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How is extensive research informing EU policy-making?

Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, investigates the current and future policy priorities of the Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, and what is influencing them.
environment-related actions

Companies should monitor the Commission’s environment-related actions

Sylvie Gallage-Alwis, Partner at Signature Litigation, argues here that companies should monitor the European Commission’s environment-related actions.
sustainable IT, printer

Sustainable IT and the 2020 office

Here, we learn from Crispin Associates Ltd about sustainable IT and its impact on health in the 2020 office through an in-depth look at photocopiers and printers.
climate change and decarbonisation

Hydrogen, climate change and decarbonisation

Dr Gareth Hinds, Science Area Leader in Electrochemistry at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), tells us what we need to know about hydrogen in the UK, including broader comment on climate change and decarbonisation.
bio-based fertilisers

Bio-based fertilisers: A potential move towards the circular economy?

Aarthi Janakiraman, Research Manager, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, analyses bio-based fertilisers and ponders if they are a potential move towards the circular economy.
climate risk information

Climate risk information: An essential service for planning

Here, The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) talks us through some key strategies for using climate risk information to change the world.
harm the ecosystem, land management

Can too much land management harm the ecosystem?

Land management is the way that Indigenous people have maintained a biodiverse world for generations, but now, does climate intervention from too many sources threaten to harm the ecosystem?

Everything you need to know about carbon offsetting

In this environment focus, we explain everything you need to know about carbon offsetting from what is it, why it is so important and how it can help improve environmental issues.
premature deaths

Tens of thousands of pollution related deaths averted by COVID lockdown

According to a new study, COVID-19 lockdowns across China and Europe have averted tens of thousands of premature deaths related to air pollution.
circular economy framework

A circular economy framework could aid financial recovery from COVID-19

A group of researchers led by WMG, University of Warwick believe that adopting a circular economy framework would help the world’s economy to recover from the effects of COVID-19.
european green deal

BIPV: Powering the European Green Deal

Here, European Green Cities discuss their perspective on creating Clean Energy as part of the European Green Deal.
Photocopiers and printers

Sustainable IT in the 2020 office: Photocopiers and printers

Dave Crispin, CEO of Crispin Associates (UK) Ltd looks specifically at photocopiers and printers when it comes to the ambition of sustainable IT in the 2020 office.
geospace sciences

Extending intellectual frontiers in atmospheric and geospace sciences

Here, Open Access Government probes how the National Science Foundation in the U.S. supports extending intellectual frontiers in the atmospheric and geospace sciences.
Tenant health

iOpt: Why IoT collaboration is at the heart of building a healthier nation

Here, Founder and Managing Director of iOpt Dane Ralston, features a case study of iOpt’s breakthrough collaboration with Renfrewshire Council, one which could fundamentally change the way the UK manages housing stock – and deliver benefits in cost-saving, energy efficiency and tenant health.
effects of COVID-19, health

The long-term effects of COVID-19

Whilst the direct consequences of COVID-19 on health are painfully apparent, could the long term effects be even worse?
fires oregon

What is causing the raging wildfires in Oregon, California and Washington?

The climate crisis has caused wildfires to rage across Oregon, California and Washington causing tens of thousands to flee their homes and has resulted in over 30 deaths.
public realm

Rethinking the public realm in the wake of COVID-19

Richard Hyams, Founder and Director of astudio, explores why we must rethink the public realm in light of COVID-19.
poor housing conditions

Poor housing conditions have damaging affect on cardiovascular health

According to a new study, people who are homeless or live in poor housing conditions may experience 60-70% higher rates of heart attacks, strokes and heart failure.
cleaner environment

How can ReCO2ST create a cleaner environment?

Denia Kolokotsa, Associate Professor at the Technical University of Crete, discusses how ReCO2ST could create a cleaner environment.
cleaner transport

Building momentum for cleaner transport

Amy Adams, VP Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Technologies at Cummins, discusses how we can build momentum for cleaner transport to make way for more resilient, healthier, and more sustainable cities.

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