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contraception and climate change

What is the association between contraception and climate change?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores what the association between contraception and climate change is and how it can save the planet.
harm the ecosystem, land management

Can too much land management harm the ecosystem?

Land management is the way that Indigenous people have maintained a biodiverse world for generations, but now, does climate intervention from too many sources threaten to harm the ecosystem?
food security in africa, algorithm

Technology can track crop diseases impacting food security in Africa

New research shows how food security in Africa could be protected by an algorithm that can track diseases in banana crops.
eco-friendly fashion

What’s the fuss about eco-friendly fashion?

Here, ethical cleaning company Bio-D, suggest 5 reasons as to why you should switch up your wardrobe and opt for more eco-friendly fashion for the sake of the planet.
global carbon emissions, transport

COVID-19 decreased global carbon emissions by 1551 million tonnes

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research analysed real-time data to understand the impact of this unprecedented lockdown on global carbon emissions.
plant extinction study, natural world

New study finds 40% of plant species are at risk of extinction

A new study highlights that 40% of plant species are at threatened with extinction due to the continued destruction of our natural world.
filters for water purification

Chemistry: Nanocellulose filters for water purification

Benjamin S. Hsiao, Distinguished Professor from Stony Brook University details nanocellulose filters for water purification in this fascinating chemistry focus.
critical raw materials, sustainable Europe

Plans for Europe’s raw materials supply to be more secure and sustainable

The European Commission is introducing an Action Plan on critical raw materials to aid the transition to a more secure and sustainable supply chain.
orbital debris, space force

“Space 2.0” and the problem of orbital debris

Dr David Carroll from CU Aerospace LLC says that there are advantages to nano-satellites and the Space 2.0 environment, but they exacerbate the problem of orbital debris.
falkor research vessel, deep sea coral, great barrier reef

New corals discovered in deep-sea study of the Great Barrier Reef

Using the Falkor research vessel, scientists have explored the deepest regions of the Great Barrier Reef and found five new species of black corals and sponges.
plant protein fertilisers

Plant protein discovery could decrease our dependence on fertilisers

Researchers have discovered a protein in plant roots that could improve the tolerance of crops to climate change and reduce the need for chemical fertilisers.
Plastic pollution COVID-19

COVID-19 is exacerbating an already worrying plastic pollution problem

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a huge surge in plastic pollution, adding to an already worrying plastic waste problem that is threatening all marine life.

Space: Morphology of impact craters from shaped penetrators

Here, M. Danner and R.M Winglee from Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, share their expertise on the morphology of impact craters from shaped penetrators.
entropy formula

An explanation of entropy formula research

Tamás Sándor Biró, Vice Director at the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, discusses the current status of entropy formula research.
extinction target

Scientists propose global species extinction target to preserve biodiversity

New research has proposed a long-term target to reduce species extinction rates, with an objective of a more natural rate of fewer than 20 extinctions per year.
wave energy, SEA TITAN

SEA-TITAN: Wave energy technology convergence

Aleix Maria Arenas from Wedge Global tells us what we need to know about the H2020-funded SEA-TITAN project that encourages a step-change towards wave energy technology convergence.
oligomers, semenov

Oligomers: The advanced material for the design of nanomachines

Professor Vladik Avetisov and his teams are searching for oligomeric compositions, which are only a few nanometres in size, that behaves like nonlinear mechanical systems, more of which are detailed here in this chemical physics analysis.
Robert Winglee

Robert Winglee – University of Washington

Professor Robert Winglee is a Professor in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington.
robotic exploration

Subsurface sampling using High-Velocity impactors

Here, R.M Winglee and M. Danner, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, discuss robotic exploration and High-Velocity Impactors.

Innovative technology for natural disasters and other crises

Mayank Kejriwal from the University of Southern California, discusses the role innovative technology can play when it comes to natural disasters and other crises.

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