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coal mines

Coal Authority highlights green initiatives from Britain’s coal mines

To welcome Green GB Week, the Coal Authority has shown how its award-winning approach to delivering sustainable solutions has come from Britain’s coal mining legacy.
sustainable energy worldwide

New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide

Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration explain the reasons as to why sustainable energy worldwide is a requirement if we are to continue producing food in the future for an ever-growing population

Power-to-gas: The key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system

In this in-depth analysis from Dr Frank Graf at the DVGW Research Center at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), we find out that the project STORE&GO demonstrates how green methane provides a keystone for the cross-sector energy transition. We also learn that Power-to-Gas (PtG) is defined as electricity from renewable sources used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen via electrolysis
baltic sea region

Advanced power electronics promotes the green transition in the Baltic Sea Region

The Interreg 5B project Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency (“Green PE”) helps companies in the BSR to transition towards more efficient products using next-generation power electronics.
sustainable economy

Creating a greener, cleaner and more sustainable economy across Europe

European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete is at the centre of efforts to develop a long-term plan to create a greener, cleaner and more sustainable economy across the European Union (EU), as this probing analysis from Open Access Government discovers.
European Energy Union

Establishing a European Energy Union

Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President, Energy Union at European Commission speaks to Open Access Government about establishing a European Energy Union and the importance of all Europeans having access to secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy
wind energy sector

Wind energy sector growth: UK & beyond

From wind turbines to wave power, renewables is a buoyant market. However, it’s wind power that has made the most significant impact on how we generate and use energy — and we’re becoming increasingly reliant on it as an energy source
energy sector in Europe

How climate change impacts the energy sector in Europe

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) explores the degree to which climate change impacts the energy sector in Europe
clean growth strategy

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions: The UK’s government’s Clean Growth Strategy

David Taylor, Head of Corporate Affairs and Innovation at Flogas shares his views on the UK’s government’s Clean Growth Strategy and the extent to which this will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
climate change

Ocean and climate change: Time for a new wave of energy

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries examines ocean and climate change and argues that now is the time for a new wave of energy
renewable energy targets

President Duda signs amendment to help meet EU’s renewable energy targets

Sun Investment Group, which has a 15% share of the Polish solar market, sees presidential amendment to country’s green energy law as positive step towards Poland meeting its solar and other renewable energy targets by 2020
smart meters

82% of people using energy price comparison sites believe that they lose out on...

Research conducted by The Labrador, a free smart switching service suggests that the majority of people using price comparison websites to get the best energy tariff, believe that they are losing out on a significant amount of money every month.

New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide

Sustainable energy is a crucial requirement for the future of food production.  Here Håkan Sandin discusses the requirements of energy for agriculture.

Power-to-gas: A key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system

Dr Frank Graf from DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) details precisely why power-to-gas is a key enabler for a CO2-neutral energy system
green shipping

The future of green shipping in the Baltic Sea

HELCOM Secretariat’s Markus Helavuori and Alexey Bakhtov provide an update on the future of green shipping in the Baltic Sea
sustainable energy solutions

Sweden: Developing the sustainable energy solutions of tomorrow

Sweden’s Minister for Policy Coordination and Energy, Ibrahim Baylan talks to us about his government’s priorities for developing the sustainable energy solutions of tomorrow.
smart cities

How district energy contributes to smart cities

NODA Intelligent Systems discusses how district heating and cooling systems are cost-effective solutions that contribute to developing smart cities
greener economy

24 million jobs to open up by 2030 to support a greener economy

A report produced by the ILO flagship, suggests that 24 million jobs will be created globally by 2030 as we move towards a greener economy.
energy sources

The future of UK gas: Could shale and biomethane be two of the main...

Here to analyse past successes and possible trends is LPG storage tanks provider, Flogas, which has looked at each of these sources of gas to find out just how they are being used and if they have the potential to eventually become the most used form of gas…
urban trees

Greening the inner city: How do we choose the best trees?

Nina Bassuk from the Urban Horticulture Institute, School of Integrative Plant Science Cornell University shares her thoughts on the value of green spaces in inner cities and how we should choose the best trees for this purpose

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