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Keyboard of laptop lit up against black background

Using advanced analytics tech to safeguard from intellectual property theft

Phillip Akers, Head of Public Sector at Quantexa, discusses how we can use advanced analytics tech to safeguard from intellectual property theft.
White male hacker sitting in dark room listening into people's calls

Hermit Spyware: Who discovered it and why is it dangerous?

Open Access Government interviews Justin Albrecht, the man behind the discovery of Hermit Spyware in Italy and Kazakhstan.
Woman unlocks phone with her finger print

Is it time for the death of the password?

In this podcast, Open Access Government speaks with Patrick McBride on how to best protect your data online and whether it's time to go passwordless.
United Kingdom on blue digital planet Earth with international network representing communication, travel and connections. 3D illustration. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

Can Britain truly undergo an effective digital transformation?

What does effective digital transformation look like? The UK needs to grow its digital economy to suit all of the job opportunities predicted to rise in the next few years – but a world-leading skills framework is needed.
High-technology used in AI medical equipment for healthcare

What are the pros and cons of implementing AI in healthcare?

AI in healthcare covers a wide range of assistance to health systems and workers, but what are the specific benefits and downfalls of its adoption?
dark web

Exposing the criminal underground of the dark web

Open Access Governments speaks with Gareth Owenson, one of the founders of Searchlight, to uncover the murky underbelly of the world wide web.
European Innovation Agenda

The Commission’s new European Innovation Agenda

July 2022 saw the European Commission’s attempt to spearhead what is known as the new innovation wave with its ‘European Innovation Agenda” placing it at the forefront of deep-tech innovation and start-ups.

The dangers of the dark web: being safe online

Open Access Government speaks with Javad Malik from KnowBe4 on security awareness programmes and the dark web.
Productivity Day, work

How to keep your balance this World Productivity Day

Productivity is vital for all organisations to thrive, and in today’s always-on society, many employees are feeling the pressure to get more work done than ever before.
job burnout, working from home

46% of the working population at risk of job burnout

Almost half of working people are at risk of job burnout, and people working from home are more likely to feel this way, as almost one in ten are burning out.
protect duty

Protect Duty: What does it mean for the security of publicly accessible spaces?

Axis’ Steven Kenny looks at the Protect Duty, what it means for the owners and managers of publicly accessible spaces
sexual violence, sexual violence against women

EU crackdown on sexual violence against women

The European commission is calling for tougher and more robust legislation to protect women from sexual violence.
Russia and Ukraine, Putin

Historic timeline of Russia and Ukraine conflict

Russia has launched an attack on the former Soviet republic, as President Putin stands against Ukraine from joining the NATO military alliance – he claims he is defending the people from Ukraine’s ‘militarisation’.
russian disinformation

Recognising the dangers of Russian disinformation in Ukraine

Russian forces have launched an assault on major Ukrainian cities, however, there is another battle going on online concerning Russian disinformation.
ICT4Peace Foundation

ICT4Peace Foundation – ICT for peaceful purposes

ICT for crisis management, disaster risk reduction and peace-building, brought to you by the ICT4Peace Foundation.
china's deepfake

China’s legislative attempt to control deepfake tech

China’s cyber space watchdog has released a new draft regulation in an effort to control the dangerous use of deepfake technology across the country

Men at higher risk of “sextortion” since the COVID pandemic

Men, Black and Native American women, and LGBTQ Individuals at high risk of falling victim to online extortion
mental health conditions

A WHO perspective on mental health

Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Advisor, Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO African Region speaks about mental health and why it is so important today
flood monitoring

Fighting climate change with autonomous flood monitoring

Neelam Sandhu, SVP, Chief Elite Customer Success Officer at BlackBerry, explores how autonomous year-round flood monitoring and intelligent early warning systems can be deployed by local municipalities to protect communities from natural disasters.
IT systems

Waste and inefficiency in outdated government IT systems

Adrian Overall, CEO and Founder of CloudStratex, discusses how the UK government has historically struggled to digitally transform itself and how it can be best be addressed to ensure value for the taxpayer.

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