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cities in europe

The future of cities in Europe

Here, Open Access Government considers the future of cities in Europe, including the opinions of Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary-General, Eurocities.
cleaning and disinfection, infection

Eco Statics electrostatic cleaning and disinfection system

John Catton, CEO of Eco Statics Global Ltd, tells us all about the companies innovative electrostatic cleaning and disinfection system.
intelligent traffic sytems, siemens

Intelligent traffic systems (ITS) in the UK

Wilke Reints, Managing Director of Siemens Mobility Limited’s Intelligent Traffic Systems business, turns our thoughts towards intelligent traffic systems (ITS) including comment on traffic volumes, air quality and electric vehicles.

Jane C Khoury – Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

My research passion is diabetes in pregnancy, and I am currently funded to follow-up on young adult offspring of women who had pre-gestational diabetes However, I also have other diverse research interests, which is common in my field as a quantitative epidemiologist. I have been part of the Greater Cincinnati and...
recovery, public sector

How data can unlock a Government-led pandemic recovery

Natalie Taylor, MD Public Sector at Foundry4, explores how UK Government can use data as a tool to recover economically from the COVID-19 pandemic.
engineering research

Engineering research keeps America’s future competitive

Robert B Stone and Jordan M Berg, of the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Division at the U.S. National Science Foundation, chart precisely how engineering research improves people’s lives.
patient care, NHS

Helping NHS Trusts increase efficiency and improve patient care

Rob Hurrell, Business Development Director at Aire Logic, explores how technology supports the vision of a Paperless NHS and improves patient care.
detection of dementia, EC screen

A digital cognitive test for the detection of dementia in older people

Timothy Kwok, Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, tells us about the Electronic Cognitive Screen (EC-Screen) that gives a brief and user-friendly digital cognitive test for the detection of dementia in older people.
genetically modified crops

Farming sustainably with genetically modified crops

Fourth-generation soybean and corn farmer Monte Peterson explains why he uses genetically modified crops (GMOs) to farm more sustainably and safely.
civil society

Shaping of post-COVID-19 EU: Only with organised civil society!

Christa Schweng, President, European Economic and Social Committee details the shaping of post-COVID-19 EU and argues that this is only possible with an organised civil society.
dairy industry, plants

Circular economy in the dairy industry: Processing wastes to P-rich bio-based fertilisers

Sergio Ponsá talks about the valorization of the wastes generated by the dairy industry to recover phosphorous, a relevant macronutrient for plant growth that currently depends on a critical raw material.
tattoo toxicology, tattoo inks

Beyond skin deep: The emerging science of tattoo toxicology

Jonas J. Calsbeek, Jeremy A. MacMahon & Pamela J. Lein, PhD from University of California, Davis, explain the emerging science of tattoo toxicology.

How is extensive research informing EU policy-making?

Megan Warrender, Assistant Editor at Open Access Government, investigates the current and future policy priorities of the Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, and what is influencing them.
mamallian dive response, death

The Elephant in the Water: The mammalian dive response and sudden death

Frank F Vincenzi, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, tells us about the mammalian dive response (MDR), drawing on the case of the woman who developed a fatal heart rhythm while SCUBA diving.
inpatient diabetes care

How COVID-19 has renewed momentum to improve inpatient diabetes care

Olivia Burr, Inpatient Care Lead at Diabetes UK, explains how COVID-19 has renewed momentum to improve inpatient diabetes care.
Politics and COVID-19

Politics and COVID-19: A third chance for European solidarity

László Andor, Secretary General of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and former Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2010-2014), argues that we now have a third chance for European solidarity in this politics COVID-19 focus.
future of food

The future of food in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Ruth Richardson, Executive Director, The Global Alliance for the Future of Food, shares her perspective on the future of food in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
green book refresh, local authorities

Achieving the ‘levelling up’ agenda needs to go beyond a Green Book refresh 

Infrastructure in the developed world is creaking – we estimate that over $4.6 trillion of spend is required by 2035 to keep pace with needs, and a Green Book refresh won't do it.
plant roots, plants

Where is the water? Trying to unveil how plant roots find water

Chang-Soo KIM, Professor at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, discusses the importance of developing a deeper understanding about how plant roots find water.
biomimetic apatites, compounds

The advent of biomimetic apatites in today’s and tomorrow’s medicine

In this interview, Prof Christophe Drouet (CNRS Senior Scientist) – an international specialist in bio-inspired apatites – relates the multifunctional potential of these intrinsically biocompatible compounds for a wealth of uses from bone tissue repair, to cell-scale medicine.

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