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Teachers are experts in driving social mobility

Teachers are experts in driving social mobility

In a speech, Secretary of State for Education Justine Greening highlights how teachers are inspiring the professionals of the future
climate protection tree covered building Turin

Climate protection: Investing in a low-carbon Europe

Investment in climate protection is vital to overcome environmental challenges. Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, European Environment Agency explains Our climate is changing. We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to limit the rate of climate change, and at the same time, take measures that help us prepare for current and future...
disease-associated myosteatosis fish oil

Disease-associated myosteatosis in people with cancer: Can it be treated?

Can we prevent the muscle loss associated with some cancers? Dr Vera Mazurak at the University of Alberta is looking into one method of treating myosteatosis Pathological fat infiltration into muscle is a feature of disease-induced muscle loss that significantly associates with shorter survival in people with cancer. Fat is...
systems biology research test tiubes

Ten years in systems biology research at BioQuant

Heidelberg University describes 10 years of successful systems biology research and education at their BioQuant Center Systems biology research facilitates the discovery of yet unknown principles of complex biological systems, by connecting the experimental life sciences with mathematics, bioinformatics, engineering and computation. Quantitative experimental data are translated into mathematical models...
Ingenuity Lab

Ingenuity Lab: Tackling global challenges

Ingenuity Lab discuss the development of over the horizon solutions to global challenges. Our modern world seems to get more complex every day. As our technological sophistication increases, it appears that the challenges facing humanity have also grown. As a society we are focused on solving the grand problems of our...
engineering workflow prof dr alexander fay

Engineering workflow: Challenges and methods for improvement

Prof Dr Alexander Fay, Head of the Automation Technology Institute at HSU Hamburg, describes how methods, models and tools can support engineering workflow The engineering of huge and complex technical systems, such as buildings, production, transportation and energy systems, requires the coordinated contributions of different crafts and organisations over a...
food neuroscience fresh fruit veg and nuts

Food neuroscience: The fascinating world of eating behaviours

Professor Raffaella Rumiati shares some insights into food recognition and eating behaviours that are emerging from food neuroscience research at SISSA In recent years there has been growing interest in finding out how our brain processes food cues and directs our food choices. Food is essential because it provides the...
migrants mental health refugees beach

Europe needs a plan to address refugees’ and migrants’ mental health

Refugees' and migrants' mental health care needs must be addressed, and a coordinated response is essential, stresses Ophélie Martin at Mental Health Europe More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015 and 2016, with more expected to arrive in 2017. Many of them have endured physical...
endocrine disruption looking glass

Through the looking-glass: Endocrine disruption and child health

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi at the Italian National Health Institute discuss the need for further research on endocrine disruption and child health When assessing potential health hazards in food chains or the environment, it is clear that children cannot be considered as miniature adults. In fact, children breathe more...
cancer research and training

Cancer research and training take centre stage in NCI’s work

Open Access Government spoke to the National Cancer Institute’s Dr S Percy Ivy about cancer research and training and the importance of clinical trials The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is one of 27 institutes that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NCI is the US federal government’s...

How project ACXIS is revolutionising x-ray cargo inspection

Empa – Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology discuss ACXIS, a project funded by the EU under the 7th Framework Programme.
DCU research centres enterprise engagement student

DCU’s new research centres reflect its enterprise engagement drive

Dublin City University established 10 new emerging research centres in 2016, all valuable vehicles for research and enterprise engagement Dublin City University (DCU) is a young and dynamic university which aims to have an impact on Irish society, not only by placing education, research and innovation at the heart of...
Erasmus+ review european university trinity college

The Erasmus+ review: More than a European funding programme

Michael Gaebel, Director of Higher Education Policy at the European University Association, highlights the upcoming European Commission Erasmus+ review The European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme is of major importance for European higher education institutions. Like its predecessors, it provides funding for international staff and student mobility, inter-university cooperation, and wider engagement...
immunology, animal health

Immunology offers sustainable solutions for animal health

Artur Summerfield, the University of Bern discusses translating basic immunology to innovative and sustainable solutions for animal health and welfare.
baby under blanket cognitive development in infancy

What do we know about cognitive development in infancy?

Research into cognitive development in infancy has thrived over recent years, but there’s still a lot we don’t know, as UCLA Professor Scott P Johnson writes Our research focuses on the origins of knowledge in humans. The past several decades have witnessed a blossoming in research on perceptual and cognitive...
gender pay gap recommendations women at work

Gender pay gap recommendations ignored by government

The cross-party Women and Equalities Committee says the government is ignoring its gender pay gap recommendations and failing to tackle the issue The gender pay gap will not be eliminated in a generation if the government goes on ignoring the evidence and recommendations it is given, says a cross-party committee...
Prison officer pay boost labelled ‘divisive’ and ‘poorly thought out’

Prison officer pay boost labelled ‘divisive’ and ‘poorly thought out’

A prison officer pay boost announced by the Justice Secretary has been slammed as “divisive” and inadequate by the Prison Officers’ Association Prison officers at 31 prisons in London and the South East are set to get an immediate pay rise, according to the Ministry of Justice. Justice Secretary Elizabeth Truss...

Spontaneous brain plasticity brings hope after stroke

Stroke is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, but research into spontaneous brain plasticity could offer hope for recovery Among the main causes of brain injury, ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke burdens the life of hundreds of thousands of people each year. Approximately half of the survivors are susceptible...
tighter data controls GDPR

Tighter data controls: Opportunity and risk

As the EU brings in tighter data controls and the UK passes the Investigatory Powers Bill, iStorage considers opportunities and risks around data protection The increase in data theft is definitely on the rise and there are more and more reports daily of criminals taking advantage of unsecured data. Whilst...
pharmaceutical field

SMEs have a vital role to play in the pharmaceutical field

Dr. Alexander Natz and Dr. Oliver Sude, EUCOPE outline the role small to medium sized innovative companies can play in developing pharmaceutical research

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