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America analysis

January 2020 North America Analysis

The January 2020 edition of North America Analysis boasts a wide array of content on policy issues from the region, including a special feature from Dr Suresh Kuppuswamy at Frost & Sullivan, who explores the future of medical imaging.
myths about CBD

What are the most common myths about CBD?

Here, Paul Segal, chairman and co-founder of Symtomax, details what the most common myths about CBD are.
traumatic brain injury, disease control

Controlling and preventing diseases: A focus on traumatic brain injury

The work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is examined here, with a special focus on traumatic brain injury.
SAD in the workplace

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the Workplace

Research has found that as many as one in three Brits display symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) each year. But what exactly is it, what are the symptoms, and how can we combat it in our workplace?
Urban tree estabishment - Balled and burlapped tree

Transplanting: The final step towards successful urban tree establishment

Dr Nina Bassuk from the School of Integrative Plant Science discusses the importance of transplanting in urban tree establishment.
transformation and paradigm change

On digital transformation: Transformation and paradigm change

Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean, Berlin School of Business and Innovation, shares his perspective on digital transformation, transformation and paradigm change.
diabetes care, healthcare practitioners,

Invigorating education for diabetes care professionals

The iDEAL group shares their thoughts on invigorating education for today’s diabetes care professionals.
materials research

Supporting science in the United States: A focus on materials research

Here, Writer Megan Warrender, focuses on materials research as an example of how science is supported in the United States by the National Science Foundation.
importance of digitalisation, smart cities

The economic importance of “digitalisation”

Alun Foster, Head of Plans and Dissemination at ECSEL JU, lifts the lid on the economic importance of “digitalisation”.
national toxicology program

The National Toxicology Program: Needs and opportunities

Open Access Government spoke to Dr Brian Berridge, Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the U.S., about the needs and opportunities he sees within the NTP.
Cardiovascular side effects

Cardiovascular side effects of night-time train noise

The cardiovascular side effects of night-time train noise is placed under the spotlight here by a group of experts from Gutenberg-University Mainz in Germany and the Danish Cancer Society.
neurodegenerative diseases, protein

A brief overview of advances in neurodegenerative diseases

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, provides an overview of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
European Commissioner for Agriculture

The priorities of the new European Commissioner for Agriculture

The priorities of the new European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski are placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government.
agroecology, Europe’s farming,

Agroecology: The way to sustainability in Europe’s farming

Geneviève Savigny, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, argues that agroecology is the way towards sustainability in Europe’s farming.
Europe’s future, sustainability

Sustainability must be at the heart of Europe’s future

Vice-President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Isabel Caño Aguilar, argues here that sustainability must be at the heart of Europe’s future.
anion exchange membrane, computer simulation

Anion-exchange membranes with high hydroxide conductivity: First-principles computer modelling

Here, we find out about first-principles computer simulations performed in the group of Prof Mark E. Tuckerman, who uncover principles for designing high-performance alkaline anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells.
make technology work, IT

Fresh IT: Make technology work for your business with smaller, smarter projects

Organisations have gorged on lavish IT banquets and they can’t take another byte. Marc Silvester, CEO at Silxo, says it’s time they changed their eating habits – for a diet that’s easier on the corporate digestion, pocket and long-term health prospects.
impact of fossil fuels

Green transport: Combatting the impact of fossil fuels

Cllr David Renard, Chairman of the LGA’s Economy, Environment, Housing and Transport Board and Leader of Swindon Borough Council, outlines here how new vehicle technologies and other measures can help combat the impact of fossil fuels.
scientific discovery in weather

A new era of scientific discovery in weather and climate

Dr Anjuli S. Bamzai, Division Director for Atmospheric and Geospace articulates why the research community is at the cusp of a new era of scientific discovery in weather and climate, enabled by innovative cutting-edge technologies.
air quality plan, cardiff

Cardiff wins £21million to implement air quality plan

Lesley Griffiths, Environment Minister, approved the revised air quality plan for Cardiff and awarded £21million to the city for implementation.

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