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Supporting basic research in Switzerland

Basic research is a key area that the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) promotes and funds, as Open Access Government’s Ciara Ruane outlines

Encouraging the digital workforce of the future

Holly Ellis from the Government Digital Service outlines how they are helping young people develop the key skills needed for a future digital workforce

Achieving excellence in Dutch science

Open Access Government’s, M Warrender outlines how the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science in the Netherlands is driving excellence in Dutch science

Gluten friendly technology fixes proteins in wheat kernels

Professor Carmen Lamacchia is the inventor of a new gluten friendly technology that promises to make bread and pasta safe for people with coeliac disease

EUFAR promotes airborne research

EUFAR supports and develops airborne research projects to boost earth system understanding and weather prediction innovation in Europe
cyber security

Cyber security, GDPR and the public sector

Jayne Goble, public sector security expert at PWC looks at what the General Data Protection Regulation means for cyber security and if we’re prepared

Stability and instability in the Caucasus: social cohesion

A consortium coordinated by the University of St. Gallen looks at the Caucasus and the importance of social cohesion for stability in the region
transferability of health information on laptop

Has austerity made healthcare a political football?

There are recent examples where healthcare has been used to win over voters, says Dorli Kahr-Gottlieb, Secretary General, European Health Forum Gastein Health has become a highly politicised issue. Whether we’re talking about President Macron and the French dentist fees, the relocation of the European Medicines Agency or Farage’s claim...

The COSMOS project: a first progress report

Professor Nicola Vittorio of Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’ reviews the first 6 months of the COSMOS project and how it is progressing

What is the European drug situation in 2017?

Jane Mounteney, Alexis Goosdeel and Paul Griffiths from the EMCDDA highlight key findings from the 2017 European Drug Report and new threats emerging.

Understanding changes to extreme rainfall

Rainfall data can be used to help us adapt to climate change. Hayley Fowler, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at Newcastle University explains
Balfour must find Blackpool Airport buyer today

EUFAR – Coordinating airborne environmental sciences

Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to support a range of applications in environmental sciences, says EUFAR
imec start-up incubation programme diagram

Imec start-up incubation for digital entrepreneurs

For those looking to kick-start their tech business, this imec start-up incubation programme offers support with coaching, facilities and funding Imec.istart is an imec business incubation programme that supports tech start-ups with coaching, facilities and funding. The programme has been recognised by UBI Global as one of the world’s best...

Are m-CHP systems the answer to reducing emissions?

José Luis Viviente from TECNALIA explains how micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems can help to reduce CO2 emissions in rural communities
Antimicrobial resistance

Tackling the threat of antimicrobial resistance in Canada

As antibiotics become less effective against infection, Minister of Health, Jane Philpott, outlines the response to antimicrobial resistance in Canada.

Citizen participation in energy-related activities

ENTRUST is a H2020 project exploring human behaviour towards energy-related activities. University College Cork’s Niall Dunphy explains Energy has traditionally, and indeed it continues to be, framed almost exclusively as a commodity. From this perspective, citizens mainly occupy the role of passive – or occasionally as so-called ‘active’ – consumers whose...

Delivering flexible and secure energy solutions

Dom Barton, of Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited explores the national challenge to deliver sustainable, affordable and secure energy solutions

Truth and Reconciliation: What strides have been made?

How are Canadian higher education institutions responding to the truth and reconciliation commission’s calls to action? Brock University’s Dawn Zinga shares

Photonic nanostructures and the electron microscope

Shima Kadkhodazadeh, researcher at DTU Cen talks about the role of electron microscopy in developments in photonic nanostructures

Harmonising the bio-based economy policies

Standardisation can accelerate bio-based economy growth. Here, Suzan van Kruchten, Standardisation Consultant, NEN explains Bio-based products represent an important part of the bio-economy, which is seen as a major source of economic growth and employment for Europe in the 21st century. Standardisation can accelerate bio-economy growth as several projects of...

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