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Young people’s decision making in environmental health

Liliana Cori,  Institute of Clinical Physiology of the Italian National Research Council, outlines the role of young people in making environmental health decisions... The LIFE + GIOCONDA project -  GIOvani CONtano nelle Decisioni su salute e Ambiente - ‘Young people count in environment and health decisions', provides young citizens and local...
pension fund

MPs urge stronger pension protection

New rules aimed at protecting workplace pension holders may be necessary MPs have said after retailer BHS failed… Following the failure of major retailer BHS, MPs are calling for better rules to protect workplace pensions. MPs said regulations should not allow firms to evade pension responsibilities after the BHS pension scheme...

Europe – invest and connect

AG Editor, Laura Evans, and Adjacent Oil and Gas Editor, Katy Edgington attended the 7th European Regions and Cities Summit in Bratislava. Here they report on the 2 day event and how investment and collaboration is key for Europe to move forward… A week after Slovakia took over the Presidency...

Harnessing opportunities for agri-food in Ireland

Michael Creed, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine in Ireland highlights the Food Wise 2025 strategy and its aims to tackle the challenges facing the Irish agri-food sector… Food Wise 2025, the ten year strategy for the Irish agri-food sector published in July last year, is the successor to...

Projects by the Initiative ‘The Palatinate makes itself/you strong – ways to resilience’

The Palatinate makes itself/you strong – ways to resilience’ initiative was founded by Pfalzklinikum for psychiatry and neurology in the Palatinate, in Southwest Germany. Together with national and international project partners such as, universities, communication experts and think tanks it aims to develop a resilient palatinate region until 2025....

Harnessing the potential of eHealth to live longer and healthier in Europe

In an exclusive article for AG, Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety highlights how eHealth has the potential to help Europe live healthier and longer… Europe is turning increasingly silver. According to estimates, the number of people in the EU aged 65 and over is set to double...

European Commission launches two financial instruments

The European Commission has launched two new financial instruments for ESI Funds investments to help young businesses and sustainable urban development… The European Commission has announced two new financial instruments for young businesses and urban development promoters. The “off-the-shelf, ready-to-use” instruments will help member states to double their European Structural and...

Bratislava Declaration aims to secure funding for EU regions

As politicians from across the EU meet this weekend for the biannual European Summit of the Regions, the Slovak Presidency presents the Bratislava Declaration… The largest event of the historic first Slovak Presidency of the European Union is taking place in the country’s capital this weekend. To coincide with the...

£57.5m funding for biomedical and quantum technology

The government has announced £57.5m funding will be made available for the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors… A new funding boost has been given to help develop the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors. The £57.5m fund was announced by Business Secretary Sajid Javid during...
health computer

Working towards an EU health information system

Petronille Bogaert, Robine Jean Marie, and Prof. Dr. Herman Van Oyen discuss the BRIDGE Health project and how it is developing an integrated and sustainable EU health information system Bridge Health is a European project under the third European Union (EU) Health Programme. The acronym stands for Bridging Information and...

A softer footprint in the Arctic snow

Karmenu Vella, EU Commissioner for the Environment details why a stronger and more focused approach is needed to protect the Arctic… If there is one place in the world where climate change is plainly visible, it is the Arctic region. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest...
Climate Mathematics

Climate Mathematics

Predicting the future with climate mathematics Carrying out experiments on the entire climate system is unfeasible. This is because of the simple fact that we have only one Earth and it is in use.
ETH Zurich

Concrete Infrastructure: Durability screening of new blended cements

Portland cement has for decades been the most used type of cement to build reinforced concrete infrastructure. Experience and research on corrosion of reinforcement in concrete made of Portland cement have shown that the very high alkalinity of the pore solution ideally protects the steel. The disadvantage is that...
doctor with tablet

PATHway leading the way: ERS paving the way

René Schippers, Director, Electronic Record Services B.V. discusses the PATHway project and its role in cardiac rehabilitation...  PATHway vision Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of premature death (30% of all deaths) and disability in Europe and worldwide (WHO), costing the EU economy almost EUR 196 billion a year. With changing demographics and...

Strengthening partnerships between cities

Hella Dunger-Löper Member of the European Committee of the Regions (COR) outlines the core principles that should shape the EU’s new Urban Agenda… A wall once ran through my city. When it came down, two halves had to be connected, neglected areas restored, new communities created, a shared direction agreed....
cycling path

£20.6m green transport fund announced by the government

The government has revealed £20.6m green transport funding for cycling and walking projects across the country… A £20.6m green transport fund will help to develop cycling and walking projects, it has been announced. The money will act as a stop gap, covering the end of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund...
North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire fracking gets green light

North Yorkshire fracking proposals were given the go-ahead by the county council yesterday evening, in the face of fierce opposition… The County Council planning committee has given the go-ahead for North Yorkshire fracking proposals put forward by Third Energy, with a vote of seven to four. The planning committee sat for...

Ljubljana – European Green Capital 2016

The European Green Capital team outline why Ljubljana is the first and only European green capital in central and south Eastern Europe… Ljubljana is a city that will surprise you and exceed your expectations. It is unique – small by surface area, but huge in its hospitality and quality of life....

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

Protecting tropical forests worldwide

Vidar Helgesen, Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment answers AGs questions about how Norway is contributing to sustainable development by reducing deforestations in the worlds tropical forests. As part of their International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), Norway has pledged up to 3 billion NOK a year to help save the...

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