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amyloidosis blood condition

Amyloidosis: A rare but devastating blood condition

Dr Peter Diamond, Head of Research from the Leukaemia Foundation, describes what we need to know about amyloidosis, a rare but devastating blood condition
budget on mental health, depression and anxiety

WHO says governments spend only 2% of budget on mental health

While global cases of depression and anxiety rose by 25% in the pandemic, governments spend just over 2% of their budget on mental health.
eye health research, eye treatment

The time is right to prioritise eye health research

Keith Valentine, Chief Executive of Fight for Sight, explains why eye health research needs to be on the political agenda.
women's health COVID-19

How has COVID-19 changed women’s health attitudes? 

Carolyn Hobdey examines how the global pandemic affected women's health attitudes, such as contraception, menstruation and reproductive rights.
inequalities in physical activity, health inequality

Tackling inequalities in physical activity

Elisabeth Morgans, Senior project manager at C3 Collaborating for Health, discusses solutions to tackle physical inactivity and overcome the ever pervasive and entrenched issue of health inequality.
prostate cancer ultrasound, MRI scan

Ultrasounds to detect prostate cancer are highly successful 

An ultrasound can diagnose most prostate cancer cases in men with great accuracy – only missing 3.4% of severe cases.
Organismal contributions

Organismal contributions to changing climate

Zachary Senwo, PhD Professor, explores how organismal contributions can be used in the search for climate change solutions
the property sector, workforce

Working from home: The impact on the property sector

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management, reflects on how the pandemic has affected working patterns along with the impact of working from home on the property sector.
climate change justice

IPCC: Climate change policies are nothing without social justice

The new IPCC report describes the financial commitment of high carbon-emitting countries – but are climate change policies enough to support justice and stop the crisis?

Earth’s closest black hole actually “vampire” two-star system

It has been scientifically accepted that Earth's closest black hole is about 1,000 light-years away - but now, research suggests that black hole doesn't exist.
genome remodelling

Unlocking dark matter for genome remodelling

Dr Helen Rowe, Senior Lecturer in Epigenetics, outlines the significance of research into dark matter and genome remodelling
hoarding behaviour, adhd

One in five people with ADHD have hoarding behaviour

People with ADHD are likely to adopt hoarding behaviours and mental addictions to items – potentially leading to a serious impact on their quality of life.
transgender resilience, discrimination

The social realities behind transgender resilience 

Transgender people face a lot of discrimination, hostility, and tension in their everyday lives, especially in rural areas in the US - leading to strategies of transgender resilience.
breast milk baby formula

New clues for reproducing breast milk in baby formula

Frederique Lisacek from SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, ponders if we are getting closer to reproducing breast milk in baby formula
child cohort network

EU Child Cohort Network: Harmonised data of 250,000 children & parents

European federated infrastructure and harmonised data of 250,000 children and parents sum up the LifeCycle Project – EU Child Cohort Network
petrol prices

Petrol prices jump above £1.50 for the first time

For the fourth month in a row, UK petrol prices have risen again, with February hitting an all time high.
sexual violence

Experiences of sexual violence linked with high blood pressure

According to a longitudinal study of US women, women who have experienced sexual violence are more likely to develop high blood pressure.
suicide and overdose, automation

How have robots increased suicide and overdose in humans?

An increase in “deaths of despair” – suicide and overdose – across the US has been linked to robot manufacturing which is gradually replacing people in their jobs.
scientific truth

Irreproducibility and scientific truth

Ute Deichmann from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, explores the issues of irreproducibility and scientific truth
new space map

4.4 million galaxies revealed by new space map

A map of space has revealed an astonishingly detailed radio image of more than 4.4 million objects and a very dynamic picture of our Universe.

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