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patient flow

Patient flow and bed management: How does your Trust manage it?

Paul Barrett, TeleTracking UK, explains how automating patient flow and bed management in real-time can transform hospital operations, free up time for nurses to care, reduce stress on caregivers and importantly improve patient outcomes.
pregnancy outcomes, medicaid

Medicaid expansion improves pregnancy outcomes for low-income women

A professor describes severe maternal morbidity in low-income women as a public health crisis - now, Medicaid expansion seems to be improving pregnancy outcomes.
specialist support services

Domestic abuse services receive ÂŁ40m to support victims

Specialist support services for victims of rape and domestic abuse will receive an extra ÂŁ40 million funding boost from the Government.
executive orders on climate, biden

President Biden signs bundle of executive orders on climate change

Yesterday, President Biden signed a slew of executive orders on climate change, describing the new proposals as a way to fight an "existential threat".
protect biodiversity, people

Nature needs legal rights to really protect biodiversity

Professor Dr Tineke Lambooy discusses why granting legal personhood to entities of nature could enable society to protect biodiversity for future generations.
impact of trauma, holocaust survivor

Holocaust survivors show researchers the lifelong impact of trauma

With eyewitness awareness of how six million Jewish people lost their lives, aging Holocaust survivors have carried an impossible burden - now, researchers are attempting to document the lifelong impact of trauma.

Tactical urbanism, parklets, and a post-COVID recovery

Romy Rawlings, Commercial Director at Vestre Ltd, discusses how COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for transforming urban spaces, and why introducing parklets could be the way forward.
renewable energy source, battery

Scientists are working on a new renewable energy source

Renewable energy sources are the environmentally ideal way to proceed, which includes massive lithium batteries that can be recharged - scientists are now looking to solve the scarcity problem of using lithium as a base.
air purification technology

Active air purification technology can safely disinfect indoor spaces

Andrew Hobbs, CEO of Better Indoors, is currently engaging parliamentarians to discuss the need to utilise air purification technology to safely disinfect the air and surfaces in indoor spaces.
eliminate microplastics, laundry

Scientists find new way to eliminate microplastics from water

They found that electrolytic treatment of wastewater can literally eliminate microplastics - other methods simply separate microplastics from water, creating the problem of unwanted leftovers.
hearing the dead, communication

Researchers explain the science behind “hearing the dead” 

According to Durham University, mediums who are "hearing the dead" can have a history of unusual auditory experiences - they are more likely to experience absorption, which is linked to altered states of consciousness.
the luxury sector, fashion

The growing digital transformation of the luxury sector

It’s 2021, and today, almost every interaction happens through digital devices - what does this mean for the luxury sector? 
heart transplant

Adaptation after heart transplantation: A framework for the future

Anna Forsberg, Professor of Transplant Nursing at Lund University and Chair of the ETAHP Committee at the ESOT, explores a key area of development in heart transplant nursing as part of the build-up to ESOT Congress 2021.
abortion services in northern ireland, ireland

UK Government taken to court over abortion services in Northern Ireland

A Northern Irish human rights group are taking the UK Government to court, for failing to enforce abortion services in Northern Ireland after the pandemic - one year after abortion was legalised.
public sector organisations, geospatial commission

5,500 public sector organisations will gain access to local data

Over 5,500 public sector organisations now have access to Ordnance Survey information, as part of the Geospatial Commission’s Public Sector Geospatial Agreement.
sustainably managed supply chain

The benefits of a sustainably managed supply chain

Jodi Sanders, General Manager of PacWolf, explains why a sustainably managed supply chain can be beneficial.
public sector in 2021

Key trends for the public sector in 2021

Peter Ford, Public Sector Industry Principal at Pegasystems, explores some of the top trends for the public sector in 2021 which include chatbots, intelligent automation and citizen data scientists.
u.s. agriculture

National Institute of Food and Agriculture: Stimulating innovation in American agriculture

Open Access Government explores the work that the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is doing to sustain and advance U.S. agriculture.
non-food biomass, food

Creating innovative value chains from non-food biomass feedstock

AFTER-BIOCHEM project aims at creating innovative and more sustainable value chains from renewable raw materials to multiple high added-value products at industrial scale.
Forest Service

The U.S. Forest Service: Caring for the land and serving people

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service has suffered the effects of 2020, and here, Open Access Government examines how it is providing care and relief for both U.S. citizens and forests everywhere.

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