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Sweden’s fightback against AMR

Gabriel Wikström, Swedish Minister of Healthcare, Public Health and Sports, discusses the need for leadership and action in the global fightback against AMR For the first time, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is being actively discussed on a much wider stage than just by health experts and scientists. A high-level meeting on...
adult social care

Nine out of 10 councils do not pay fair price for adult social care

Adult social care is being undercut by councils failing to pay realistic prices to support older people and people with disabilities in their own homes New data from the UK Home Care Association (UKHCA) has revealed the majority of councils in the UK are not paying enough towards social care...
digital connected

The future of government in a digitally connected world

Professor Alan W. Brown, Executive Director of the Centre for the Digital Economy (CoDE) at Surrey Business School discusses how government can be used as platform to better meet citizens’ needs. “The UK has a renewed focus on making digital part of the culture of the public sector at both...

Smart active house building

Peder Vejsig Pedersen from Cenergia Energy Consultants looks at how integrated PV solutions can be used for smart house building... At the same time as the cost of PV panels and related technologies remaining low every year, ongoing work is still taking place in Denmark to develop new low-cost mounting and...

Support for Europe’s farmers

AG highlights how the European Commission is continually supporting farmers and rural communities. The agriculture sector is integral to economic development throughout Europe, and even worldwide. As around half of the land within the EU is farmed, this places farming as an integral part of the EU’s natural environment. The...

The importance of Open Science for Europe’s universities

The European University Association (EUA) and its Expert Group on ‘Science 2.0/Open Science’ are supporting universities in Europe in the transition to Open Science. Here, Lidia Borrell-Damián, Director of Research and Innovation explains to AG how. Open Science is critically changing the way scientific research is being conducted, accessed and utilised...

Encouraging research excellence in Canada

AG highlights how Canada is making strides to become a world-leader in research and innovation… The government of Canada understands the importance of science and research in order to tackle some major global challenges. As a nation of innovators, Canada understands the role science can play in the economy and...

What does it take to be a public sector leader in contemporary Britain?

Jody Goldsworthy, Senior Partner, GatenbySanderson outlines the ever-changing role of the public sector leader and what it entails...  The UK is facing an unprecedented period of change. Demand for public services is at an all-time high, meanwhile budgets are under more pressure. And, following the result of the EU referendum,...

An integrated approach to climate change

Floriane Cappelletti and David Donnerer from the Covenant of Mayors Office outline how the organisation will play a key role in achieving the EU’s Energy Union… European cities are home to 360 million people or 72% of Europe’s population and account for 70% of the continent’s energy consumption. These areas...

Placing education, research and innovation at the heart of Ireland

Dr. Ana Terrés, Director of Research Support at Dublin City University (DCU), looks at how DCU innovates for societal impact and contributes to Ireland’s economic recovery… Dublin City University (DCU) is a young and dynamic university which aims to have an impact on Irish society, not only by placing...

Clear and credible plan needed for digital health

According to a new briefing published by The Kings’ Fund, government minister's and NHS leaders should have a definitive plan for digital health… The briefing highlights the risk of losing credibility and commitment among frontline NHS staff if the digital health agenda continues to be subject to shifting priorities, new...

Encouraging communities to get healthy

Beki Cadd and Stephanie Bradbeer from Action PR highlight the importance of increasing leisure participation amongst disengaged groups within communities… According to statistics from Sport England, 15.8 million adults play sport at least once a week. This represents an increase of 1.75 million since 2005, indicating the 2012 Olympic legacy...

Funding boost for cycling in Birmingham

Birmingham City Council has been granted funding of £1.2m to enable children in the city to receive cycle training… Tens of thousands of children in Birmingham will benefit from the funding from the Department for Transport (DfT) which will enable to Bikeability scheme to continue until March 2020. The government’s flagship...

Soil biodiversity: keeping the Earth alive

Arwyn Jones and Alberto Orgiazzi, European Commission Joint Research Centre Sustainable Resources Directorate - Land Resources Unit, discuss the importance of soil biodiversity... Soil condition underpins food security, green growth, bio-economies and aboveground biodiversity; it regulates climate, the hydrological and nutrient cycles, while mitigating climate change. Soils provide resilience against floods and...

Towards cleaner and smarter mobility

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director at the European Environment Agency explains how cleaner and smarter transport can meet Europe’s need for mobility… Transport connects people, cultures, cities, countries and continents. It is one of the main pillars of the modern society and economy, allowing producers to sell their products across the...

$900m funding to help Canada lead research

The Minister of Science in Canada has revealed $900m funding to help universities become world-leaders… Canadian Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan has unveiled investment of $900m to support research in the country. The funding will be used to help 13 postsecondary institutions across Canada to strengthen their research centres. The Canada First...

The measurement conundrum in healthcare    

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, talks about the role of quantitative measurements in healthcare to ensure high standards of medical practice... “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. “What you can’t count, doesn’t count”.  These bromides of the corporate world found a home in the...

Unraveling a complex common bean disease in South East Africa

James R Steadman, Professor and Head of Plant Pathology Department and Carlos Urrea Florez, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln discuss root and crown rot, a disease of the common bean... A complex disease known as root and crown rot (RCR) has become a yield- limiting disease of common beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.), reaching...

Healthy in every sphere of life

Romina Männl, Project Assistant, Pfalzklinikum für Psychiatrie und Neurologie discusses ‘The Palatinate makes itself/you strong – ways to resilience’ initiative... 'The Palatinate makes itself/you strong – ways to resilience’ initiative was founded by Pfalzklinikum for psychiatry and neurology in the Palatinate, in Southwest Germany. Together with national and international project partners such as,...

MPs call on DfT to create clear air quality strategy

MPs on the Environmental Audit Committee have called on the government to develop a clear strategy to meet air quality targets… A new report from the Environmental Audit Committee calls upon the Department for Transport (DfT) to do more to meet air quality targets. The report, ‘Sustainability in the Department for...

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