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UK law of protest, human rights act

Emerging threats: Recent developments in the UK law of protest

Sailesh Mehta and Tim Kiely, Barristers at Red Lion Chambers, look at the volatile landscape of UK law of protest - especially in the wake of Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion.
youth wellness

Pathways to youth resilience

Dr Christine Wekerle from McMaster University discusses youth health risks and why resilience is crucial to youth wellness.
online safety bill, frances haugen

Whistleblower says Online Safety Bill must stop “legal but harmful” content

Speaking to UK politicians, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen suggests the Online Safety Bill should address "legal but harmful" content - the type that leads to self-harm.
contraception side effects, the pill

Why is contraception still letting people down?

With numerous side effects and fluctuating reliability, contraception has a long way to go in order to provide the healthcare that people around the world need.

Is there LGBTQ+ discrimination in STEM academia?

Do LGBTQ+ academics still feel pressured to hide their identity in STEM academia, even in 2021?
women’s rights, menopause

How has the struggle for women’s rights affected our menopause

Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, specialist in integrative women's health and bioidentical hormone balancing for The Marion Gluck Clinic, explains how our busy lives have affected our menopause.
influential women

Ada Lovelace Day: Tech’s most influential women share their views

In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day 2021, the top women in the tech industry talk about what the day means to them and for the wider tech world.
lower your cholesterol levels

How to naturally lower your cholesterol levels

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, shares her tips on how to naturally lower your cholesterol levels without using medication.
life expectancy decrease, COVID life expectancy

Researchers say COVID created largest life expectancy decrease since WWII

According to Oxford University researchers, COVID created the largest life expectancy decrease since WWII - with 93.1% of countries seeing a significant decline.
one woman killed three days, sexual harassment, femicide

Research reveals one woman killed every three days in UK

A report by Femicide Census, an organisation that documents women killed by men, found that one woman is killed every three days in the UK - now, the rate of murder shows "no signs of reducing".
menstrual cycle COVID vaccine,menstruation covid

NIH funds menstrual cycle and COVID vaccine research

McLean Hospital’s Clinical and Translational Pain Research Laboratory is one of five institutions splitting a $1.67 million NIH grant - the research will examine any links between the menstrual cycle and the COVID vaccine.
national coding week

National Coding Week 2021 – Tech experts tackle the main issues  

Eight experts working across technology companies in software development, AI, public sector IT, data analytics and cybersecurity give their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities around National Coding Week.
older adults with severe dementia, ageing population

Evaluation of older adults with severe dementia

Professor Timothy Kwok of Jockey Club Centre for positive ageing, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, explores how to reliably evaluate older adults with severe dementia.

Study reveals transgender people still face increased risk of death

In a study spanning fifty years, researchers reveal that transgender people still face a disproportionate likelihood of death - a likelihood not connected to gender-affirming hormone treatment.
endometriosis symptoms, endometriosis diagnosis

Why is endometriosis still hard to diagnose?

Endometriosis, a condition impacting at least 190 million people globally, remains relatively ignored - why is it still hard to access treatment? 
sports medicine

The need for scientific research in sports medicine

Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, argues for increasing awareness of the need for scientific research in sports medicine.
inclusion and equality

A commitment to inclusion & equality

Open Access Government's Jonathan Miles, charts the European Commission’s commitment to inclusion and equality, examining some recent policy initiatives.
banana xanthomonas wilt

Controlling Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in East Africa

Experts Leena Tripathi, Jaindra Nath Tripathi and Richard Goodman, provide a compelling analysis of controlling Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in East Africa.
mosquito control

New mosquito control tools are critical

Leo Braack, Malaria Consortium’s Senior Vector Control Specialist, recounts the ongoing battle against vector-borne diseases and shares why the need for new mosquito control tools has become critical.
workplace gender equality, women workplace

Study says men have “major influence” on workplace gender equality

The study, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, finds that men can have major influence on workplace gender equality - if they appear to support women, they can change dynamics of hostility and isolation.

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