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Silent office

Silent office cultures exacerbate mental illness in the workplace

Chris Sheppardson, CEO at EP Business in Hospitality ( discusses how silent office cultures add to the current mental health crisis .
back-to-school burnout

How teachers can banish back-to-school burnout

Here Dr Margot Sunderland – leading child psychologist and Director of Education and Training at The Centre for Child Mental Health – explores back-to-school burnout and provides teachers with advice on how stay fit and healthy.
Mfa1 fimbriae, Porphyromonas gingivalis,

Periodontal disease: Structure of Mfa1 fimbriae

Professor Yoshiaki Hasegawa discusses the structure and biogenesis mechanism of Mfa1 fimbriae from the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis.
prevention of type 1 diabetes

Turning a corner in the prevention of Type 1 diabetes

Dr Elizabeth Robertson, Director of Research at Diabetes UK explains why 2019 marked turning a corner in the prevention of Type 1 diabetes but adds that there is still more research to be done in this area.

Paediatric Hepatitis B: Investigating fingernails and hair

Here, Haruki Komatsu discusses how Paediatric Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the main things which can lead to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
NHS technology

Government to invest over £130 million in new NHS technology

Patients will benefit from significant government investment in new NHS technology to improve treatment, diagnosis and care options for diseases including cancer.
microfluidic devices, solid tumours

Microfluidic devices: The future is here

Dr Stefan H. Bossmann and Dr Christopher T. Culbertson, Professors of Chemistry at Kansas State University, explain why microfluidic devices are in their view, the future.
uveal tract, ophthalmology

Ophthalmology: A focus on uveitis – the inflammation of the uveal tract

Dr Gerry Morrow explains what you need to know about an aspect of ophthalmology called uveitis, defined as inflammation of the uveal tract, which comprises the iris, ciliary body and choroid.
public health in the 21st century, european public health

New challenges for public health in the 21st century

Dineke Zeegers Paget, Executive Director of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) provides a fascinating glimpse of the new challenges for public health in the 21st century.
Cannabinoids for therapeutic

Cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes – where are we?

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group shares a perspective on the present status and potential evolution when it comes to cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes.
mental health issues, uk schools

What can schools do to spot and avert mental health issues?

Schools across the UK are dealing with a mental health epidemic, with both primary and secondary school leaders reporting a rise in stress, anxiety and panic attacks in their pupils as well as depression, self-harm and eating disorders.

Changing the doctor-patient conversation about IBD

Nurse. Researcher. Pioneer. Lesley Dibley gives a voice to a marginalised group and has changed the way doctors talk to patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
personalised IBD treatment, prognostic test

New prognostic test could make personalised IBD treatment

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a new test that can reliably predict the future course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in individuals, transforming treatments for patients.
eating disorder treatment, NHS treatment

What is the reality of eating disorder treatment?

Dr. Lynne Green speaks to Nishat from Open Access Government about NHS eating disorder treatment, what to do if someone is suffering, and how social media has changed the landscape.
respiratory protection

Why is respiratory protection so important?

Paul Riddick, Co-Founder and Technical Director at Vodex explores how contaminates being produced on a daily basis in the workplace can damage your health and could even prove fatal.
cell-cell interaction, astma

Does disturbed cell-cell interaction cause asthma?

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at University Hospital Basel asks if disturbed cell-cell interaction causes asthma and provides a fascinating response.
musculoskeletal function

A focus on musculoskeletal function research

In this interview, Professor Dr Martin Flück at the Laboratory for Muscle Plasticity at Balgrist University Hospital explains his fascinating research around musculoskeletal function, including the post-operation recovery of patients that have undergone surgery due to the rupture of a rotator cuff tendon.
TB research discovery, Gulu Referral Hospital, aspergillosis

TB research discovery could now save over 10,000 lives

Around 1 in 15 people affected by Tuberculosis (TB) are likely to get the treatable fungal infection Aspergillosis, according to TB research by The University of Manchester and Gulu Referral Hospital, Uganda.
the patients perspective

Diabetes: The patients’ perspective

Jenny Hirst MBE, Co-Chair of the InDependent Diabetes Trust shares her expertise on diabetes from the patients’ perspective.
be trauma informed, child trauma symptoms,

Child diagnosis: The need to be trauma informed

Whilst autism spectrum disorder has neurological evidence, it is often misdiagnosed in children with Traumatic experiences: read on to be trauma informed.

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