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Labrador Institute of Memorial University

The eNuk program: Developing a community-based, participatory health and environment surveillance strategy

Prepared by: Alexandra Sawatzky, Ashlee Cunsolo, and Sherilee Harper The call for community-based environment & health monitoring in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut The Canadian North is experiencing intense and rapid socio-cultural stresses resulting from various shifts in the environment, including climate change and resource extraction and development. When combined, these changes present major...

From biobanking to precision medicine

A group of experts from ISBER shed light on the science of biobanking and its role in delivering modern and precision medicine
cybersecurity in schools

Why it’s time for the UK education sector to prioritise cybersecurity in schools

Oliver Wells, Education Manager at Sophos, explains that the education in the UK must turn its focus to cybersecurity in schools
Danish research

New agreement will see DKK 1 billion given to Danish research

A new broad political agreement will see DKK 1 billion given to Danish research to explore health, education, environment, and children & families
frictional metamaterials

Rubbing shoulders with frictional metamaterials

Julien Scheibert, researcher at CNRS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon explores the fascinating world of frictional metamaterials and their potential
fish immunity

Investigating how to make farmed fish immunity more robust

Dr María Ángeles Esteban’s group is searching for new biomarkers involved in fish immunity and welfare in farmed environments
symptoms of Parkinson's

Treatments and symptoms of Parkinson’s

Prof. David Dexter, deputy director of research at Parkinson’s UK shares his thoughts on the symptoms of Parkinson’s and the chances of finding a cure

Let’s be honest: gas and oil are not going anywhere, anytime soon

Danny Pay, Director of Maximus Green outlines energy efficiency towards gas and oil is a realistic approach to going ‘green’ for all applications
chemical biology

Chemical biology: A chance conversation but an important question

Research professor Prof Colin J Suckling OBE DSc FRSE discusses his engagement with medicinal chemistry and chemical biology
canadian youth

Promoting the issues affecting Canadian Youth

Jonathan Miles from Open Access Government profiles the work the Minister of Canadian Heritage and what she does for Candian youth
minor cereals

How can minor cereals enhance diversity and contribute to human nutrition

Dagmar Janovská and Martina Eiseltová from HealthyMinorCereals project explain the scope of their research concerning five minor cereals
biodiversity data

iDigBio: Serving biodiversity data and resources to the World

Pamela S Soltis, Director of the University of Florida’s Biodiversity Institute shares a compelling insight into the digitisation of biodiversity data
modification of plants

Artificial chromosome technology in the modification of plants

James A. Birchler from University of Missouri, Columbia gives an absorbing insight into research around the modification of plants for food crops
research in Europe

What is the future for clinical and health research in Europe?

Experts discuss the FEAM-BioMed Alliance paper, which outlines how the next EU Framework Programme can further support biomedical research in Europe
cardiovascular disease detection

Early stage Cardiovascular Disease Detection with Integrated Silicon Photonics

Lead Scientist EMEA, Mirko De Melis, Ph. D sheds light on cardiovascular disease detection research and prevention methods

The powers of art, science and HyperNormalisation

Dr Kevin J Flint from the International Association for Practice Doctorates looks at how you can apply the concept of 'HyperNormalisation' to current society.
water resource

Permafrost ice as an important water resource for the future?

Martin Hoelzle, Martin Scherler and Christian Hauck from the University of Fribourg explore the possibility of melting ice-rich permafrost as a water resource
research equipment

Research equipment and facilities at Dublin City University are open to the world

Dublin City University is creating an environment where research equipment and state-of-the-art facilities are available for open use

Europe can lead the way to a cure for asthma

Susanna Palkonen of the European Federation of Allergies and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations underlines research around asthma in Europe today
fruit flies

Understanding evolution, past and future

Dr Virginie Courtier-Orgogozo from CNRS details her work on fruit flies, which examines the intricate link between genes and visible traits of living creatures

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