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Carnivore research can shape wildlife management policies

John D C Linnell, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research discusses how using large carnivore research can be used to inform wildlife management policies in Norway Conflicts associated with the recovery of populations of wolves, bears, lynx and wolverines in Norway during the last 30 years have motivated intensive research projects. The...

£2.75bn funding to aid agriculture research

European Commissioner Phil Hogan has announced £2.75bn will be made available to support agri-innovators… Speaking at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association conference in Denmark, European Farming Commissioner Phil Hogan revealed £2.75bn funding is set to be plugged into the agriculture and research sector. The funding will help to finance...

eHealth is for citizens

Terje Peetso, MD, Policy Officer for DG CONNECT at the European Commission discusses how online healthcare can be beneficial to patients… Citizens’ participation in managing their own healthcare has consistently increased over the last decades and digital tools certainly play an important role in this. The process consists of a...
Brock University

The Road to Reconciliation: How will Canada address its responsibilities to indigenous students

There are significant funding gaps between Indigenous students and non-Indigenous students within Ontario. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is responsible for providing education to Indigenous students however, it is outside of federal jurisdiction to deliver education as under the Canadian Constitution education is within individual provincial and territorial...
Dr Ginny Stewart

Point-of-care ultrasound in shortness of breath and intravenous access

Dr Stewart is is the founding Emergency Ultrasound Director and Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Director for Riverside Medical Group.  As a practicing Emergency Physician in North Carolina, USA; Dr Stewart is also working as Assistant Professor for Eastern Virginia Medical School. Point-of-care ultrasound This educational resource is designed to provide clinicians with practical knowledge of point-of-care ultrasound that translates...
radiator thermostat

Space heating – the blind spot of the EU energy and climate policy

Pertti Salminen, Director, EU Affairs and Antti Kohopää, Adviser of District heating at Finnish Energy highlights the benefits of district heating… Heat consumption of residential, commercial and public buildings is about 30% of all energy use in the EU. Heat demand is mainly satisfied by individual fossil gas, oil and...

8 ways the referendum vote could affect your business costs

Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings outlines what impact the EU referendum vote could have on businesses... British history is about to be made, and despite the 23rd June Referendum being on the horizon, we have no clue as to which way the public will be voting. This uncertainty extends...

From spruce to beech forests – fundamental ecosystem transformation driven by climate

Professor Line Nybakken,  Norwegian University of Life Sciences talks about the climatic potential of beech trees... Beech has a wide distribution in Europe, but reaches its northern boundary in South-East Norway. With future climate change, it is expected that the beech will expand northwards, probably at the cost of spruce. Beech...

8 things businesses can learn from football

BSI outlines what businesses can learn from football and how it can help to focus your firms objectives.. Many people regard Johan Cruyff as one of the greatest football players of all time. Over the years his quotes have inspired and encouraged both athletes and non-athletes, and can even be applied to business. Cruyff...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

PETRAS – Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things

Jeremy Watson, Professor of Engineering Systems at UCL and Emil Lupu from Imperial College London outline how the new PETRAS research hub aims to fill knowledge gaps and promote safe and secure use of the Internet of Things… The PETRAS Hub, with £9.8m funding recently awarded by the Engineering and...
UCB Pharma

Enabling research into Neurodegenerative disease through sharing of data

Professor Duncan McHale discusses neurodegenerative disease research... Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing global challenge as medical advances ensures more individuals live longer.  By 2020 there will be > 40 million individuals in the world with Alzheimer’s disease and by 2040 without the development of truly disease modifying drugs this will...

Why you don’t need continuous improvement

Why bother with continuous improvement when you already have the most efficient and effective organisation you could possibly have? You’ve coped long enough without it, so why would you all of a sudden want to use this proven system to effect improvement? Maybe because……. a) You have the customer at the heart...

Health Care: Using lean to transform a hospital into a rehabilitation centre

South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) provides publicly funded social and health care to 133 000 citizens of South Karelia in South-Eastern Finland. Eksote’s strategy includes reducing the use of institutional care and emphasizes providing rehabilitation to those who need support services and institutionalised housing to strengthen...

A national approach to supporting STEM in Ireland

Niamh Lyons, Interim Director of communications, Education and Public Engagement at Science Foundation Ireland highlights the importance of STEM in Ireland, and how the funding agency is supporting projects in this arena A St. Patrick’s Day card I received this year told that the Intel Quark chip which is powering...

New study reveals information on Europe’s towns and regions

A new study has unveiled details of the structures and competences of towns and regions in over 40 countries across Europe… The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) has released figures pertaining to the structures and competences of towns and cities across Europe. The study, which includes details on more...

IT advances leave 40 per cent more secure

Mav Turner, of SolarWinds highlights how far IT security has come and how nearly 40 per cent of UK companies are more secure than a year ago...  Things are looking up in the world of IT security. As high-profile hacks and lesson-worthy leaks hit the headlines, people are taking their security situation...

Construction leaders address EU elephant in referendum debate

The promise of new opportunities, the housing crisis, international trade and the skills shortage all came into question as panellists at the latest UK Construction Week EU Referendum advisory panel, in partnership with World Architecture News, debated the pros and cons of leaving the EU... Taking place at Grimshaw Architects’...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement

Dr Daniela Jacob, of the Climate Service Center talks about COP21 and the role of climate services... After the dust has settled on COP21 – and now that the Paris Agreement is open for signature – it remains the case that the agreement represents a very important step forward in relation to...

Identifying research priorities for cancer

Pavel Poc, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety at the European Parliament, outlines why cancer research and innovation must not be at the expense of healthcare equity… There is no doubt cancer is one of the greatest challenges of the current society. When discussing healthcare...

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