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EP committees endorse 40 per cent ESFI climate target

The European Parliament Committees have approved a 40 per cent target that will help climate proof the European Fund for Strategic Investments

Ensuring the preservation of biodiversity in Finland

Petri Ahlroth, Director of the Natural Environment Centre, Finnish Environment Institute explains why it is important to protect biodiversity in Finland

Open Access Government May 2017

Open Access Government May 2017 includes articles on key topics such as health and social care, research and innovation, as well as cyber security.

Climate services – shaping a growing market

Climate services is a growing sector where market opportunities and ways towards operationalisation are being explored. Prof Dr Daniela Jacob explains

Railway stations – The Railway World

ZNAPZ discuss the crucial role of railway stations in the functionality of rail networks. We have been writing about Asset Management in the Railway Industry, the Infrastructure and the Trains (Rolling Stock). However there is one important aspect that we haven’t highlighted yet: The Railway Stations. Stations play a crucial role...

Nanoscale imaging research: Why is it useful?

The Center for Electron Nanoscopy’s Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner highlights the strides being made in nanoscale imaging research

Uterine fibroids: Where is research heading?

Uterine fibroids represent a prevalent benign gynaecologic problem in the U.S, here Romana A. Nowak of the University of Illinois explains

Endocrine disrupting chemicals: From feeds to hormones

Alberto Mantovani and Chiara Frazzoli, scientists of the Italian National Health Institute, discuss the role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in feed-food chains

Evidence based health promotion at work

Health promotion is the workplace is a key priority in the 21st Century, explains Jaana Laitinen of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

Tackling chronic diseases through innovative health

John Bowis, Honorary President of Health First Europe highlights how innovations in health are helping with tackling chronic diseases

FinnFusion: Advancing fusion research in Finland

The FinnFusion Consortium focuses on two centres of excellence, fusion power plant analysis and remote handling, explains Dr Tuomas Tala

Climate research gains €8.2m EPA funding

The Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland has made available some €8.2m available for climate research

Competence-oriented music lessons to improve teaching

What does the learning culture of music lessons in Switzerland look like? The University of Zurich investigates how lessons could be improved

Boosting innovation in the wood technology sector

A multidisciplinary approach is necessary to stimulate the wood technology sector, says Professor Frédéric Pichelin, of Bern University of Applied Sciences

Utilising cryogenic technologies in demanding environments

Peter Iredale, Engineering Lead at Honeywell Hymatic talks about using cryogenic technologies for precision tactical and space applications
Police numbers will grow as Labour pledges an extra 10,000 officers

Police numbers will grow as Labour pledges an extra 10,000 officers

Extra police officers will be put on the streets of England and Wales if Labour wins the upcoming snap General Election
after-school progams

Effective after-school programs

Michelle Jutzi, M.A. & Prof. Dr. Katharina Maag Merki, University of Zurich discuss the role of after-school programmes in supporting student well-being and learning.

Promoting science and higher education in Portugal

Open Access Government highlights how science and higher education in Portugal are helping to turn the country into a knowledge hub for future generations

The key to sustainable growth is in the oceans

Often seen as one of the most overstretched resources, the seas offer one of the best avenues for sustainable growth if utilised correctly

Helping Indigenous communities become healthier

Carrie Bourassa, Scientific Director, CIHR-IAPH discusses the issue of poor health among Indigenous communities and says research is the key to tackling it

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