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Designing a resilient Don Watershed in Toronto

The city of Toronto is a massive never-ending blur of concrete. The immense redevelopment of the waterfront consists of apartment towers as far as one can see. Looking at the city from the Sky-tower the outskirts have a green look, but don’t let the image fool you: down at...

A New Catalyst for an Ancient Bulk Chemical

A research group at DTU Chemistry shows, that zeolite recrystallization allows synthesis of extremely efficient gold nanoparticle catalysts This latest research from DTU Chemistry could revive one of the oldest processes in the chemical industry, namely production of acetaldehyde from ethanol. This principle has the potential to apply to a...

Equality starts in early education

OAG highlights the work being done by the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education to help remove education barriers for vulnerable and disabled people In 2012 the European Commission reported that around 45 million EU citizens of working age have a disability, and 15 million children have special educational...

Innovative solutions for healthcare challenges

European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis spoke at eHealth week in Riga about how digital applications are integral to tackling today’s health challenges in Europe When I started as a practising medical doctor, we kept handwritten health records and had face to face consultations. There was no...

Elena Nekhaev

Programmes Director - World Energy Council

Climate change and plants- a disaster waiting to happen?

Suzanne Sharrock, Director of Global Programmes at the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) discusses the impact of climate change on plants There is unequivocal evidence that the Earth’s climate is warming at an unprecedented rate. Recent reports show that the Earth has warmed by about 0.74°C in the last 100...

Community Development and Planning

Varberg will be an attractive place to live, visit and work in The municipality's goal is to plan for a development that is ecologically, socially and economically sustainable. Development specialization provides a comprehensive picture of the long-term planning approach of the municipality. Varberg has great need of new areas for both...
The importance of adequate rail infrastructure financing

The importance of rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe… Mobility is vital for the European Union’s internal market, for the quality of life of Europe’s citizens, and for society as a whole. Effective mobility requires a modern,...

Nordic Council of Ministers

AG (May 2015)  "We were happy to be able to publish an article in AG, as it provided an excellent platform for our international outreach on green growth and sustainable development." Michael Funch, Senior Adviser/Communication, Nordic Council of Ministers

The Digital Economy

Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society details the importance of a digital economy and sustainable online services There are few business sectors emerging as fast as the digital economy. Just a year ago almost no one has ever heard of the taxi company Uber or the...

On the way to a future-oriented railway system

Wim Fabries, European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) Programme Director at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment in the Netherlands, explains how a system could improve railways in the country  The Netherlands has one of the busiest railway networks in the world. The quality and safety of its railways are...
The role of excellent science in an ERA of innovation

The role of excellent science in innovation

Stephan Kuster, Head of Policy Affairs at Science Europe outlines the role scientific excellence plays in encouraging innovation throughout Europe Science is surrounded by growing expectations linked to the innovation potential of scientific discoveries and new technologies. In Europe, stimulating innovation is widely regarded as the road to a sustainable...

The importance of adequate rail infrastructure financing

Libor Lochman, Britta Schreiner and Hans Besser from CER – the Voice of European Railways, emphasise the importance of infrastructure investment throughout Europe  Mobility is vital for the European Union’s internal market, for the quality of life of Europe’s citizens, and for society as a whole. Effective mobility requires a modern,...

Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

A part of Bristol’s status as 2015 European Green Capital involves becoming the UK’s most energy efficient major city. Here, the Council outline their Warm Up Bristol initiative targeting poorly insulated and energy inefficient homes Bristol has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe and each year in the...

Success story on mineral carbonation of CO2

Pushing academic research towards industrial scale through advanced modelling and piloting At Aalto University’s Department of Energy Technology, Professor Mika Järvinen’s Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection research group is conducting pioneering research on biomass combustion, carbon (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) by mineral carbonation, circulating fluidised bed gasification of waste,...

United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme

Building capacity in aquaculture research and development Established in 1998, the UNU-FTP addresses major challenges to the sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture in developing countries through institutional and individual capacity building. The UNUFTP runs a six-month post-graduate training in Iceland for practising professionals and delivers short courses in developing...

Investing in the future of agriculture

Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Commission details the importance of investment and innovation in agriculture  Agriculture is humankind’s primary occupation – the only economic activity which can be truly said to nourish the world. The principle of food security needs to be a top priority...

Dhaka, The Productive City

The capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is often reminded as a poor, busy and polluted city in the heart of an often-flooded country. For a long time it was a quiet town, without any turbulence until recently some tension emerged. Deeper causes are not yet revealed but could have something...

The role of excellent science in an ERA of innovation

Stephan Kuster, Head of Policy Affairs at Science Europe outlines the role scientific excellence plays in encouraging innovation throughout Europe Science is surrounded by growing expectations linked to the innovation potential of scientific discoveries and new technologies. In Europe, stimulating innovation is widely regarded as the road to a sustainable...
Worcestershire councils agree shared service contract

Worcestershire councils agree shared service contract

Three local authorities in Worcestershire have signed a contract for Civica to oversee their shared service centre and manage their customer services Worcestershire County Council, Worcester City Council, and Malvern Hills District Council have reached an agreement regarding their shared services. In a deal worth £13m, the three local authorities...

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