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Asteroseismology: It’s written in the stars

The power of asteroseismology – what can we learn from the stars? Saskia Hekker from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research reveals here

Sustainable water treatment with Arctic attitude

Professor Riitta Keiski, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu talks about the importance of sustainable water treatment in Northern Finland

Delivering flexible and secure energy solutions

Dom Barton, of Metropolitan Infrastructure Limited explores the national challenge to deliver sustainable, affordable and secure energy solutions

OECD urges next government to focus on boosting productivity

As the country moves to decide the next government, the OECD has called for more investment in projects that will encourage growth and productivity

Advancing space science in Europe requires collaboration

Open Access Government’s M.F Warrender highlights how the European Space Agency and the EU are working together to drive space science

Reducing energy consumption requires communication

Thomas N. Mikkelsen highlights how Natconsumers has developed a methodology to communicate more effectively with consumers to reduce energy consumption
DTU CEN - Center For Electron Nanoscopy

In situ electron microscopy unravelling mobile atoms

Recent development in in situ electron microscopy is discussed by Thomas Willum Hansen, Senior Researcher at DTU CEN - Center For Electron Nanoscopy. Contemporary society requires the continued need for optimized materials with a performance always surpassing the previous generation with at least an order of magnitude. In order to...

Fusion energy could be the future of power production

Neil Alexander for the Canadian Nuclear Association shares why society should be looking to fusion energy to power homes and businesses in the future

Nanoscale imaging research: Small is beautiful

Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner, Scientific Director at the Center for Electron Nanoscopy shares his knowledge relating to nanoscale imaging research

Is this the second coming of living labs in Europe?

Here, Seija Kulkki, of Aalto University School of Business discusses participative RDI for inclusive transformations and Europe’s living labs
fusion energy

Fusion energy: Unlocking the zero-emission grid

The opportunities provided by fusion should not be overlooked. Here, Michael Delage, of General Fusion Inc. explains the potential of the energy source A cornerstone of any realistic path to overcoming climate change is developing sources of energy that are emission-free, on-demand and economically viable. Such sources would sustain the...
Climate Service Center

How to brace for climate change as a business

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) discusses the need to prepare for climate change as a business, presenting a tool to advance the understanding of opportunities and risks. For many of us, climate change is still a distant threat looming in the future. However, heat waves in summer, a delayed start...

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: getting closer to a cure?

Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Silvia Deaglio, highlights the research strides being made in the fight against chronic lymphocytic leukemia
supporting the ageing population

Supporting the ageing population as a corporate mission

Ana João Sepulveda outlines how 40+Lab is helping organisations and businesses to out-rival in supporting the ageing population and preparing for the silver economy

IFS says election spending promises are not honest

Neither the Conservatives nor the Labour party are being forthcoming about election spending promises in their manifestos

Outsourced IT fail: Why government must use the cloud

Alistair Smith, Government and Public Sector Lead, Contino outlines why moving to the cloud could help government departments ditch toxic vendor relationships I’ve spent the last few years working on projects across a number of public sector organisations and have seen many of them hamstrung by legacy vendor relationships, typically...

Optimising the communication plan of a basic research project

European-supported project “Darklight” shows how basic research can have an impact at several levels, including the general public, if properly communicated

Ensuring health equity for Canadian indigenous populations

Professor Pierre S. Haddad shares the challenges of overcoming health inequality for Canadian indigenous populations and highlights solutions to the issue

A German Adaptation Strategy for climate change

German Environment Agency’s Petra Mahrenholz provides insight into Germany’s Adaptation Strategy and how it assisting in the fight against climate change

Governments must adopt an agile mind-set towards security

Fen Labalme and Robert L. Read of Agile Government Leadership, explain the role of an agile security process in highlighting and preventing security risks

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