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Power-to-gas: A key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system

Dr Frank Graf from DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) details precisely why power-to-gas is a key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system
sustainable development

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): Helping the EU to implement Sustainable Development Goals

Commissioner Phil Hogan shared his views on how the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is helping to shape the EU to implement Sustainable Development Goals, during a speech he delivered on 11th May 2018 at the at German Catholic Days, Muenster in Germany
smart cities

How district energy contributes to smart cities

NODA Intelligent Systems discusses how district heating and cooling systems are cost-effective solutions that contribute to developing smart cities
Professional development courses

Medical and pharmaceutical statistics research: Professional development courses

Prof Thomas Jaki from the Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit at Lancaster University provides an overview of the professional development courses offered at the unit
Hydraulic fracturing

Hydraulic fracturing?-Not so fast, says United Nations review

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking”, the divisive method of extracting natural gas from shale formations, should be approached with caution by countries seeking ways to increase access to energy, says a new UNCTAD report on shale gas 
carbon capture

UK invests £21.5 million into carbon capture technology

Energy Minister Claire Perry has announced that the UK is to lead an international challenge with Saudi Arabia and Mexico to remove carbon from emissions

Why the European Pillar of Social Rights should keep nurses in the profession

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General and Elisabeth Adams, President of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) tell us why the European Pillar of Social Rights should help nurses to remain in the nursing profession
Cereal Species

The nutritional quality of minor cereals and their role in the human diet

Ismail Čakmak of Sabanci University sheds light on the nutritional quality of minor cereals and their importance in the human diet.
local governance

Is local governance ready for climate change?

A group of researchers from the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) ask if local governance is ready for the effects of climate change.
clean growth

Canada’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen their clean growth economy

Minister of Environment and Climate Change in Canada, Catherine McKenna details the country’s plan to reduce carbon emissions and strengthen their clean growth economy
seventh resource

BIR calls upon world leaders to implement new concept of a seventh resource

Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is calling upon world leaders to take bold steps to demonstrate to their countries, and the global population as a whole, how the items we discard and recycle have the power to combat climate change
Healthy Minor Cereals Project

HealthyMinorCereals project – Ensuring nutrition by growing diversity

The HealthyMinorCereals project studies five species of currently less cultivated cereals with the aim to ensure human nutrition through diversity. Cereal production across the EU is currently based on three main crops –wheat, barley and maize – accounting for more than 85 % of the cereals produced and grown on...
research and innovation

Science, research and innovation in the UK

The role of the UK’s Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government Recently appointed on 9th January 2018 as Minister of State at the Department for Transport and Minister for London, Jo Johnson was previously the Minister of State...

Nanomaterials in the semiconductor industry: An end-user industrial perspective

Dr. Dimiter Prodanov from Imec gives an end-user industrial perspective on the vital role of nanomaterials in today’s semiconductor industry and their safe use Nanomaterials are broadly defined as those materials that have a certain percentage of particles at the nanoscale, between 1 and 100 nanometres1. While the size cut-off...
next generation supercomputing

Mont-Blanc project: preparing for next-generation supercomputing

Etienne Walter, Mont-Blanc 3 coordinator at Atos shares an expert perspective on how the Mont-Blanc project is preparing for next-generation supercomputing Arm low-power processors dominate the mobile world of smartphones, tablets and embedded IoT devices. With data centres consuming ever more power, the idea of using highly energy-efficient Arm chips...

CCS answers

How CCS can help to eliminate CO2 emissions through the storage of carbon dioxide
ARM chips

Mont-Blanc project: preparing for next generation supercomputing through ARM chips

Low-power ARM chips dominate the mobile world of smartphones, tablets, and embedded IoT devices, here, Mont-blanc investigates how they could power supercomputers
phase out coal

UK and Canada lead global alliance to phase out coal

The UK and Canada have led a global alliance of 20 countries promising to phase out coal in a bid to switch to cleaner energy
emissions gap

UN warns governments over greenhouse gas emissions gap

The UN has warned that the emissions gap between government greenhouse gas targets and current levels is 'unacceptable' and needs to be reduced
energy efficiency

Energy efficiency a win-win for Canada and industry

The Honourable Jim Carr, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, looks at the potential of energy efficiency for the future

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