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gene soybean, farming

Team discovers crucial gene in soybean, after 30 year hunt

The University of Illinois team have figured out which gene controls protein content in soybeans - a breakthrough for global food security.
moderate calorie restrictions, chronic inflammation

What are the health benefits of moderate calorie restrictions?

Researchers find that moderate calorie restrictions – with no specific diet – can shift the immuno-metabolic state in a way which can be protective of human health.
habitable zone dead star, white dwarf

Scientists find potential “habitable zone” near dead star

An international team has found what could be a planet with one billion years of "habitable zone" time left.
danish initiative, personalised medicine

Denmark: Moving towards personalised medicine

Magnus Heunicke, Minister for Health at the Danish Ministry of Health, argues that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to Denmark moving towards personalised medicine.
covid virus infect throat, covid symptoms

COVID virus can infect throat 40 hours after entering body

A human trial, done via purposeful infection of 36 people, found that the COVID virus can infect the throat just 40 hours after entering the body.
science and evidence, social contract education

A new social contract for education: Science & evidence

Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), describes a new social contract for education, including why science and evidence matter.
energy urban europe

Energy efficiency & investment in urban Europe

Open Access Government explores the stance of Eurocities on energy efficiency & investment priorities in cities throughout Europe
child poverty mental health, externalising disorders

Can child poverty stimulate mental health disorders in adulthood?

Children who grew up in poverty have a higher likelihood of developing externalising disorders when in adulthood, especially amongst girls.
loneliness health countries, mental health

Increased loneliness has become a global public health issue

Loneliness has become a new pandemic across many countries, creating a range of mental and physical health problems for people on a global scale.
natural regeneration, deforestation

Natural regeneration can rapidly re-grow tropical forests

Allowing forests to naturally re-grow has been shown to be an effective strategy in tropical forests, reversing deforestation at a fast rate.
livestock production

A perspective on industrial livestock production

Peter Stevenson OBE, Chief Policy Advisor from Compassion in World Farming, provides a perspective on industrial livestock production
Peter Stevenson

Peter Stevenson OBE – Compassion in World Farming

Peter Stevenson is Chief Policy Advisor of Compassion in World Farming and is a qualified solicitor. He received an OBE in October 2020 for “services to farm animal welfare”. He studied economics and law at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. He played a leading role in winning the EU bans...
cell heterogeneity

Single cell cancer research

Chair of Medical Cell BioPhysics Leon WMM Terstappen highlights why the interrogation of the cancer cells at the single cell level is required to truly understand cancer development.
tb prevention Africa

Tuberculosis prevention efforts in Africa

Dr Michel Gasana & Dr Hugues Lago from WHO - Regional Office for Africa, spoke to OAG about the status of tuberculosis prevention
fuel cell carbon, hydrogen

Environmentally friendly fuel cells to capture 99% of carbon dioxide

Researchers use hydrogen fuel cells for carbon capture, bringing environmentally friendly fuel cells to transportation and technology.
poor sleep heart, sleep health

Poor sleep can increase risk of heart disease by up to 141%

A bad night’s sleep has been found to have poor effects on your physical health, increasing the risk of heart disease.
digital platform, digital

Solution to make “non-standard employment” sustainable

Giuseppe Guerini discusses platform cooperatives for the digital age: a solution to making "non-standard employment" sustainable, and to sharing their value chains.
Open source technology, software

What is open source, and why does it matter today?

Amanda Brock, CEO of OpenUK, considers what open source is and why it matters today.
Amanda Brock

Amanda Brock – OpenUK

Amanda is CEO of OpenUK, the UK body for Open Technology. She is also a Board Member of the Cabinet Office Open Standards Board; an Advisory Board Member for the UK Government Energy Sector Digitalisation Task Force; and European Representative of the Open Invention Network. Amanda is the Editor...
dehydration care homes, dehydration research

Dehydration in older adults in care homes

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, provides several perspectives on dehydration in older adults in care homes, starting with a general overview.

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