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work-related aspects of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology: Work-related aspects

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, sheds light on work-related aspects of nanotechnology, including the overall framework to balance the benefits and risks.
research & innovation in cardiovascular disease

Europe deserves more and better research & innovation in cardiovascular disease

Prof Lina Badimon, Chair, ESC Advocacy Committee 2018-2020 Director, Cardiovascular Program (ICCC) – IR, Hospital de la Santa Crue I Sant Pau, argues that Europe deserves more and better research & innovation in cardiovascular disease.
prevention of pain

2020: The Global Year for the Prevention of Pain

2020 is the Global Year for the Prevention of Pain. James Boyce, Managing Editor at Pain Concern explains here why that matters.
COPD patients

What is research bringing to asthma and COPD patients in Europe?

According to Maximilian Kunisch and Giuseppe De Carlo from the European Federation of Allergies and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations, respiratory patients in Europe need to set the research priorities for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
digital transformation of healthcare

Why does the European Commission care about the digital transformation of healthcare?

Martin Seychell, Deputy Director-General for Health at the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), explains why the European Commission cares about the digital transformation of healthcare.
Sugary drinks tax and the war on obesity

Taxes on sugary beverages and ultra-processed food: Noncommunicable disease and obesity prevention strategies

Discussing taxes on sugary beverages, important components of noncommunicable disease (NCDs) and obesity prevention strategies.
muscle-wasting conditions research

The 2010s: Advances witnessed in muscle-wasting conditions research

Kate Adcock, Director of Research and Innovation, Muscular Dystrophy UK, charts the advances over the past decade in muscle-wasting conditions research.
new epilepsy treatment

Graphene-based implant could lead to new epilepsy treatment

A newly developed graphene-based implant can record electrical activity in the brain at extremely low frequencies and over large areas, unlocking the wealth of information found below 0.1 Hz and the potential for new epilepsy treatment.
infectious diseases in Africa

Assessment and surveillance to mitigate infectious diseases in Africa

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, gives a call to action when it comes to assessment and surveillance to mitigate the impact of infectious diseases in Africa.
MS and Prostate Cancer, cannabinoids

Healing with cannabinoids: MS and Prostate Cancer

Dr Shiksha Gallow, Medical Director of Biodata and Head Researcher at Cannabis Oil Research, provides evidence-based research on cannabinoids for treating MS and Prostate Cancer.
biomarkers for oncology,Proteomics

Cancer: Breakthrough technologies allowing leveraging biomarkers for oncology

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, provides a cancer focus, in particular, she details breakthrough technologies that allow leveraging biomarkers for oncology.
proof assistant, metacoq

Why should we trust proof assistants?

Proof assistants are formal proof management systems, which provide a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems, more of which here is explained by Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique.
medical cannabis market in denmark

The medical cannabis market in Denmark & Europe

Investment Manager at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Michael Prytz, charts the rapid development of the medical cannabis market in Europe and provides a look at the Danish model in this vein.

Partnerships are key to biomedical translational success

Jane Kinghorn, Director at UCL Translational Research Office and Anne Lane, CEO at UCL Business Ltd describe the contributing factors to the success of accelerating biomedical therapeutic translation at UCL and their partner hospitals.
UK’s medical cannabis industry

The UK’s medical cannabis industry

Dr. Frank D'Ambrosio, CMO of Block Commodities Plc, provides an insight into the UK’s medical cannabis industry.
Alberto Mantovani

Alberto Mantovani – Istituto Superiore di Sanità

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) is the reference scientific public body of the Italian Health Ministry and National Health Service. Its activities include research, control, training and advice in the interest of public health protection. Therefore, the main fields of primary prevention (food safety, environment and health, safety...
innovative bed tracking

Innovative bed tracking at a Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Brendan Crossey, Chief Executive Officer of Healthcare Analytics Limited, directs our thoughts to innovative bed tracking at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, one of five health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland.
cause of disability and premature death

Cardiovascular disease: A leading cause of disability and premature death

Dr Tejas Patel, a world-renowned interventional cardiologist and endovascular therapist, highlights cardiovascular disease, a leading cause of disability and premature death around the world.
Medical devices policy

Medical devices policy: Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Here, we look at medical devices policy of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. The Ministry now has Katsunobu Katō in place, who very recently replaced Nemoto Takumi as the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in the country.
important ecosystems

Conserving and sustainably managing the world’s important ecosystems

The Office of Conservation & Water coordinates the development of U.S. foreign policy on conserving and sustainably managing the world’s important ecosystems, as we find out here.

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