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How does Europe meet 21st Century challenges

The EU and its Member States have faced unprecedented challenges in recent years. Citizens rightly demand more jobs and long term sustainable growth. They expect a more effective response to migration. They want to see all governments maintain stability in and outside EU borders. These issues directly affect Europe’s...
reusing glycol recyctec ebook cover

Reusing glycol: A more eco-friendly alternative

We have developed a globally unique purification method whereby we purify and concentrate used glycol so that it can be reused. In this manner, we will save the Earth’s resources, since glycol is extracted from crude oil and is a non-renewable resource.
prioritising health research

Prioritising health research is key to improving healthcare

Prioritising health research is an important mechanism for improving health, yet much of this research money is wasted, says the University of Nottingham

Peer work in mental health – The major break-through of obstinacy?

Now we see it happen again: an apparently new term appears in the sky of psychiatry: "peer work".  It means that now ill people treat the ill; and what are the professionals, also called skilled persons, going to do? They are, of course, still allowed to treat, but where...
innovation agriculture

EU agriculture industry needs greater innovation

Leading agriculture and food organisations have reiterated the call for a greater push to increase innovation within the sector… Innovation should be considered during every stage of the legislative process, said leading EU agriculture and food organisations during the 7th European Innovation Summit. The Knowledge4Innovation event was hosted at the European...
There is widespread recognition today that lifestyle behaviours play a significant role in health, accounting for upwards of 50% of many diseases. The Heart & Mind Research Unit in Behavioural and Complimentary Medicine at the Montreal Heart Institute seeks to understand what and how psychosocial and psychophysiological factors impact health, with the goal to apply this knowledge in improving wellbeing and preventing disease.

Heart & Mind: Research Unit in Behavioural & Complementary Medicine

There is widespread recognition today that lifestyle behaviours play a significant role in health, accounting for upwards of 50% of many diseases. The Heart & Mind Research Unit in Behavioural and Complimentary Medicine at the Montreal Heart Institute seeks to understand what and how psychosocial and psychophysiological factors impact...
empty wallet

Young people poorer than previous generation

A  new report has revealed during every stage of their lives young people will be worse off than the generation before them… New analysis from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has revealed this generation will be poorer at every stage of their life than their parents. The study is not...

The real cost of healthcare fraud

Jim Gee, Partner and Head of Forensic and Counter Fraud Services at PKF Littlejohn sheds light on the impact of fraud on the healthcare sector… Fraud is a challenging problem no matter what sector it impacts on. Its economic effects are clear – worse public services, less financially stable and...

Cameron criticised for complaining about local cuts

David Cameron has raised concerns about cuts being made by his local council, despite the fact his government is responsible for budget slashes... In what can only be described as a bizarre story, Prime Minister David Cameron has complained about cuts being made in his local constituency, despite being responsible for...

SPCCR (Swiss Primate Competence Center for Research)

Motor control in Monkey’s has been studied at the University of Fribourg since 1975. To be more specific, the neural mechanisms underlying the precise and sophisticated control of voluntary movements, with emphasis on the hand. Several non-human primate centres and laboratories worldwide have contributed to these efforts. IN 2013...

Gynaecological cancers – prevention and early detection

Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention…  According to World Cancer Report 2014 (IARC), at least one third of cancers are preventable. This is true for gynaecological cancers, especially cervical cancer. However, less than 5%...
© Valerii Brozhinskii cloud

Becoming a digital services hub

Richard Godfrey, Assistant Director of Digital Peterborough details how Peterborough City Council is addressing key challenges through better use of cloud technology solutions As the UK’s local authorities continue to battle the ever-present financial, productivity, and modernisation challenges of governing today, many have turned to IT – and cloud computing in...

Procurement qualifications: QCF procurement diplomas or exams?

Stefan Thresh, Managing Director of Qube Vocational Development Ltd gives an evaluation of the benefits of procurement vocational qualifications compared with traditional academic forms of study The procurement diplomas are competency-based qualifications which require learners not only to prove their knowledge and understanding but also to demonstrate the application of...

Peptides control organ loss in plants

Have you ever wondered why the petals fall off your tulips after a week in a vase? Why trees drop their leaves in the autumn? Why fruit fall to the ground when ripe? And why farmers suffer losses when seeds are shed before harvesting time? My research group at...

In Malmö our waste becomes our fuel

Daniel Skog from the City of Malmo outlines how locally produced vehicle fuel could help the city’s transport become more sustainable In Malmö every third trip is done on a bicycle. Also the local railways and coming trams are experiencing increased business but still there is a need for sustainable...
blue economy

Time to invest in the blue economy

The European Union has high hopes for the marine and maritime economy, but, for the blue economy’s potential to be developed, we need more cooperation between the public and private sectors, argues Adam Banaszak of the European Committee of the Regions  I was nominated by my fellow local politicians to...
arctic research

Understanding the Arctic environment

Nate Bauer and Hajo Eicken from the International Arctic Research Center (IARC), highlight how research can help gain invaluable knowledge about the Arctic and its surrounding environments Across the Arctic, researchers continue to identify signals that the region and its ecosystems act as an important amplifier of global climate change. While the...

Carbon dynamics and geomorphic processes in a warming Arctic

Ivar Berthling, Department of Geography, NTNU, Norway There are a number of significant feedbacks and interactions between processes and materials at the earth surface and in the atmosphere. This is a crucial point when considering global warming and climate change effects because such feedbacks might amplify the ongoing warming. One...
climate change

Is climate change affecting our minds?

Emerging research indicates that climate change impacts on mental health an increasing global concern Climate change is increasingly recognised as one of the greatest threats to human health of the 21st Century, with wide-ranging impacts on individuals, communities, and health systems globally. The latest synthesise evidence from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate...
building renovations

Building renovations – The Nordic way

The Nordic Built “Active Roofs and Facades” project has received support from Nordic Innovation, EUDP(DK), Energimyndigheten( SE) and Rannis(IS) allowing strong development of leading Nordic competences in the area of building renovation. This is achieved by creating transnational Public Private Partnership models to support the development of nearly zero energy...

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