colleagues at Balgrist University Hospital's Laboratory for Muscle Plasticity investigate possible therapies for weak muscles It is estimated that 10% of the costs of healthcare in Switzerland (or an equivalent of 500 billion Euros per annum in the EU) associated with lost work are related to injury or...
blood test European action on HIV and viral hepatitis

Towards the 2030 health goals: European action on HIV and viral hepatitis

European action on HIV and viral hepatitis is at a necessary turning point to meet 2030 SDGs, writes Dr Masoud Dara of the WHO Regional Office for Europe 2030 is a milestone year for world leaders, and for all of us, as our action to end the AIDS and hepatitis...
access to innovative medicines

The IMI programmes driving access to innovative medicines

By providing the infrastructure to support drug discovery, the IMI is accelerating access to innovative medicines, as the EFPIA highlights here Innovation is the lifeblood of the pharmaceutical industry, providing us with the potential to cross new therapeutic frontiers to bring novel medicines to market that benefit patients and deliver...

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