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How language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations

Joe Miller, Pocketalk General Manager of the Americas and Europe, explores how language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations & the solutions available.
uncertainty in sea-level rise

Uncertainty in sea-level rise & how can we use it as a tool

Sandy Avrutin, Ocean and Earth Science Postgraduate Researcher, National Oceanography Centre at the University of Southampton, describes the uncertainty in sea-level rise, what it is & how we can use it as a tool.
sustainability science

Research priorities for sustainability science

Future Earth highlights pertinent research gaps and suggests forthcoming fields of research in the field of sustainability science.
diagnosis and treatment, lung cancer

The impact of new minimally invasive lung cancer diagnosis and treatment

Elize Sturkenboom – van de Wetering, Venture Leader of Lung Oncology at Phillips Healthcare, discusses the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer through new minimally invasive therapy.

Regenerative therapies for multiple sclerosis: Clues from studying normal brain development

Tara M. DeSilva from the Department of Neurosciences, Cleveland Clinic, walks us through regenerative therapies for multiple sclerosis, including comment on clues from studying normal brain development.
public sector customer service

Public sector customer service and the adoption of cloud technology

Rob Irons, Senior Manager at Hinduja Global Solutions, discusses whether public sector customer service has improved with the adoption of cloud technology.
statistical modelling

Challenges in data handling for big data in multi-omics research

Dr Gastone Castellani and Dr Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat from the University of Bologna, Italy develop methods for big multi-omics datasets.
soil health, carbon

The link between soil health and the survival of global agriculture

Here, we speak to Assistant Professor Christine Sprunger, who gives us expert insight on the universal need for soil health.
europe, brain health

JPND: Towards a stronger brain health partnership

One of JPND’s key objectives is to fortify its work in brain health partnerships in Europe to better combat the challenges of neurodegenerative disease (ND).
Productivity Day, work

How to keep your balance this World Productivity Day

Productivity is vital for all organisations to thrive, and in today’s always-on society, many employees are feeling the pressure to get more work done than ever before.
surgical pathways, nhs

Operationalising decarbonisation in the surgical pathway

The majority of businesses supplying products and services into the NHS through surgical pathways cannot have failed to be aware of the declared intent by the NHS to decarbonise the health system.
Chinese college admissions, universities

Reform in the Chinese college admissions policies

Chinese college admissions policies affect the educational experiences and labour market outcomes for millions of students each year.

Physical destruction of SSDs: a burden to the UK economy

The UK economy is in recovery: can we be confident that the government is being prudent with the finances at their disposal? What about the physical destruction of SSDs?
potential of algae

The potential of algae in treating chronic inflammation

Algae has become a hot topic: it could offer new solutions for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Dorit Avni – Migal Galilee Research Institute

Dorit Avni has 20 years of experience in inflammatory processes and their role in inflammatory-related diseases like IBD She specializes in in-vitro, ex-vivo and pre-clinical animal models, and practices a transdisciplinary approach in her research, employing genomic, immunologic, and metabolomic techniques. In her lab, she and her team study acute...
glue ear, Artificial Intelligence

Using artificial intelligence to diagnose ‘glue ear’ in children

Glue ear is a common cause of hearing impairment and disability amongst children. AI can improve accuracy of diagnosis and cut down annual NHS costs.

Dr. Fei Zhao – Cardiff Metropolitan University

Dr Fei Zhao, Reader in Hearing Science, Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences, Cardiff Metropolitan University. He has been awarded an Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award, through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Dr Zhao also won Global Academies and Santandar 2021 Fellowship Award. This...
AI to fight air pollution

How can we use AI to fight air pollution?

Martin Schultz at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, discusses the potential of AI to combat air pollution.
effects of nanoparticles

The effects of nanoparticles and the disruption of neural development

Ken Tachibana explores how the effects of nanoparticles on the environment and human body and brain have been left largely unexamined.
multiple sclerosis facts & trends

Multiple sclerosis facts & trends

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, walks us through multiple sclerosis facts & trends.

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