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Addressing uncertainty to make infrastructure safer

Arturo González addresses the need to make infrastructure safer as it continues to experience an increasing rate of deterioration.
waste management policy

A new era of resource focused waste management policy

The Government’s resources and waste strategy provides a clear framework for long-awaited resource and waste management policy in the UK.
red blood cells, university of zurich

Red blood cells meets physics. Physics meet red blood cells

Professor Anna Bogdanova, University of Zurich, explores the relationship between red blood cells and physics, in this in-depth analysis.
stroke recovery, recovery research

Stroke recovery: The exciting trends of the future

Steven A. Kautz, Professor at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center and the Medical University of South Carolina College of Health Professions gives a glimpse into the future trends for stroke recovery research.
South Karelia Social and Health Care District, Cornerstone

Integration: Eksote’s customer-oriented service development

Merja Tepponen South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) explains why integration is a cornerstone of the organisation’s customer-oriented service development.
food manufacturing industry, food science

UK industry presence in global food science and innovation

Tim Foster, Professor of Food Structure at the University of Nottingham sheds lights on the role of the UK food manufacturing industry in global food science and innovation.
animal welfare, Precision Livestock Farming

European Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) for animal welfare and health

Daniel Berckmans and Tomas Norton at M3-BIORES, Catholic University of Leuven detail how European Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) benefits animal welfare and health.
nutritious and palatable food, future food beacon

Research to address challenge of nutritious and palatable food

David Salt, Director of the Future Food Beacon at the University of Nottingham explains the world-class research talking place to address the challenge of providing nutritious and palatable food.
robotics science, 4th Industrial Revolution

The future of robotics science, research and training for the 4th Industrial Revolution

Professor Samia Nefti-Meziani from The University of Salford provides a compelling insight into the future of robotics science, research and training for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
pet-friendly rented accommodation

Addressing the lack of pet-friendly rental accommodation

The first ever think tank of its kind, a think tank for pets, has been formed to address the severe lack of pet-friendly rented accommodation across the UK
Christmas season

Helping out the elderly during the Christmas season

This time of year can be lonely for those without a family, so Brits have been urged to help out the elderly during the Christmas season
green technologies, circular economy,

Green technologies gearing up globally in East and West

The EU has been a pioneer in green technologies for decades, but China is rapidly catching up in eco-innovation, explains Prof Dr Raimund Bleischwitz.

The role of anthropology and technology in the Ebola vaccine response

Heidi Larson, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project™ and Professor of Anthropology, Risk and Decision Science and researcher Sara Dada at LSHTM, discuss the advancements of Ebola vaccine response.
sharing economy

Distributed technologies to bootstrap the sharing economy

Professor Samer Hassan, explores how blockchain has the potential to help sharing economy projects to overcome several challenges they face at infrastructure, governance and economic levels
green future

The adaptation of coal for green future: Making the black greener

The adaptation of coal for green future is detailed here by Aleksander Sobolewski and Anna Kwiecińska from the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in Poland.
genetically modified chicken

The genetically modified chicken: A sound approach to the study of hearing

Jason Tait Sanchez provides insight into why the genetically modified chicken is a sound approach to the study of hearing
leading well

Leading Well: Is the way you are working, working?

Alex Elmywood, Commercial Director, Organisational Improvement discusses how the workplace can be improved to help better employee mental health and wellbeing.
Cancer, Healthcare research, OAG 021- January 2019

ChiLTERN: European project to improve outcome of children with liver cancer

In this analysis, Professor Keith Wheatley tells us about The ChiLTERN project, the most comprehensive research study ever undertaken in children’s liver cancer
mental health initiatives

St John Ambulance summit reveals range of UK’s mental health initiatives

Sleep training and talking groups for people undergoing IVF were among new mental health initiatives revealed by speakers at a two-day summit hosted by health charity St John Ambulance
DTU CEN - Center For Electron Nanoscopy

Electron Nanoscopy – Organic Ice Resist Lithography

Exploring the fundamentals of electron matter interactions to turn radiation damage into an exciting opportunity for nanotechnology.

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