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Revising cleanliness in hospitals

Anne Hayes, Head of Market Development for Governance & Risk at BSI shows that the latest revision of the hospital cleanliness specification is not only about improving hygiene levels but patient trust According to the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry by Robert Francis QC in February 2013, “A...

The importance of effective wound care

Alexandra Bishop, Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist at Plymouth Wound Care discusses how effective wound care can make all the difference to a patient, and the NHS The importance of effective wound care cannot be underestimated. Wounds in complex patients and those that are poorly managed can lead to the development of...

Wearable gait exoskeletons

For the therapy of neuromuscular diseases Maintaining walking ability is key for the survival of children affected by Neuromuscular Diseases (NMD). There is currently no etiological treatment for the majority of these affections, although several clinical trials on drugs are on the way, but at present with no definitive result....

Rehabilitation Robotics: What are the benefits?

Dr Thierry Keller Director of Rehabilitation at TECNALIA Research & Innovation discusses how robotic technologies can help assist rehabilitation Rehabilitation robotics includes a wide range of stationary and portable electromechanical assisted training devices with the main purpose to train lost body functions caused by neurological or traumatic events. Although a...

Identification and Significance of Sonographic B Lines in Pulmonary Ultrasound

Portable ultrasound is a powerful bedside tool used to evaluate lung pathology in patients in whom pneumothorax, congestive heart failure, and interstitial lung disease are considered in the differential diagnosis Portable ultrasound has several advantages over more traditional radiographic imaging modalities used in the evaluation of lung pathology. Thoracic ultrasound...

Social care – fit for purpose

Richard Kramer, Deputy Chief Executive at the Deafblind charity Sense highlights the importance of social care for deafblind and disabled people Last year was incredibly challenging for many deafblind and disabled people. Changes to the welfare system including the transfer from DLA to PIP and ongoing issues with Work Capability...

HIV-1 vaccine remains the best solution

Professor Tomáš Hanke of the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford discusses why the development of HIV-1 vaccine remains a high global health priority Since the first report of AIDS in 1981, an estimated 60 million people have become infected with HIV-1, of whom some 25 million have died. Over 90%...
HIV-1 vaccine remains the best solution

HIV-1 vaccine remains the best solution

Professor Tomáš Hanke of the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford discusses why the development of HIV-1 vaccine remains a high global health priority…  Since the first report of AIDS in 1981, an estimated 60 million people have become infected with HIV-1, of whom some 25 million have died. Over 90%...

Why European health systems must overcome the big challenge

Seemingly unaffected by recent financial crisis and austerity measures, European healthcare keeps improving. Performance, in key terms such as infant mortality, the survival of severe conditions, access to services, patient empowerment and the rational use of pharmaceuticals, all show improvement. The dire economic situation in a few countries hit...

Health in Europe: A matter of good economics

Open Access Government details the priorities and intentions of the new European Health Commissioner, Vytenis Andriukaitis Born in 1951, Vytenis Andriukaitis holds degrees in medicine and history and started his political career just after high school. He is one of the authors of the Lithuanian Constitution of 1992 and a...

Air quality in Europe

Air pollution impacts all living species and can have a detrimental impact. Dr Valentin Foltescu EEA Project manager – Air quality reporting and assessment at the European Environment Agency (EEA) explains more Europe is still far from achieving levels of air quality that do not pose unacceptable risks to humans...
© Michel Bussieres flooding

A future flood resilient built environment

One in 6 homes is now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. BRE’s Centre for Resilience is calling for a new approach to dealing with the risks along with investment and the development of innovative technologies to improve flood resilience. Director of the Centre, Dr...

The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme

Your partner for capacity development in fisheries projects For 17 years the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme has promoted the sustainable use of living aquatic resources in partner countries. Through the work with partners in 50 countries and with our partner institutions in Iceland, the UNU-FTP has identified key...

Climate cooperation in Europe’s first macro-region

Maxi Nachtigall, Adviser Sustainable Development, Council of the Baltic Sea States, CBSS sheds light on how the Baltic Sea Region is taking action to limit the impact from climate change The Baltic Sea region (BSR) is Europe’s first macro region. Since 2009, the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea region...

Volcanoes and geothermal energy

Taking advantage of the power of the Earth interior Prof. Joan MartĂ­ is the leader of the Group of Volcanology at the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC, of Barcelona, Spain. The research of his group addresses different aspects of the volcanological science, including dynamics of volcanic systems, hazard...
© Chris Dorney

The Disintegration of the Housing Debate

In addressing the urgent need for more housing, Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning, Alister Scott believes that key participants in the housing question need to embrace the economic, social and environmental drivers of development in a more joined-up discussion As we move inexorably towards the general election in 2015,...

CDM2015: Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 2015

Are we ready? On 29th January 2015, CDM2015 gained parliamentary approval, and will therefore come into force on 6th April 2015. As the final version of the regulations have only just been published and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) only issued the draft Guidances for CDM2015 on 9th January...
Tackling radicalisation in Buckinghamshire

Tackling radicalisation in Buckinghamshire

Councillor Martin Phillips, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement at Buckinghamshire County Council, talks about the work being done in the county to stop young people becoming radicalised… Last year, a former Buckinghamshire grammar school pupil went to Syria to join Islamic State. According to reports he was radicalised through jihadis on...
Social care – fit for purpose

Social care – fit for purpose

Richard Kramer, Deputy Chief Executive at the Deafblind charity Sense highlights the importance of social care for deafblind and disabled people Last year was incredibly challenging for many deafblind and disabled people. Changes to the welfare system including the transfer from DLA to PIP and ongoing issues with Work Capability...
A fully fledged growth policy

A fully fledged European growth policy

Corina Creţu, European Commissioner for Regional Policy gives an overview of her key priorities for the coming year… The European Union is currently facing a major growth and jobs challenge, as a result of the most severe economic crisis in decades. Millions of European citizens have put their hopes in...

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