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The impact of welfare reform on social housing tenants and housing associations

Sue Ramsden, Policy Leader for Welfare at the National Housing Federation tells us about the impact of welfare reform on social housing tenants and housing associations
modernisation of public services

New manifesto sets out path for biggest modernisation of public services

A new manifesto calling for the most radical modernisation of public services in Britain since the birth of the Welfare State launched yesterday at the Institute for Government
regulations for cryptocurrencies

G20 urged to adopt common regulations for cryptocurrencies

The G20 must work towards an agreement to adopt common regulations for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, affirms the boss of one of the world’s leading independent financial services organisations
Britain's electricity

Bitcoin mining uses less than 1% of Britain’s electricity supply

Cryptocurrency miners are not a major risk to Britain’s electricity infrastructure, says the National Grid
learning to drive

Young people put the brakes on learning to drive due to high cost

A new study has revealed that 31% of 17 to 25-year olds are holding off from learning to drive due to high expenses
cryptocurrency regulation

deVere CEO: Cryptocurrency regulation is necessary and must be welcomed

According to deVere Group CEO, Cryptocurrency regulation is necessary, on its way, and the vital work being done by many international financial watchdogs and lawmakers must be supported
smarter homes

Smarter homes for the elderly could save NHS and social care systems billions

Creating more modified homes could save the NHS and social care system over £2.5 billion a year according to a new report by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers The report, Healthy Homes: Accommodating an Ageing Population, calls for Government to introduce financial incentives for construction companies to build for older...
cryptocurrency markets

Regulation within cryptocurrency markets

Alexander Larsen from the Institute of Risk Management (IRM) provides an in-depth look at the state of play concerning regulation within cryptocurrency markets According to Reuters: “Japan’s financial regulator said on 2nd February it had ordered all crypto - currency exchanges to submit a report on their system risk management,...
cryptocurrency jobs

Cryptocurrency jobs in India increase despite Delhi’s stance on bitcoin

Jobs and applicants for employment in the cryptocurrency sector have increased substantially according to the Indian Indeed branch The number of postings related to blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs has increased by 290%, along with its job searches containing crypto related keywords which have risen by 52%. The trend was reported by...
Economic policies

European Commission Officials discuss economic policies for Cryptocurrencies

The European Commission has discussed the development of blockchain technology and how cryptocurrencies fit into international economic policies in a series of speeches Commissioner of the European Commission Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel said “think blockchain” at the Digital-Life Design Conference in Munich as she determined how regulation and...

Leading Portugal’s blockchain revolution

In a special interview with Open Access Government, Justin Wu from Etherify sheds light on the firm’s role as a leader in Portugal’s exciting blockchain revolution Etherify is the first Ethereum consulting and software development firm in Portugal. Etherify was started in April 2017 by two young entrepreneurs: Justin Wu...
DB research

What is developmental biology and why is it important?

Andreas Prokop from the British Society for Developmental Biology explores how developmental biology (DB) addresses questions of societal importance The life science discipline Developmental Biology (DB) aims to understand the processes that lead from the fertilisation of an egg cell (or equivalent) to the formation of a well-structured and functional...
Infrastructure Finance

Public, private, or a mix? How to best finance infrastructure

The UK must improve the way it decides between infrastructure finance options if it wants to pick the best value finance options, argues Graham Atkins from the Institute for Government The UK government is planning for £242 billion of public and private infrastructure investment between 2016/17 and 2020/21 (see fig....
Crypto Valley

Switzerland, blockchain’s spiritual home

The Crypto Valley Association’s Tom Lyons argues that along with its competitive advantages, decentralised culture and democratic tradition have made Switzerland an epicentre of the blockchain revolution Few places in the world are more idyllic than the Swiss city of Zug. Situated on a pristine alpine lake, snow-capped peaks in...

PHE launches Change4Life campaign around children’s sugar intake

In the UK, theNew Change4Life campaign encourages parents to 'look for 100-calorie snacks, two a day max' to cut children’s sugar intake Public Health England (PHE) is helping parents take control of their children’s snacking by launching the first Change4Life campaign promoting healthier snacks. This is because of half of the children’s...
One Public Estate

Supporting cross-public sector working – One Public Estate

In this joint feature from the Government Property Unit and the Local Government Association, we find out more about the delivery of The One Public Estate (OPE) programme that supports cross-public sector working The One Public Estate (OPE) programme is jointly delivered by the Cabinet Office Government Property Unit (GPU)...

Blockchain: what is in it for the European economy?

Benoît Abeloos, Policy Officer at the European Commission gives a compelling glimpse into how virtual currency could affect the economy
rising employment

Real wages fall despite rising employment

Data shows that when inflation is taken into account wages are declining despite the rising employment broadcasted by the government
cryptocurrency bubble

Bitcoin price rises over $5000 amid warnings of a cryptocurrency bubble

The price of bitcoin has risen above $5000 and is now more valuable than gold, generating warnings of a possible cryptocurrency bubble
changing regulatory rules

Changing regulatory rules in financial institutions

Jean Noël Georges at Frost & Sullivan explains how RegTech providers can aid financial service organisations in meeting changing regulatory rules

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