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private innovation

From basic research to private innovation

What’s the return on basic research spending? What can policymakers do to make basic research more valuable, beyond simply spending more taxpayer money? And what role will private innovation have?.
Advanced air mobility, rural communities

Advanced air mobility can connect rural communities and regions

Taking lessons from advanced air mobility in urban spaces and applying it to rural and regional communities in the levelling-up agenda.
post pandemic health, economic recovery

Social care at the heart of post-pandemic health & economic recovery

Mitesh Dhanak, Chair of the Organising Committee of Championing Social Care and Founder of Precious Homes, states the case for putting social care at the heart of post-pandemic health and economic recovery.
freshwater wetlands,

A piece of the puzzle into climate research: freshwater wetlands microbes

Emily Davenport and Arpita Bose discuss the case for freshwater wetlands as vital pieces of the solution for climate change and sustainable energy synthesis.
cancer screening

Is there a racial disparity in cancer screenings across England?

According to new research black people are 38% less likely than white people to be diagnosed at cancer screenings in England.
gun violence restraining order, mass shooting, red laws

Could gun violence restraining orders prevent mass shootings in the US?

Gun violence restraining orders already exist in some states, and research finds that they may contribute to more gun safety and potentially, lower rates of mass shootings.
improve mental health

True or false? Can we improve mental health through diet and physical activity

Unravelling the short-term effects of diet and physical activity on their ability to improve mental health – the Eat2beNICE APPetite study.

UK Cannabis Industry – the next Scottish Whisky

Nick Morland, Tenacious Labs CEO, All-Party Parliamentary Group for CBD Products Secretariat, Jersey Cannabis Services Advisory Board Chair, writes about the UK Cannabis Industry – could this be the next Scottish Whisky?
rarest galaxies

Hubble Space Telescope expands the search of the universe’s rarest galaxies

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has released its largest near-infrared image ever taken enabling astronomers to map the origin of our universes rarest galaxies.
brittle bone disease, osteogenesis imperfecta type I

The prevalence of Brittle Bone Disease

Dr Roger J. Young, Professor at Saba University School of Medicine, walks us through Brittle Bone Disease, otherwise known as Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I.
simplicity, messaging

Simplicity: Making complicated messages resonate with your audience

Simplicity of messaging is one of the hardest things to achieve, but it’s essential if you want to cut through to make an impact.
decarbonising the NHS, net-zero

The path to net-zero: Decarbonising the NHS estate

Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment at NHS Property Services (NHSPS), describes the path to net-zero when it comes to decarbonising the NHS estate.
Diver swimming next to giant megalodon shark

What caused the megalodon extinction?

New research using zinc stable isotope ratios suggests that great white sharks may have contributed to the extinction of megalodon sharks.
health research in canada

Neuroscience and health research in Canada

Open Access Government discerns the priorities of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, which examines Health research in Canada.
medical monitors, nhs

Simplifying the purchase of medical monitors in the NHS

Ingo Aicher, managing director at Jones AV Ltd., promotes the easy-to-use online specialist medical monitors which will transform British hospitals.
mental health challenges

Mental health challenges and encouraging help seeking behaviours among rural residents

Lakshmi Mahadevan, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at Special Populations, looks toward helping rural residents seek appropriate and timely help for mental health challenges.

Victoria Knight – BAE Systems Digital Intelligence

Victoria Knight is Strategic Campaigns Director at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence, which helps nations, governments, and businesses around the world defend themselves against cybercrime She has over 25 years of experience in the technology sector across strategic development, leadership, digital skills growth, diversity, and inclusion. A member of Manchester’s Cyber...
volunteering, net zero

Volunteering is vital to the UK’s environmental and social goals

Volunteering is at the forefront of how the UK can achieve its environmental and social goals, by improving the Net-Zero movement, and holding vast economic significance.
Dupuytren’s disease

Research reveals that anti-TNF drug reverses Dupuytren’s disease

A clinical trial at Oxford University has found that a drug used for rheumatoid arthritis can reverse Dupuytren’s disease, if taken early on.
cyber incidents, local schools

How to prevent future cyber incidents in local schools

Despite local schools going online following the pandemic, the cybersecurity threat prevails - here's how to prevent future cyber incidents.

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