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local government evergreen, processes and systems

Local government: The importance of remaining evergreen in processes and systems

Mat Clothier, CEO and Founder of Cloudhouse, discusses the importance of remaining evergreen in processes and systems.
ccu emissions, carbon capture

The reality of carbon capture utilisation technology 

Carbon capture technology is mostly marketed as a beneficial solution to the emission crisis, yet the technology in reality uses too much energy.
Dementia Care during COVID 19

Dementia day care service during the COVID-19 pandemic

Professor Timothy Kwok discusses the importance of maintaining dementia day care service during the COVID-19 Pandemic
autism boys girls, autism symptoms

Diagnostic differences between boys and girls with autism

Using AI, researchers find that brain organisation can differ between boys and girls with autism - because of gender disparities in generally male-focused research.
non-communicable diseases indigenous,

Study finds increase in hypertension for Indigenous communities 

With limited knowledge about how non-communicable diseases affect vulnerable populations, researchers find that indigenous people are unusually affected by hypertension.
conflict agriculture, peace agreements

Increased pressure on forests after peace agreements in Colombia

Periods of political conflict and peace in Colombia have been shown to lessen and increase deforestation, due to fluctuations in agricultural practices.
women supply chain, supply chain

Why women could be the answer to supply chain’s future

Sian Hopwood, EVP, Local Business Units at BluJay Solutions, discusses how women could be the answer to the future of supply chains.
public sector transformation, public sector services

Public sector needs to be a transformer, not a passive spectator

Mark Gibbison, Head of Strategic Motions for New Business at Unit4, examines the potential for transformation in the public sector.

Biology: Helping nature fight back against mass extinction

Nigel Whittle FRSB – Head of Medical & Healthcare at Plextek, describes the importance of helping nature fight back against mass extinction
Nigel Whittle

Nigel Whittle FRSB – Plextek

Nigel is the Head of Healthcare & Medical at Plextek. With over 20 years of experience in the medical and pharmaceutical sector, Nigel has pioneered innovative medical technologies for companies such as Sagentia, MedImmune, Life Sciences for UK Trade & Investment, Celltech Pharmaceuticals and Cantab Pharmaceuticals to name a few....
long covid care

Long COVID: Complex, needing long-term rehabilitative care

Dr Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Director, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems at WHO/Europe, argues that Long COVID is a complex condition requiring long-term rehabilitative care
child marriage rape, statutory rape

Child marriage: The legal loophole which violates statutory rape laws

Child marriages devise loopholes for sexual abuse against children – with a study showing that child marriages violate statutory rape laws in 14 states.
personalised healthcare, clinical trial

Real-world evidence set to turbo boost personalised healthcare

Richard Armstrong, head of registries at NEC Software Solutions UK, puts real-world evidence under the microscope and examines how, as our population ages it has the power to speed up medical interventions at scale.
cognitive decline alzheimers

What is the reason for cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease?

New tech has helped confirm that the destruction of brain synapses underlies the cognitive deficits experienced by patients with Alzheimer’s

25% of global rivers have significant pharmaceutical pollution

Data finds that over one quarter of global rivers have significant pharmaceutical pollution - including toxic levels of antibiotics.
vaccine mental health, mental distress

COVID vaccine improves both mental health and safety

Having just one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduced multiple psychological distress factors, improving the well-being and safety of recipients.
pandemic measures, wildlife

Just 5% of COVID expenditure could prevent the next pandemic

Reducing the risk of future pandemics takes investment, biodiversity action, and fostering better human-wildlife relationships to prevent the spread of zoonotic viruses.
poverty carbon emissions, un sustainable development goals

The fight against poverty would not solve carbon emissions

Research highlights that fighting poverty would not change existing climate goals, as richer countries are substantially more responsible for carbon emissions.
levelling up lungs, british lung foundation

‘Levelling up’ doomed to fail unless government gives our lungs a boost

Sarah Woolnough, Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, says the government should not miss this vital opportunity to protect our health.
living with depression, suicide

80% of people living with depression not diagnosed or treated

According to The Lancet, 80-90% of people living with depression in low-and-middle-income countries are not diagnosed or treated.

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