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new mental health figures

New mental health figures show a rise in depression among teenage girls

New mental health figures revealed by a study show that a quarter of teenage girls and 1 in 10 teenage boys have suffered from depression
student mental health

Study shows a decline in student mental health

A new study has revealed that student mental health has declined sharply, with fives times as many suffering from mental illness

Mental health and medication: The importance of perspective

Peter Kinderman, from Mental Health Europe, looks at mental health medication and how we need a new perspective on care

Environmental health science: reducing the risk

Virginia Guidry and Kimberly Gray from the NIEHS outline how environmental health science can help to identify potential hazards in a child’s environment

Providing mental health services in the Palatinate

Pfalzklinikum shares its work as a mental health services provider and explains why wellbeing is vital for everyone, including a firm's own staff
migrants mental health refugees beach

Europe needs a plan to address refugees’ and migrants’ mental health

Refugees' and migrants' mental health care needs must be addressed, and a coordinated response is essential, stresses Ophélie Martin at Mental Health Europe More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015 and 2016, with more expected to arrive in 2017. Many of them have endured physical...

Pfalzklinikum fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie Ador – Mental health on the doorstep

Pfalzklinikum offers more decentralised services for children and adolescents. Improving the mental health care on the spot, right where people live, work and spend their free time, without having to take on long and distressing drives to their therapists and doctors: this is the aim that mental health services provider...
innovative strategies to address mental health crisis

Innovative strategies to address the mental health crisis

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees from the Department of Paediatrics in the University of Illinois at Chicago, outlines innovative strategies to tackle the mental health crisis in the US
Public mental health woman in distress

Councils spend less than 1% on public mental health, charity reveals

Public mental health is not a priority for local authorities according to new figures on spending revealed by the mental health charity Mind Mental health charity Mind say that figures received through the Freedom of the Information Act show that councils spend, on average, less than 1% of their public health budget on...
child mental health girl on steps

Education Policy Institute calls for new children’s mental health challenge

The final report from the Education Policy Institute’s independent commission on children and young people’s mental health calls for new Prime Minister’s challenge The Education Policy Institute’s Independent Commission on Children and Young People’s Mental Health has released a new report today calling for a new ‘Prime Minister’s Challenge on...

Managing for mental health

Bob Grove, Senior Policy Adviser, Mental Health Europe, outlines how mental health can impact a workplace and why it’s important to ensure your workers are mentally healthy The costs to employers and to national economies associated with mental ill health in the workplace are huge. However, when figures of hundreds...

£15m mental health fund announced by the government

The government has announced 41 projects will share £15m to fund mental health places of safety… The Department of Health has revealed £15m will be plugged into improving mental health services. The funding will be used to support 41 projects working on improving the provision of mental health places of...

Young people’s decision making in environmental health

Liliana Cori,  Institute of Clinical Physiology of the Italian National Research Council, outlines the role of young people in making environmental health decisions... The LIFE + GIOCONDA project -  GIOvani CONtano nelle Decisioni su salute e Ambiente - ‘Young people count in environment and health decisions', provides young citizens and local...

Children’s mental health services in Kent get £10m investment

A programme aimed at improving the mental health of children in Kent is set to receive £10m investment… The Big Lottery Fund is to invest £10m in an innovative mental health programme for children. HeadStart, a five year Big Lottery Fund programme, aims to prevent thousands of young people from...

Welsh parents need better mental health support

Charity NCT is calling for better support for parents with mental health problems in Wales… One of the largest parent charities in the UK is calling for action to help parents with mental health problems in Wales. NCT is asking for the Welsh Assembly to reintroduce a designated Mother and...
mental health

Mental health: A communication challenge

Paul Bomke, CEO of Pfalzklinikum outlines why mental health requires a social change… In the field of mental health, the paradigmatic distinction between the treatment of diseases on the one hand and health promotion on the other becomes particularly evident. Although the necessity to prevent mental diseases is obvious because...

Why we need to invest in adolescent mental health care

Ophélie Martin, Communications Officer at Mental Health Europe outlines the importance of early intervention and care for young people who may develop mental health issues… Adolescence can be a turbulent and challenging period. It is a time when young people are building their identity against a backdrop of physical and...
climate change

The gender dimensions of climate change and mental health

Recent participatory research from the Canadian North adds nuance to global literature on gender, climate change, and mental wellbeing Climate change has been identified as the greatest threat to human health this century. Global Climate Change & Health Impacts It is anticipated that the impacts will have wide-ranging consequences globally, including increased risk,...

Peer work in mental health – The major break-through of obstinacy?

Now we see it happen again: an apparently new term appears in the sky of psychiatry: "peer work".  It means that now ill people treat the ill; and what are the professionals, also called skilled persons, going to do? They are, of course, still allowed to treat, but where...
mental health

NUS survey finds students experience mental health issues

The majority of students experience mental health issues, but do not seek help for their problems, it has emerged… A new survey from the National Union of Students revealed eight out of 10 students have experienced some form of mental health issue during last year. The survey of 1,093 students in...

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